Want to Help Us?
Shaw Pit Bull Rescue, Inc. is 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which means your donations/contributions are tax deductible!!
There are many ways supporters like you can get involved with Shaw Pit Bull Rescue beyond our volunteer opportunities. Here are a few ways you can participate and help us save even more dogs.
GIVE A KIBBLE: Organize a dog food drive with your friends or company, and help us ensure no dog goes hungry. We prefer Taste of the Wild Ancient Prairie Roasted Bison &
DONATE SUPPLIES: A contribution of paper towels, pig ear slivers, Milkbone soft & chewy treats, toys or other supplies makes a huge difference in the lives of our dogs. See our complete wish list here.
DONATE TO OUR MEDICAL FUND: Donate directly to our medical fund at Animal Clinic of Columbus by calling 662.327.9414 to make a tax-deductible donation to Shaw Pit Bull Rescue's account.
COIN UP: Donate your 'spare credit card change' monthly. Click here to see how easy it is!
DONATE FUNDS: Every dollar is stretched to help us provide for our adopt-a-bulls. We operate with total transparency - every cent spent or donated can be viewed on our “Where is the Money Going” page.
SHOP: Shop Kroger, select Shaw PBR as your charity - and they will make a donation to us each quarter, based on every purchase you make!
SHOP: Install the iGive and/or ShopRaise app and raise funds for Shaw PBR when shopping participating retailers!
SHOP VIA Capital One Shopping and find even more savings while supporting needle pibbles! This is a free tool that compares prices among various retailers to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible.
DONATE A VEHICLE: Cars aren't the only vehicle you can donate! Find out more.
BUY/SELL ON EBAY: Shaw PBR is part of the eBay Giving Works program. So, you can support our mission when you buy and sell on eBay!
PROMOTE OUR MERCHANDISE: We have a few t-shirt designs and decals available. View all available merchandise, here.
LIKE & SHARE: Like us on Facebook and “share" our dogs with your friends!
Help us promote the Shaw PBR website. Each online visitor increases the likelihood our dogs will find loving, forever homes.
BECOME A SHAW PBR AMBASSADOR! Help us spread information about our mission and organization throughout our community.
DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE LOOKING FOR A DOG? Invite them to consider one of our adopt-a-bulls
Shaw PBR welcomes gifts and donations in memory and honor of family, friends and pets. Your gift is a thoughtful tribute to a special individual or pet who brightened someone's life and will help Shaw PBR continue to provide second chances to the pit bulls we care for. An acknowledgement of your gift will be mailed to whomever you specify. Please contact us at aimee@shawpbr.org for more information.