Fiscal Year 2015

Date Description Amount Balance
1.1.15 Balance Forward +$2,599.76 $2,599.76
1.5.15 AKC Microchip Registration (4) -$39.80 $2,559.96
1.6.15 Replacement Handle Latches -$14.89 $2,545.07
1.6.15 Valentine's Day Shirts (30) -$298.41 $2,246.66
1.7.15 Hotel Reservation (Craft Show) -$217.88 $2,028.78
1.7.15 Hotel Reservation (Craft Show) -$230.48 $1,798.30
1.7.15 Paint supplies -$30.92 $1,767.38
1.9.15 Utility cart, sockets, penicillin -$161.37 $1,606.01
1.11.15 E-collar, bandages -$26.74 $1,579.27
1.10.15 Barrels, air hose -$39.00 $1,540.27
1.13.15 Postage (Shirts/Sweatshirt) -$5.84 $1,534.43
1.13.15 SHIRT/SWEATSHIRT (CW) +$45.00 $1,579.43
1.15.15 TRAILER RIMS -$113.80 $1,465.63
1.18.15 ADOPTION (Vixin) +$100.00 $1,565.63
1.18.15 Square Fees -$3.65 $1,561.98
1.18.15 PAINTING SALE (IKP-Boxer) +$45.00 $1,606.98
1.18.15 Postage (IKP Painting) -$5.23 $1,601.75
1.20.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $1,591.75
1.20.15 DONATION (KM) +$20.00 $1,611.75
1.21.15 DONATION (KG) +$25.00 $1,636.75
1.22.15 Vaccinations -$297.25 $1,339.50
1.25.15 SALES (GS) Paintings/Shirts +$120.00 $1,459.50
1.23.15 Dog outfits -$66.36 $1,393.14
1.23.15 Dog outfits -$65.48 $1,327.66
1.23.15 Refrigerator; 120 concrete blocks -$260.62 $1,067.04
1.23.15 Supplies -$58.84 $1,008.20
1.26.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $998.20
1.27.15 IN MEMORY (LK/T-Bone) +$50.00 $1,048.20
1.28.15 DONATION (MP/PP) +$25.00 $1,073.20
1.28.15 ADOPTION (Lexie) +$100.00 $1,173.20
1.29.15 Office/mailing supplies -$31.54 $1,141.66
1.30.15 DONATION (MD/PPGF) +$50.00 $1,191.66
1.30.15 Rabies Vaccinations -$105.00 $1,086.66
1.27.15 DONATION (WH/VD/Hogan) +$25.00 $1,111.66
1.30.15 DONATION (SP/JK/BooBear) +$50.00 $1,161.66
1.31.15 SALES (GS) Shirt +$20.00 $1,181.66
1.31.15 DONATION (AL-Lamont) +$200.00 $1,381.66
2.1.15 SALES (Shirt-DM) +$20.00 $1,401.66
1.31.15 SALES (Shirt) +$15.00 $1,416.66
1.31.15 Square CC Fee -.68 $1,415.98
2.1.15 Donation Jar (Pennyridge) +$36.40 $1,452.38
1.31.15 Fuel -$48.00 $1,404.38
1.31.15 Meal (Board meeting) -$43.48 $1,360.90
2.3.15 Utilities - ELWA -$19.53 $1,341.37
2.3.15 Utilities - Phone -$185.65 $1,155.72
2.3.15 Returned Check/Service Fee -$60.00 $1,095.72
2.5.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $1,085.72
2.6.15 Zippy ties -$20.12 $1,065.60
2.6.15 Aluminum scoop -$24.31 $1,041.29
2.6.15 DONATION (DM-Lamont) +$50.00 $1,091.29
2.6.15 SHIRT SALE (Valentine's) +$20.00 $1,111.29
2.6.15 SNACK FUND +$5.00 $1,116.29
2.6.15 PIGGY BANK SALES +$5.00 $1,121.29
2.7.15 SHIRT/CALENDAR SALES +$45.00 $1,166.29
2.7.15 Square CC Fees -$1.24 $1,165.05
2.7.15 SHIRT/PIGGY BANK SALES (GS) +$120.00 $1,285.05
2.7.15 Canvas, paint -$30.37 $1,254.68
2.9.15 DONATION - Dirt Bag Paddlers +$30.00 $1,284.68
2.11.15 Gravel (13.8 tons) -$186.29 $1,098.39
2.12.15 DONATION (MM-Valentine's) +$20.00 $1,118.39
2.12.15 Medical -$120.00 $998.39
2.12.15 Craft Show Lunch -$28.27 $970.12
2.12.15 Fly Predators -$51.95 $918.17
2.14.15 SHIRT SALES (V-Day) +$20.00 $938.17
2.14.15 PAINTING SALE (AB) +$80.00 $1,018.17
2.14.15 PIGGY BANK SALES (GS) +$50.00 $1,068.17
2.14.15 Square CC Fees -$0.55 $1,067.62
2.18.15 Utilities -$150.00 $917.62
2.19.15 Kroger Disbursement +$123.20 $1,040.82
2.19.15 Amazon Disbursement +$30.75 $1,071.57
2.20.15 DONATION (AE) +$15.00 $1,086.57
2.20.15 iGive Disbursement +$2.85 $1,089.42
2.21.15 SALES (Piggy Bank - GS) +$5.00 $1,094.42
2.21.15 RETURNED CHECK/FEE +$60.00 $1,154.42
2.21.15 SALES (Painting, DC) +$110.00 $1,264.42
2.21.15 DONATION (Invitation Tupelo) +$100.00 $1,364.42
2.23.15 Fuel -$54.75 $1,309.67
2.23.15 Meals -$24.61 $1,285.06
2.24.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $1,275.06
