What Shaw PBR Does

Shaw Pit Bull Refuge takes in abused, abandoned or neglected pit bulls from across the country, as we have room.  Any new dogs coming into the rescue are based on the dogs needs - alone.  We do not have a waiting list...if a dog is in dire need of rescue, it receives priority attention.


We evaluate the situation that the dog is in.  We talk to the people that currently have the dog to find out what the problem is.  If it is behavioral, we try to help the people fix those behaviors (often with themselves, and not the dog). If it is medical, we can relate any experience we may have had, but suggest they contact their local vet as soon as possible.


Once a dog makes it into our rescue, they receive an evaluation.  This evaluation includes a head to toe inspection (for fleas/ticks/marks/sores/etc.) They are then treated for fleas and ticks; fitted with an appropriately sized collar; nails trimmed; given ivomec for worms; given any other medication necessary (penicillin, anti-inflammatory, eye wash, wound care, etc.); micro chipped; and administered a DHLPPV  and bordetella vaccination.  (Depending on age, an additional 1 to 3 DHLPPV vaccinations may be given every 4 weeks).  If the dog appears to have mange, it is quarantined and treated.  


The dog is housed in a 5x20 welded wire kennel with a pea gravel floor; provided with a stainless steel food pan, dog house, and water bucket.  The dog is fed and watered daily, and any feces in the kennel area is removed daily. Spay/Neuter days are generally scheduled once every month or so.  All dogs at Shaw PBR are spayed or neutered before becoming available for adoption.  An unaltered dog will never leave Shaw PBR.


Water buckets and feed pans are scrubbed weekly; dog houses are periodically washed/rinsed; and dogs receive several baths during the summer months. Each month, the dogs are given heart worm preventive; and treated for other worms or fleas/ticks if needed. Every other month they receive evaluations, nail trims, collar checks, etc.  The dogs are also allowed into the play area several days a week - many times two at a time - to run and play with each other.  This helps us evaluate any other health issues (hip problems, etc.); as well as which dogs get along with other dogs, what are any triggers, etc. and how to correct them.


We work with Humane Societies across the United States with special cases.  We have also taken in dogs from Ohio, Oklahoma, Oxford, Starkville, West Point, Columbus, and Rankin County, Mississippi shelters - including MARL.  


However, we are in the process of redirecting our mission to house and rehabilitate game dogs taken from fighting cases.  It has been our experience that these are the most misunderstood of the bully breeds, and yet the most trustworthy and easiest to rehabilitate.  The bigger, more muscular, bully bred dogs people are calling pit bulls these days are less stable, and more likely to become a statistic in the war on dog bites...  The instability of whatever breeds are mixed in, and the power of the bulldog makes for a dangerous mix.  We do not promote these dogs, and honestly prefer not to work with them.  The mixed dogs put us (and the public) at a greater risk of being bitten than a game pit bull.  The true pit bull is where our heart is - and the ones we want to prove to the public  can be the best dogs around.


See also "What Shaw PBR Can NOT Do"

How is this funded?

We rely on donations, social media fundraising, and sales of merchandise.


See How Can You Help Us, Upcoming Events, Media Spots, and Shaw PBR Merchandise



Shaw PBR

368 Old New Hope Road

Columbus, MS 39702

662.386.SHAW (7429)





662.386.SHAW (7429)

Columbus, Mississippi

FEIN: 46-0852468

DUNS: 078737353

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide abused, abandoned or homeless pit bull dogs with the medical attention they need; as well as the love and attention they deserve to heal - both emotionally, and physically.


We will work to facilitate the rescue and placement of abused or abandoned pit bulls into responsible homes and participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment; spay/neuter; food and shelter.


We are dedicated to fostering responsible pit bull ownership through education, adoption, and breed advocacy.