2.24.15 service charge -$15.99 $1,259.07
2.24.15 Snacks for work days -$8.53 $1,250.54
2.24.15 Brochures (500) -$91.32 $1,159.22
2.27.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $1,149.22
2.27.15 SALES (Painting, AP) +$80.00 $1,229.22
2.27.15 SALES (Paintings, SF) +$120.00 $1,349.22
2.27.15 SALES (Painting, LP) +$40.00 $1,389.22
2.27.15 ADOPTION (T-Bone) +$100.00 $1,489.22
2.28.15 Painting supplies -$21.36 $1,467.86
3.1.15 ADOPTION (Lovey) +$100.00 $1,567.86
3.1.15 SALES (Shirts) +$25.00 $1,592.86
3.1.15 Square CC Charge -$.69 $1,592.17
3.2.15 Fly Predators -$51.95 $1,540.22
3.3.15 Medical (Papi) -$58.00 $1,482.22
3.4.15 Cubbies for Office -$98.35 $1,383.87
3.4.15 Truck wash -$13.00 $1,370.87
3.5.15 Website (3 Months) -$29.97 $1,340.90
3.5.15 Cubbies; 3/8" ratchet sets -$128.29 $1,212.61
3.5.15 Travel necessities (Craft Show) -$44.41 $1,168.20
3.6.15 Breakfast - travel (Craft Show) -$12.69 $1,155.51
3.6.16 Fuel (Craft Show) -$50.01 $1,105.50
3.7.15 Fuel (Craft Show) -$42.59 $1,062.91
3.7.15 Snacks (Craft Show) -$3.26 $1,059.65
3.8.15 Craft Show Sales Tax -$57.20 $1,002.45
3.8.15 SALES (GS) +$100.00 $1,102.45
3.8.15 REIMBURSEMENT (Room) +$220.00 $1,322.45
3.8.15 SALES (Shirts/decal) +$30.00 $1,352.45
3.8.15 SALES (Craft Show-Cash) +$405.00 $1,757.45
3.8.15 SALES (Craft Show-CC) +$300.00 $2,057.45
3.8.15 Square reader fees -$3.59 $2,053.86
3.8.15 SALES (Craft Show-Check) +$25.00 $2,078.86
3.9.15 DONATION (AS/KS B'day-HH) +$300.00 $2,378.86
3.9.15 SALES (Painting-MT) +$57.50 $2,436.36
3.9.15 DONATION (SL) +$100.00 $2,536.36
3.9.15 Books -$31.91 $2,504.45
3.10.15 Cubbies, office supplies -$63.35 $2,441.10
3.11.15 PAINTINGS (MH-Custom) +$160.00 $2,601.10
3.12.15 Postage ( -$25.00 $2,576.10
3.12.15 Cubbies, office storage, etc. -$255.34 $2,320.76
3.13.15 Flooring for craft shows -$94.90 $2,225.86
3.14.15 Lawn care, bins, misc supplies -$151.03 $2,074.83
3.15.15 ADOPTION (Blanche) +$100.00 $2,174,83
3.16.15 SALES (Shirts) +$40.00 $2,214.83
3.16.15 REFUND - Room Reservations +$118.64 $2,333.47
3.16.15 Refund reimbursement (AJ) -$50.00 $2,283.47
3.16.15 Fuel -$50.01 $2,233.46
3.20.15 MS SoS Status Report Filing -$26.57 $2,206.89
3.20.15 Fly Predators -$29.95 $2,176.94
3.21.15 Easter props for marketing pics -$25.07 $2,151.87
3.23.15 12x20 Shades (x2) -$156.72 $1,995.15
3.23.15 -$15.99 $1,979.16
3.27.15 DONATION (JH) +$20.00 $1,999.16
3.28.15 SALES (Paintings) +$100.00 $2,099.16
3.30.15 Postage ( -$25.00 $2,074.16
3.30.15 Canvases (x40) -$112.98 $1,961.18
3.30.15 XL Pushpins for paintings -$7.90 $1,953.28
3.30.15 Gravel -$194.74 $1,758.54
3.30.15 Wormer -$30.24 $1,728.30
3.31.15 Lime -$9.00 $1,719.30
3.31.15 Business Cards  -$34.28 $1,685.02
4.1.15 SALES (Pigs • GS) +$25.00 $1,710.02
4.2.15 Adopt Me clothing -$66.97 $1,643.05
4.3.15 Straps, fan, AC unit for office -$240.63 $1,402.42
4.3.15 Return fan +$42.78 $1,445.20
4.3.15 Cable ties -$6.99 $1,438.21
4.3.15 Shades for dog pens -$198.64 $1,239.57
4.3.15 SALES - Painting (JT) +$35.00 $1,274.57
4.4.15 DONATION • Easter (EF) +$50.00 $1,324.57
4.6.15 Microchip registration -$9.95 $1,314.62
4.8.15 Printing (Find the PB *3000) -$103.83 $1,210.79
4.8.15 Fly Predators -$51.95 $1,158.84
4.10.15 DONATION (AL) +$20.00 $1,178.84
4.10.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $1,228.84
4.10.15 42" Drum Fans (2) -$400.00 $828.84
4.11.15 Photo op outfits -$22.45 $806.39
4.12.15 ADOPTION • Lamont +$100.00 $906.39
4.12.15 Square service fees -$2.75 $903.64
4.12.15 SALES (Shirts) +$60.00 $963.64
4.12.15 Books -$42.40 $921.24
4.15.15 SALES (Painting) +$65.00 $986.24
4.15.15 DONATION (Medical Fund) +$10.00 $996.24
4.18.15 CDAF Event +$620.00


4.18.15 CDAF Taxes -$31.15 $1,585.09
4.18.15 Square reader fees -$7.58 $1,577.51
4.18.15 Kong squeaky tennis balls (bulk) -$37.49 $1,540.02
4.20.15 DONATIONS (Vet Fund) +$55.00 $1,595.02
4.20.15 Vaccinations, Yogi exam/injection -$262.25 $1,332.77
4.20.15 DONATION (Vet Fund) +$100.00 $1,432.77
4.27.15 DNA test kits (2) -$126.38 $1,306.39
4.27.15 Lattice panels, bug sprays, etc. -$67.97 $1,238.42
4.27.15 PAWS 4A CAUSE EVENT +$2.00 $1,240.42
4.27.15 Monthly Fee -$15.99 $1,224.43
4.28.15 iGIVE DISBURSEMENT +$36.47 $1,260.90
5.1.15 SALES (Painting - CD) +$65.00 $1,325.90
5.1.15 Postage ( -$25.00 $1,300.90
5.1.15 Fuel -$50.01 $1,250.89
5.2.15 MARKET STREET SALES/DON. +$686.00 $1,936.89
5.2.15 MSF CC/SALES +$130.00 $2,066.89
5.2.15 Square CC Reader Charges -$3.58 $2,063.31
5.2.15 MSF Sales Tax -$28.00 $2,035.31
5.3.15 DONATION (MT•Harley) +$20.00 $2,055.31
5.4.15 Fly Predators -$29.95 $2,025.36
5.9.15 SALES (PAINTINGS) +$75.00 $2,100.36
5.9.15 DONATION (AB) +$25.00 $2,125.36
5.9.15 SALES (SHIRT) +$15.00 $2,140.36
5.10.15 25' HD Ext. Cords; buckets; etc -$182.29 $1,958.07
5.12.15 100' Neverkink HD Hose -$69.51 $1,888.56
5.12.15 Rabies Vaccinations (21) -$105.00 $1,783.56
5.13.15 AMAZONSMILE Disbursement +$31.23 $1,814.79
5.15.15 Food pans -$33.17 $1,781.62
5.15.15 Pest control -$102.06 $1,679.56
5.16.15 Fan covers, office supplies -$43.70 $1,635.86
5.16.15 Fly traps, rat poison -$78.09 $1,557.77
5.18.15 Marketing book -$30.67 $1,527.10
5.18.15 Security system -$269.10 $1,258.00
5.16.15 Fans, paint, HD water hose -$168.71 $1,089.29
5.16.15 HD Extension cord, fly traps -$36.35 $1,052.94
5.18.15 Paint -$9.60 $1,043.34
5.19.15 DONATION (Rabies Clinic) +$10.00 $1,053.34
5.19.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $1,103.34
5.20.15 Security motion sensors -$34.48 $1,068.86
5.21.15 SALES (Painting) +$40.00 $1,108.86
5.21.15 Locks and latches -$41.45 $1,067.41
5.22.15 KROGER Disbursement +$133.07 $1,200.48
5.22.15 Refund (Broken latch) +$8.54 $1,209.02
5.22.15 Replacement latch -$14.96 $1,194.06
5.23.15 Snacks/water for work days, etc. -$38.50 $1,155.56
5.23.15 ADOPTION (Cooter Brown) +$100.00


5.22.15 Lime -$36.84 $1,218.72
5.23.15 Key ID, caps, etc. -$10.05 $1,208.67
5.23.15 MinuteKey - Duplicates (9) -$15.99 $1,192.68
5.23.15 -$15.99 $1,176.69
5.23.15 Fly Predators -$51.95 $1,124.74
5.26.15 DONATION JAR (Trojan's) +$11.52 $1,136.26
5.26.15 Microchip Reg (CB) -$9.95 $1,126.31
5.27.15 Brochures (1000) -$123.87 $1,002.44
5.28.15 Photo Op Clothing -$62.47 $939.97
5.29.15 Microchips (x2 • Willow/Booger T) -$19.90 $920.07
5.29.15 Batteries, door knob, padlocks -$140.88 $779.19
5.29.15 DONATION • Shaw +$80.00 $859.19
5.31.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (5.31.15) +$910.00


5.30.15 Fuel -$54.75 $1,714.44
5.30.15 SALES • Bully Day +$165.00 $1,879.44
5.30.15 Square CC Charge -$1.52 $1,877.92
6.1.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.1.15) +$225.00 $2,102.92
6.2.15 East Lowndes Water (May) -$40.32 $2,062.60
6.2.15 Office supplies -$8.50 $2,054.10
6.2.15 Zippy ties -$7.37 $2,046.73
6.2.15 Stamps -$49.00 $1,997.73
6.2.15 Paint rollers, lawn bug care, etc -$64.23 $1,933.50
6.2.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $1,983.50
6.3.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.2.15) +$125.00 $2,108.50
6.3.15 Website (3 Months) -$29.97 $2,078.53
6.3.15 Paint and supplies for fence -$203.97 $1,874.56
6.3.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.3.15) +$25.00 $1,899.56
6.4.15 DNA Test kits (2) -$139.98 $1,759.58
6.4.15 REFUND - Security System +$269.10 $2,028.68
6.4.15 REFUND - Key duplicates +$10.66 $2,039.34
6.5.15 Rake, Push pins, dry erase board -$41.88 $1,997.46
6.5.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.5.15) +$68.00 $2,065.46
6.6.15 SALES (GS) +55.00 $2,120.46
6.6.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.6.15) +$270.00 $2,390.46
6.8.15 Micro chip registrations (3) -$29.85 $2,360.61
6.8.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.8.15) +$175.00 $2,535.61
6.9.15 Stamps (TY cards) -$49.00 $2,486.61
6.9.15 July 4th photo op's -$12.31 $2,474.30
6.10.15 Pest control, hose stand, zippy ties -$60.24 $2,414.06
6.10.15 DONATION (Shampoo) +$10.00 $2,424.06
6.11.15 Fly Predators -$37.79 $2,386.27
6.12.15 DONATION (TW•Sharpie) +$50.00 $2,436.27
6.11.15 DONATION JAR (AMC) +$11.00 $2,447.27
6.11.15 SALES (Shirt) +$15.00 $2,462.27
6.11.15 DONATION (TM) +$11.00 $2,473.27
6.12.15 Outdoor timers, water, septic aid -$57.31 $2,415.96
6.12.15 Tractor wheel, cattle tags, etc. -$82.32 $2,333.64
6.13.15 DONATION JARS +$114.00 $2,447.64
6.13.15 SALES (Painting) +$100.00 $2,547.64
6.13.15 Dog bed, tubes, turnbuckle, clock -$159.82 $2,387.82
6.15.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.15.15) +$205.00 $2,592.82
6.15.15 SALES (Shirt) +$15.00 $2,607.82
6.16.15 Scrubs (20) -$29.80 $2,578.02
6.17.15 Fly Bait -$37.90 $2,540.12
6.17.15 Emu Oil -$39.58 $2,500.54
6.17.15 SALES (Painting) +$100.00 $2,600.54
6.17.15 990 Dog Ear Fence Boards -$1,055.00 $1,545.54
6.18.15 Medical - kitten vet visit -$55.00 $1,490.54
6.18.15 4x4x8's and 2x4x8's -$1,048.45 $442.09
6.19.15 SALES (Shirts) +$25.00 $467.09
6.19.15 Square CC Charges -$1.03 $466.06
6.19.15 DONATION (SC) +$25.00 $491.06
6.20.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (6.20.15) +$50.00 $541.06
6.21.15 ADOPTION (Chloe) +$100.00 $641.06
6.22.15 Utilities (4 County) -$129.50 $511.56
6.22.15 Everypost (12 months) -$49.99 $461.57
6.23.15 DONATION (DA/JM) +$200.00 $661.57
6.24.15 -$15.99 $645.58
6.27.15 JUNE SPONSORSHIPS (GS) +$171.00 $816.58
6.27.15 SALES (Shirts • GS) +$35.00 $851.58
6.27.15 Misters, Sprayer, Pails, Bed, etc. -$121.86 $729.72
6.27.15 Nails, Timer, Paper towels, drinks -$138.59 $591.13
6.29.15 Advertising -$33.31 $557.82
6.29.15 LOAN - AS +$400.00 $957.82
6.29.15 42" Drum fans (x2) -$400.00 $557.82
6.30.15 Utilities - Water -$27.26 $530.56
7.1.15 DONATION (LB) +$112.00 $642.56
7.1.15 Bank Service Fee -$8.00 $634.56
7.1.15 Etsy charges -$10.00 $624.56
7.1.15 Ivomec -$32.00 $592.56
7.2.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $642.56
7.3.15 PAINTING SALES (LR) +$40.00


7.3.15 NAME CHANGE Anus +$31.68 $714.24
7.4.15 DONATION (EF•July 4th) +$50.00 $764.24
7.4.15 DONATION (Memoriam HD) +$100.00 $864.24
7.4.15 Misters -$63.04 $801.20
7.4.15 Water line hose -$23.59 $777.61
7.4.15 REFUND (Water line hose) +$43.02 $820.63
7.4.15 Water line, fittings, etc. -$77.85 $742.78
7.4.15 Couplings for water line -$9.58 $733.20
7.6.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $723.20
7.6.15 Fly Predators -$32.05 $691.15
7.6.15 Kizoa slideshow maker -$53.64 $637.51
7.6.15 DONATION (TN • Kitten) +$50.00 $687.51
7.8.15 ADOPTION (Willow) +$100.00 $787.51
7.9.15 ADOPTION (Rosie) +$100.00 $887.51
7.9.15 Square Service Charge -$3.65 $883.86
7.9.15 Fly spray, manifold -$48.12 $835.74
7.10.15 DONATION (A.Shaw/New2U) +$100.00 $935.74
7.11.15 NAME CHANGE Anus +$20.00 $955.74
7.11.15 ADOPTION (Victoria) +$100.00 $1,055.74
7.11.15 ADOPTION (BB) +$100.00 $1,155.74
7.13.15 SALES (Shirt) +$10.00 $1,165.74
7.16.15 DONATION (TR) +$50.00 $1,215.74
7.17.15 Bug B Gone; Digital water timer -$57.27 $1,158.47
7.18.15 Picnic tables (2) for agility yard -$209.72 $948.75
7.21.15 Utilities - electric -$210.00 $738.75
7.22.15 SALES (Paintings) +$140.00 $878.75
7.22.15 Animal Sheltering subscription -$10.00 $868.75
7.22.15 Happy Jack Dip/Adam's Spray -$79.85 $788.90
7.22.15 Happy Jack Flea Spray/Water -$28.85 $760.05
7.23.15 SALES (Shirts) +$50.00 $810.05
7.23.15 NAME CHANGE Rocky +$65.00 $875.05
7.23.15 DONATION (SL) +$50.00 $925.05
7.23.15 Insulated Ceiling board; nails, etc -$146.46 $778.59
7.24.15 Scrub tops; tape for ceiling -$27.56 $751.03
7.25.15 Fly predators -$32.05 $718.98
7.25.15 fee -$15.99 $702.99
7.25.15 Nails, tape -$53.68 $649.31
7.25.15 Water dispenser, bottle fee, etc -$72.87 $576.44
7.27.15 DONATION NAME CHANGE  +$75.00 $651.44
7.28.15 DONATION (SW) +$25.00 $676.44
7.28.15 SALES (Shirt-Etsy) +$17.50 $693.94
7.28.15 KENNEL RELEASE (KM) +$25.00 $718.94
7.28.15 PP Fee -$1.03 $717.91
7.28.15 Etsy Fee -$.78 $717.13
7.28.15 KENNEL RELEASE (BC) +$25.00 $742.13
7.28.15 KENNEL RELEASE (AR) +$25.00 $767.13
7.28.15 DONATION (Floyd's) +$100.00 $867.13
7.29.15 DONATION (JB) +$100.00 $967.13
7.29.15 Printer/toner -$122.03 $845.10
7.29.15 Extension cord, 3 outlet -$48.12 $796.98
7.30.15 Water -$8.78 $788.20
7.30.15 Postage ( -$10.00 $778.20
7.30.15 SALES (Decal) +$5.00 $783.20
7.30.15 NAME CHANGE (Amos) +$50.00 $833.20
7.30.15 SALES (Painting) +$50.00 $883.20
7.31.15 PAYPAL GIVING FUND +$3.00 $886.20
7.31.15 REFUND (Fly Predators) +$32.05 $918.25
7.31.15 DONATION (BM) +$50.00 $968.25
8.1.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$135.00 $1,103.25
8.1.15 Etsy Fees -$2.85 $1,100.40
8.1.15 PayPal Fees -$1.24 $1,099.16
8.1.15 PAINTING +$57.50 $1,156.66
8.1.15 Utilities - water -$33.55 $1,123.11
8.1.15 Gate hardware -$72.18 $1,050.93
8.3.15 Shipping boxes for paintings -$72.61 $978.32
8.3.15 Room reservations (MCS) -$191.90 $786.42
8.3.15 Postage (Auction Items) -$4.14 $782.28
8.3.15  -$15.98 $766.30
8.3.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$78.00 $844.30
8.4.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$86.00 $930.30
8.4.15 SALES (Paintings) +$40.00 $970.30
8.4.15 Rebate - Lowe's (Paint) +$20.00 $990.30
8.4.15 Postage (Auction Items) -$4.70 $985.60
8.4.15 PayPal Fees -$2.32 $983.28
8.4.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$20.00 $1,003.28
8.4.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$30.00 $1,033.28
8.5.15 Bank Fee  -$8.00 $1,025.28
8.6.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$118.00 $1,143.28
8.6.15 REFUND (Uline) +$72.61 $1,215.89
8.6.15 Uline (Boxes) -$70.03 $1,145.86
8.6.15 ADOPTION (Sambo) +$100.00 $1,245.86
8.7.15 ADOPTION (Carmen) +$100.00 $1,345.86
8.7.15 SALES (Shirts) +$30.00 $1,375.86
8.7.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $1,425.86
8.7.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$20.00 $1,445.86
8.8.15 Postage (paintings) -$12.99 $1,432.87
8.6.15 Gate plates   -$18.49 $1,414.38
8.10.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$40.00 $1,454.38
8.10.15 Square fees -$1.55 $1,452.83
8.11.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$145.00 $1,597.83
8.11.15 Square fees -$0.33 $1,597.50
8.11.15 Postage (Shirts) -$3.44 $1,594.06
8.11.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$250.00 $1,844.06
8.11.15 Square fees -$1.55 $1,842.51
8.11.15 Internet installation/first month -$93.00 $1,749.51
8.11.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$55.00 $1,804.51
8.11.15 SPAY -$30.00 $1,774.51
8.12.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$30.00 $1,804.51
8.12.15 PP Fee -$1.17 $1,803.34
8.12.15 Postage (painting) -$5.05 $1,798.29
8.12.15 #DONATE +$60.00 $1,858.29
8.12.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$300.00 $2,158.29
8.12.15 JAMBERRY FUNDRAISER +$74.33 $2,232.62
8.12.15 PP Fees -$11.46 $2,221.16
8.12.15 #Donate Fees -$4.20 $2,216.96
8.13.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$10.00 $2,226.96
8.13.15 SALES (FR Shirt) +$15.00 $2,241.96
8.13.15 2500 Help Pet cards -$42.34 $2,199.62
8.13.15 Blackout curtains for office -$14.90 $2,184.72
8.13.15 Squeaky tennis balls -$36.15 $2,148.57
8.14.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$75.00 $2,223.57
8.14.15 Microchip registrations -$29.85 $2,193.72
8.14.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$25.00 $2,218.72
8.15.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$42.51 $2,261.23
8.15.15 AUCTION PAYMENTS +$35.00 $2,296.23
8.15.15 SALES (Piggy Banks • GS) +$20.00 $2,316.23
8.18.15 INSURANCE DRIVE +$250.00 $2,566.23
8.18.15 PP Fees -$7.85 $2,558.38
8.18.15 Fuel -$53.50 $2,504.88
8.18.15 Travel - Meal -$40.77 $2,464.11
8.18.15 AMAZON SMILE DISBURSEMENT +$35.19 $2,499.30
8.18.15 Syringes/needles - 300 ct. -$30.97 $2,468.33
8.19.15 Insurance Premium (1 Year) -$1,051.06 $1,417.27
8.20.15 SALES (Painting • LR) +$50.00 $1,467.27
8.20.15 Postage -$9.41 $1,457.86
8.20.15 Postage (SoS cards) -$2.89 $1,454.97
8.25.15 SALES - MS CRAFT SHOW +$580.00 $2,034.97
8.25.15 DONATIONS - MS CRAFT SHOW +$319.00 $2,353.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL - Rosalie (TJ) +$50.00 $2,403.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL - Sadie (TJ) +$20.00 $2,423.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL (NW) +$15.00 $2,438.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL (BC) +$50.00 $2,488.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL - Sadie (BW) +$30.00 $2,518.97
8.25.15 MEDICAL - King Arther (SL) +$50.00 $2,568.97
8.25.15 INSURANCE DRIVE (MC) +$20.00 $2,588.97
8.25.15 DONATION - (JM) +$30.00 $2,618.97
8.25.15 DONATION (AF) +$100.00 $2,718.97
8.25.15 KROGER DISBURSEMENT +$182.18 $2,901.15
8.25.15 MS Craft Show Taxes -$46.40 $2,854.75
8.25.15 Square and PayPal charges -$14.55 $2,840.20
8.25.15 CSpire - new line, etc. -$181.87 $2,658.33
8.25.15 Meal - MCS -$26.01 $2,632.32
8.25.15 Fuel - MCS -$50.01 $2,582.31
8.25.15 Medical - Dip, etc. -$55.02


8.25.15 Vehicle maintenance -$13.00 $2,514.29
8.25.15 AMC - Rabies vaccinations; amox -$62.70 $2,451.59
8.25.15 AMC - Evie medical -$95.95 $2,355.64
8.25.15 Utilities - 4 County -$356.00 $1,999.64
8.26.15 AMC - Toby medical (Loan Repay) -$79.00


8.26.15 Fuel  -$64.61 $1,856.03
8.26.15 Hydrocodone - Toby (Loan Repay) -$29.48 $1,826.55
8.26.15 Postage (shirt) -$2.35 $1,824.20
8.26.15 Bark/training collars -$180.33 $1,643.87
8.27.15 MEDICAL - Evie +$25.00 $1,668.87
8.27.15 PayPal fees -$1.03 $1,667.84
8.27.15 *Microchip registration (Libby) -$9.95 $1,657.89
8.28.15 SALES (Painting) +$35.00 $1,692.89
8.28.15 PayPal Fee -$1.32 $1,691.57
8.28.15 Postage (Painting, SPAS, EMAR) -$9.22 $1,682.35
8.29.15 ADOPTION (Sadie) +$100.00 $1,782.35
8.29.15 Square fee -$3.65 $1,778.70
8.29.15 ADOPTION (Sassy) +$100.00 $1,878.70
8.29.15 SALES (FR Shirts) +$70.00 $1,948.70
8.29.15 SALES (Painting) +$60.00 $2,008.70
8.29.15 iGIVE DISBURSEMENT +$26.52 $2,035.22
8.29.15 Snacks-Volunteers/Supplies, etc. -$116.09 $1,919.13
8.29.15 Kennel clips -$28.50 $1,890.63
8.30.15 DONATION (Hope) +$75.00 $1,965.63
9.1.15 Utilities (water) -$35.56 $1,930.07
9.1.15 DONATION (KB) +$100.00 $2,030.07
9.1.15 PayPayl fee -$3.20 $2,026.87
9.2.15 Postage -$2.72 $2,024.15
9.3.15 Website/domain -$44.96 $1,979.19
9.3.15 AMC - Rabies vaccinations -$37.50 $1,941.69
9.3.15 Waukaway -$18.99 $1,922.70
9.3.15 DONATION (TW) +$50.00 $1,972.70
9.3.15 Breast Cancer/Pit Bull Shirts (40) -$282.24 $1,690.46
9.5.15 ADOPTION (Yogi) +$100.00 $1,790.46
9.5.15 ADOPTION (Libby) +$100.00 $1,890.46
9.5.15 SALES (Painting) +$60.00 $1,950.46
9.5.15 DONATION (EA) +$40.00 $1,990.46
9.5.15 SALES (Shirt) +$10.00 $2,000.46
9.5.15 DONATION +$350.00 $2,350.46
9.5.15 Internet -$27.26 $2,323.20
9.5.15 Marketing supplies (Paint/costumes) -$60.93 $2,262.27
9.5.15 Paint -$27.94 $2,234.33
9.5.15 USB Hub -$18.00 $2,216.33
9.5.15 iPhoto Library Manager-Recover Pics -$29.95 $2,186.38
9.9.15 Doz. Piggy Banks -$26.98 $2,159.40
9.10.15 Hose for washing dogs -$12.84 $2,146.56
9.10.15 Seating -$28.89 $2,117.67
9.10.15 Utilities - cell -$66.59 $2,051.08
9.11.15 SALES (Shirt) +$10.00 $2,061.08
9.11.15 Square Fee -.28¢ $2,060.80
9.11.15 SALES (FR Shirts) +$75.00 $2,135.80
9.11.15 SALES (Shirts) +$25.00 $2,160.80
9.11.15 DONATION +$100.00 $2,260.80
9.12.15 Microchip Registrations -$19.90 $2,240.90
9.12.15 SALES (Shirts) +$25.00 $2,265.90
9.12.15 ADOPTION (Rosalie) +$100.00 $2,365.90
9.13.15 DONATIONS (PetSmart) +$141.00 $2,506.90
9.13.15 DONATION (PS•Gift Card) +$30.00 $2,536.90
9.13.15 Pest control, medical, poop scoops -$85.74 $2,451.16
9.13.15 Gate latch, grass, screws, cushions -$91.59 $2,359.57
9.13.15 DONATION (ST) +$50.00 $2,409.57
9.13.15 DONATION (JN) +$10.00 $2,419.57
9.13.15 MyFax - 3 Months -$30.00 $2,389.57
9.14.15 Transparency for wood transfers -$14.99 $2,374.58
9.14.15 Bone shaped wood plaques -$22.25 $2,352.33
9.15.15 Can Opener, Styptic powder, etc. -$38.32 $2,314.01
9.15.15 Future Rescuer shirts (30) -$190.61 $2,123.40
9.16.15 SALES (Painting) +$50.00 $2,173.40
9.16.15 SALES (FR Shirts) +$35.00 $2,208.40
9.16.15 SALES (Painting) +$35.00 $2,243.40
9.16.15 PayPal Fee -$1.32 $2,242.08
9.16.15 Jotform fee -$9.95 $2,232.13
9.16.15 SALES (Piggy Banks-GS) +$10.00 $2,242.13
9.16.15 DONATION (GS/HD) +$1,000.00 $3,242,13
9.16.15 Research - Sgt. Stubby book, etc. -$45.91 $3,196.22
9.16.15 Craft items -$13.88 $3,182.34
9.18.15 Postage -$5.32 $3,177.02
9.19.15 Dog rope toy -$9.62 $3,167.40
9.19.15 Dog treats -$20.84 $3,146.56
9.19.15 Dog water bowl -$3.21 $3,143.35
9.19.15 DONATION JAR (MiToro) +$20.16 $3,163.51
9.19.15 DONATIONS (PetSmart Event) +$150.00 $3,313.51
9.19.15 PAINTING SALES +$40.00 $3,353.51
9.19.15 PAINTING SALES (B&C) +$75.00 $3,428.51
9.21.15 PAINTING SALES +$40.00 $3,468.51
9.22.15 Utilities - Four County -$214.00 $3,254.51
9.22.15 Walkie-talkies -$63.71 $3,190.80
9.22.15 Protein for Bella, Evie, Sharpie -$16.05 $3,174.75
9.23.15 PAINTING SALES +$50.00 $3,224.75
9.23.15 Coin counter/wrappers; hooks, etc -$74.09 $3,150.66
9.23.15 Fuel -$38.56 $3,112.10
9.24.15 GRANT HSUS +$500.00 $3,612.10
9.24.15 Snacks/water for spay/neuter day -$11.18 $3,600.92
9.24.15 Zippy ties -$38.97 $3,561.95
9.24.15 Bone shaped boards -$67.69 $3,494.26
9.24.15 Engraved plaque -$48.45 $3,445.81
9.25.15 Leashes, collars, etc. -$152.90 $3.292.91
9.25.15 Hangers -$34.95


9.25.15 SALES (Shirts) +$35.00 $3,292.96
9.25.15 Postage -$5.72 $3,287.24
9.25.15 PayPal fee -$1.32 $3,285.92
9.26.15 Microchip Registrations -$19.90 $3,266.02
9.26.15 Food Storage -$178.28 $3,087.74
9.27.15 CSpire (1.5 months) -$161.50 $2,926.24
9.28.15 Noromectin (500ml) -$90.95 $2,835.29
9.28.15 Branding iron for leash holders -$64.74 $2,770.55
9.29.15 Picture frames -$18.19 $2,752.36
9.29.15 Dog photo op outfits -$38.09 $2,714.27
9.30.15 Research - Email Mktg -$11.58 $2,702.69
9.30.15 Facebook advertising -$12.79 $2,689.90
9.30.15 Craft supplies -$55.63 $2,634.27
10.1.15 Craft supplies -$57.15 $2,577.12
10.1.15 AMC - Rabies/Vaccinations 25ct -$237.50 $2,339.62
10.2.15 ELWA -$19.18 $2,320.44
10.2.15 DONATION JAR • Trojan's +$13.63 $2,334.07
10.3.15 DONATION JAR • MiToro +$7.27 $2,341.34
10.3.15 Sales • Shirts +$30.00 $2,371.34
10.3.15 Protein/picture frames -$36.38 $2,334.96
10.5.15 Waukaway -$35.58 $2,299.38
10.5.15 Main Street Columbus (Cmas Parade) -$35.00 $2,264.38
10.6.15 Hooks, etc -$69.35 $2,177.03
10.6.15 SALES (Shirts•GS) +$60.00 $2,255.03
10.9.15 DONATION (SC) +$30.00 $2,285.03
10.10.15 Supplies -$50.42 $2,234.61
10.10.15 Craft items for Caledonia Day -$14.93 $2,219.68
10.10.15 Craft items for Caledonia Day -$26.15 $2,193.53
10.10.15 Frames, etc -$31.57 $2,161.96
10.10.15 SALES - Piggy Banks (GS) +$20.00 $2,181.96
10.10.15 SALES - Paintings (B&C) +$130.00 $2,311.96
10.10.15 DONATION JAR - B&C +$16.92 $2,328.88
10.10.15 DONATION (SI) +$100.00 $2,428.88
10.14.15 Shutterstock -$49.00 $2,379.88
10.14.15 Costumes for Marketing/Parade, etc -$67.01 $2,312.87
10.14.15 DONATION (RWN) +$500.00 $2,812.87
10.16.15 JotForm -$9.95 $2,792.92
10.16.15 Vectors for Christmas Parade -$25.00 $2,777.92
10.16.15 Oil change for transport vehicle -$41.00 $2,736.92
10.17.15 3 Chairs - seating for agility park -$200.00 $2,536.92
10.17.15 SALES - Caledonia Day +$145.00 $2,681.92
10.17.15 Taxes - Caledonia Day -$10.15 $2,671.77
10.17.15 DONATIONS - Caledonia Day +$393.00 $3,064.77
10.18.15 Plexiglass, rods, etc. for storage room -$93.83 $2,970.94
10.19.15 DONATION (CW) +$40.00 $3,010.94
10.19.15 DONATION (GS) +$50.00 $3,060.94
10.19.15 DONATION (DB) +$10.00 $3,070.94
10.19.15 Sardines -$26.75 $3,044.19
10.19.15 DONATION (Vetary) +$25.00 $3,069.19
10.19.15 DONATION (TJ) +$20.00 $3,089.19
10.19.15 DONATION (RP) +$20.00 $3,109.19
10.20.15 DONATION (JM) +$50.00 $3,159.19
10.20.15 Utilities - Four County -$133.00 $3,026.19
10.21.15 Furry Tail Christmas banners (2) -$84.97 $2,941.22
10.21.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $2,991.22
10.22.15 DONATION (LD) +$50.00 $3,041.22
10.22.15 Animal Medical Center (Sharpie) -$85.60 $2,955.62
10.22.15 Security system -$207.98 $2,747.64
10.22.15 SALES (Shirt) +$20.00 $2,767.64
10.22.15 SALES (Shirts) +$35.00 $2,802.64
10.23.15 Postage (Shirt) -$2.89 $2,799.75
10.23.15 fee (September) -$9.99 $2,789.76
10.23.15 Postage (Shirt) -$2.89 $2,786.87
10.24.15 Christmas parade supplies -$45.16 $2,741.71
10.24.15 DONATION JARS (MT & MH) +$38.56 $2,780.27
10.24.15 DONATION (Ms.W) +$20.00 $2,800.27
10.24.15 Parade decorations -$46.91 $2,753.36
10.24.15 SALES (Shirt) +$17.50 $2,770.86
10.25.15 Costumes for parade -$10.96 $2,759.90
10.26.15 DONATION (Atkins) +$300.00 $3,059.90
10.26.15 Cell phone service -$100.00 $2,959.90
10.26.15 fee (October) -$9.99 $2,949.91
10.26.15 DONATIONS (PetSmart 10.25.14) +$5.00 $2,954.91
10.26.15 DONATIONS (EA) +$3.94 $2,958.85 
10.26.15 PayPal Fees 9.26-10.26.15 -$32.67 $2,926.18
10.27.15 Fuel -$43.18 $2,883.00
10.27.15 SALES (Leash holders) +$20.00 $2,903.00
10.28.15 DONATION (GS) +$50.00 $2,953.00
10.28.15 PayPal Fees -$2.70 $2,950.30
10.28.15 SALES (Christmas design) +$22.50 $2,972.80
10.28.15 Business cards (1000) -$40.17 $2,932.63
10.29.15 DONATION (CF) +$40.00 $2,972.63
10.29.15 Postage -$5.44 $2,967.19
10.29.15 Outdoor speakers for kennel area -$74.36 $2,892.83
10.30.15 Animal Medical Center (Keflex) -$24.00 $2,868.83
10.31.15 SALES  +$25.00 $2,893.83
10.31.15 DONATION (MC) +$5.00 $2,898.83
10.31.15 DONATION (KB) +$20.00 $2,918.83
10.31.15 Christmas outfits -$43.86 $2,874.97
10.31.15 Power outlet strip; drill bits -$45.99 $2,828.98
11.2.15 Utilities - ELWA -$20.86 $2,808.12
11.3.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $2,858.12
11.4.15 SALES (Paintings - B&C) +$70.00 $2,928.12
11.5.15 Waukaway (bottled water) -$27.29 $2,900.83
11.5.15 KV Vet (collars x23) -$113.85 $2,786.98
11.6.15 SALES (Leash Holder) +$12.50 $2,799.48
11.6.15 Postage -$2.13 $2,797.35
11.7.15 Internet service -$43.56 $2,753.79
11.7.15 PayPal fees -$1.83 $2,751.96
11.7.15 Screws, etc. -$28.77 $2,723.19
11.7.15 Flooring -$59.90 $2,663.29
11.7.15 Fuel -$24.24 $2,639.05
11.7.15 Santa hats for parade -$33.95 $2,605.10
11.7.15 Heater, floor mats, outlet strip, etc. -$177.43 $2,427.67
11.7.15 Threshold strips, wire, cables, etc. -$160.55 $2,267.12
11.10.15 MyFax -$10.00 $2,257.12
11.11.15 Shirts - Christmas (48) -$580.40 $1,676.72
11.11.15 SALES (Shirts, etc.) +$210.00 $1,886.72
11.11.15 PayPal Fees -$6.39 $1,880.33
11.12.15 Fuel -$50.00 $1,830.33
11.12.15 Board meeting Meal -$78.00 $1,752.33
11.13.15 Postage -$5.32 $1,747.01
11.16.15 Medical -$4.28 $1,742.73
11.16.15 Christmas hats for parade -$28.15 $1,714.58
11.17.15 Parade items -$41.96 $1,672.62
11.17.15 DONATION JAR (MH) +$9.50 $1,682.12
11.17.15 REIMBURSEMENT (J/J/C Shirts) +$30.00 $1,712.12
11.17.15 Animal Medical Center  -$27.00 $1,685.12
11.17.15 AMAZONSMILE Disbursement +$62.21 $1,747.33
11.17.15 Website -$29.97 $1,717.36
11.20.15 DONATION JAR (Breakin' Bread) +$24.64 $1,742.00
11.20.15 KROGER Disbursement +$155.42 $1,897.42
11.22.15 Heat tracing, filter, hinges, etc. -$70.41 $1,827.01
11.22.15 Holiday Farmers Market & Donations +$82.35 $1,909.36
11.23.15 Utilities -$169.00 $1,740.36
11.23.15 Cell service -$100.00 $1,640.36
11.23.15 PayPal fee -$.66 $1,639.70
11.23.15 Postage -$2.13 $1,637.57
11.30.15 SALES (Shirt) +$10.00 $1,647.57
11.30.15 DONATION (GS) +$50.00 $1,697.57
11.30.15 PAYPAL GIVING FUND DISBURS. +$2.14 $1,699.71
11.30.15 -$9.99 $1,689.72
11.30.15 Advertising (vectors) -$25.00 $1,664.72
11.30.15 PayPal fees -$2.34 $1,662.38
12.1.15 Postage -$2.53 $1,659.85
12.1.15 ELWA  -$19.54 $1,640.31
12.1.15 Canvases -$30.31 $1,610.00
12.2.15 Postage -$8.25 $1,601.75
12.2.15 Stamps -$49.00 $1,552.75
12.2.15 SALES/DONATION JAR (B&C) +$175.00 $1,727.75
12.3.15 Postage (sweatshirt) -$5.32 $1,722.43
12.3.15 CHRISTMAS SHIRT REIMBURSE. +$85.00 $1,807.43
12.3.15 SALES (Leash holder) +$10.00 $1,817.43
12.4.15 Waukaway -$27.29 $1,790.14
12.4.15 PVC pipe, etc for parade float -$17.53 $1,772.61
12.5.15 CHRISTMAS SHIRT REIMBURSE. +$220.00 $1,992.61
12.5.15 SALES (GS) +$30.00 $2,022.61
12.5.15 DONATION JAR (MiToro) +$12.50 $2,035.11
12.5.15 Ribbon, hats, etc for parade -$27.82 $2,007.29
12.5.15 Extension cords, garland, ribbon, etc -$59.01 $1,948.28
12.5.15 Zippie ties, clamps, screws -$13.84 $1,934.44
12.7.15 Internet service -$63.56 $1,870.88
12.9.15 HD magnets, etc. -$60.26 $1,810.62
12.9.15 Rabies vaccinations -$37.50 $1,773.12
12.11.15 Truck cleaning -$16.00 $1,757.12
12.11.15 CDs, garland, etc. -$14.92 $1,742.20
12.11.15 DONATION (RH) +$20.00 $1,762.20
12.11.15 DONATION (Bigham) +$351.00 $2,113.20
12.11.15 DONATION (S,H,B) +$500.00 $2,613.20
12.11.15 MyFax -$10.00 $2,603.20
12.11.15 Postage (painting) -$5.44 $2,597.76
12.12.15 DONATION (DO) +$50.00 $2,647.76
12.12.15 SALES (Painting) +$75.00 $2,722.76
12.12.15 SALES (Shirts) +$25.00 $2,747.76
12.12.15 SALES (Shirt) +$15.00 $2,762.76
12.12.15 DONATION (Secret Santa) +$62.00 $2,824.76
12.12.15 Square fees -$5.02 $2,819.74
12.12.15 Fuel -$32.42 $2,787.32
12.12.15 Parade walkers meal -$72.39 $2,714.93
12.12.15 Christmas lights for float -$54.57 $2,660.36
12.15.15 Postage -$49.00 $2,611.36
12.15.15 School class peppermints, board, etc -$22.47 $2,588.89
12.15.15 Oils, nail clippers, etc. -$93.77 $2,495.12
12.15.15 DONATION (RM) +$2,000.00 $4,495.12
12.16.15 Jotform fee -$9.95 $4,485.17
12.17.15 ADOPTION (Loco) +$100.00 $4,585.17
12.21.15 DONATION (TH) +$50.00 $4,635.17
12.21.15 Donation to Sweet Paws Rescue -$100.00 $4,535.17
12.22.15 Medical supplies, scrubs, etc. -$154.85 $4,380.32
12.22.15 Fuel -$41.00 $4,339.32
12.22.15 Supplies, chips, coffee, etc for vol's -$68.76 $4,270.56
12.22.15 ADOPTION (BooBear) +$100.00 $4,370.56
12.22.15 NEW HOPE CLASS DONATIONS +$88.80 $4,459.36
12.22.15 DONATION (TJ) +$150.00 $4,609.36
12.23.15 DONATION (Houtman) +$300.00 $4,909.36
12.23.15 Utilities -$176.00 $4,733.36
12.23.15 AMC (Cici check-up) -$75.00 $4,658.36
12.24.15 Frontline x 30 -$159.00 $4,499.36
12.26.15 Micro chip registrations -$39.80 $4,459.56
12.26.15 Handheld sewing machine -$18.63 $4,440.93
12.26.15 ADOPTION (Arthur) +$100.00 $4,540.93
12.27.15 -$9.99 $4,530.94
12.27.15 CSpire (cell service) -$100.00 $4,430.94
12.28.15 Heat lamps for water hose -$14.92 $4,416.02
12.28.15 iGive DISBURSEMENT +$28.75 $4,444.77
12.28.15 DONATION (GS) +$50.00 $4,494.77
12.30.15 Table saw, batteries, screws, etc -$433.31 $4,061.46
12.30.15 DONATION (Oliver/Xena) +$300.00 $4,361.46
12.30.15 Square fees -$8.25 $4,353.21
12.31.15 Outdoor heater; zip ties; etc. -$192.27 $4,160.94


Our new address is:


Shaw PBR

368 Old New Hope Road

Columbus, MS 39702

662.386.SHAW (7429)





662.386.SHAW (7429)

Columbus, Mississippi

FEIN: 46-0852468

DUNS: 078737353


Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide abused, abandoned or homeless pit bull dogs with the medical attention they need; as well as the love and attention they deserve to heal - both emotionally, and physically.


We will work to facilitate the rescue and placement of abused or abandoned pit bulls into responsible homes and participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment; spay/neuter; food and shelter.


We are dedicated to fostering responsible pit bull ownership through education, adoption, and breed advocacy.

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