January - June 2018

Date Description Amount Balance
1.1.18 Balance Forward +$14,122.46 $14,122.46
1.3.18 New Site: Tools, blades, etc -$48.29 $14,074.17
1.3.18 Fuel -$31.85 $14,042.32
1.3.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $14,062.32
1.3.18 Utilities: Cable One -$63.56 $13,998.76
1.3.18 GRANT (TPF) Medical +$2,500.00 $16,498.76
1.3.18 Loan Payment -$1,000.00 $15,498.76
1.3.18 Postage -$10.00 $15,488.76
1.3.18 Service Charge: PayPal Fee -.74¢ $15,488.02
1.4.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $15,538.02
1.4.18 DONATION (BI) +$100.00 $15,638.02
1.4.18 Service Charge: PayPal Fees -$3.90 $15,634.12
1.4.18 Merchandise: Shirts -$281.65 $15,352.47
1.4.18 DONATION (KK) +$20.00 $15,372.47
1.4.18 Service Charge: PayPal Fee -.74¢ $15,371.73
1.4.18 Marketing: Brochures x2000 -$192.67 $15,179.06
1.5.18 DONATION (KA) +$25.00 $15,204.06
1.5.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $15,203.21
1.5.18 Utilities: ELWA -$17.76 $15,185.45
1.8.18 SALES: Decals +$20.00 $15,205.45
1.8.18 DONATION (KV) +$25.00 $15,230.45
1.8.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $15,280.45
1.8.18 DONATION (RR) +$20.00 $15,300.45
1.8.18 DONATION (The Pony) +$250.00 $15,550.45
1.8.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $15,575.45
1.8.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $15,585.45
1.8.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $15,610.45
1.8.18 Service Charge -$4.11 $15,606.34
1.8.18 Medical: SNVP December -$180.00 $15,426.34
1.8.18 Equipment: Maintenance -$5.32 $15,421.02
1.8.18 Medical: Wal-zyr x300 -$57.22 $15,363.80
1.8.18 Utilities: Waukaway -$36.22 $15,327.58
1.9.18 DONATION (MG) +$35.00 $15,362.58
1.9.18 DONATION (TJ) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,412.58
1.9.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $15,437.58
1.9.18 SALES: Decal +$10.00 $15,447.58
1.9.18 Service Charge -$2.77 $15,444.81
1.9.18 Auto: Tail Waggin' Wagon -$450.00 $14,994.81
1.9.18 Fuel -$31.09 $14,963.72
1.9.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $14,953.72
1.9.18 Postage -$10.00 $14,943.72
1.12.18 Enrichment - Week of 1.1.18 -$180.00 $14,763.72
1.12.18 Enrichment - Week of 1.8.18 -$180.00 $14,583.72
1.12.18 Fuel -$12.61 $14,571.11
1.12.18 SALES: Decal +$10.00 $14,581.11
1.12.18 Supplies: Snacks, hangers -$9.61 $14,571.50
1.12.18 Supplies: Disinfectant -$19.10 $14,552.40
1.12.18 DONATION (DJC) SNVP +$100.00 $14,652.40
1.12.18 DONATION (DN) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,702.40
1.12.18 DONATION (AB) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,752.40
1.12.18 DONATION (TJ) Jan Sponsor +$52.00 $14,804.40
1.12.18 DONATION (KP) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,854.40
1.12.18 DONATION (CM) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,904.40
1.12.18 DONATION (LR) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,954.40
1.12.18 Service Charges -$11.46 $14,942.94
1.15.18 DONATION (CL) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $15,042.94
1.15.18 DONATION (SC) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,092.94
1.15.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $15,117.94
1.15.18 DONATION (BG) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $15,217.94
1.15.18 DONATION (TM) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,267.94
1.15.18 DONATION (HT) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $15,367.94
1.15.18 DONATION (LB) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $15,467.94
1.15.18 Service Charges -$14.80 $15,453.14
1.15.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $15,440.15
1.15.18 Equipment: Golf Cart hitch -$46.99 $15,393.16
1.15.18 Loan Repayment -$500.00 $14,893.16
1.15.18 New Site: Insulation (30%) -$1,938.90 $12,954.26
1.15.18 DONATION (VH) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $13,054.26
1.15.18 DONATION (KK) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $13,104.26
1.15.18 DONATION (JD) Jan Sponsor +$200.00 $13,304.26
1.15.18 Service Charges: -$8.60 $13,295.66
1.16.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $13,285.71
1.16.18 Postage -$110.00 $13,175.71
1.18.18 Supplies: Deicer -$7.12 $13,168.59
1.18.18 GRANT: Bissell Pet Foundation +$1,000.00 $15,168.59
1.18.18 Enrichment: Week of 1.15.18 -$180.00 $13,988.59
1.18.18 DONATION (AM) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,038.59
1.18.18 DONATION (TT) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,088.59
1.18.18 DONATION (KT) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,138.59
1.18.18 DONATION (CA) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $14,188.59
1.18.18 DONATION (LR) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $14,288.59
1.18.18 DONATION (AB) +$20.00 $14,308.59
1.18.18 DONATION (DS) +$5.00 $14,313.59
1.18.18 DONATION (SB) Monthly +$200.00 $14,513.59
1.18.18 Service Charges -$13.95 $14,499.64
1.18.18 Postage -$10.00 $14,489.64
1.18.18 Marketing: Micro SD Card -$14.85 $14,474.79
1.19.18 DONATION (EJ) +$50.00 $14,524.79
1.19.18 DONATION (PP) Jan Sponsor +$75.00 $14,599.79
1.19.18 Service Charge -$1.95 $14,597.84
1.19.18 Fuel -$22.80 $14,575.04
1.19.18 Supplies: Heat gun, tarp -$54.00 $14,521.04
1.19.18 Medical: Ramona -$178.84 $14,342.20
1.19.18 Medical: Percy -$64.23 $14,277.97
1.19.18 Medical: Doxy x500 -$60.00 $14,217.97
1.19.18 Medical: Ruby -$120.00 $14,097.97
1.19.18 Medical: Mallory -$76.00 $14,021.97
1.19.18 SALES: Treats/Collars @ ACC +$80.00 $14,101.97
1.22.18 SALES: Treats +$45.00 $14,146.97
1.22.18 SALES: Shirts +$45.00 $14,191.97
1.22.18 DONATION (TB) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $14,291.97
1.22.18 Meals: Volunteer Work Day -$30.78 $14,261.19
1.22.18 Board Meeting Meal -$53.47 $14,207.72
1.22.18 DONATION (W+) Corp Sponsor +$1,000.00 $15,207.72
1.22.18 DONATION (EM) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,257.72
1.22.18 DONATION (AC) Jan Sponsor +$200.00 $15,457.72
1.22.18 DONATION (SL) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,507.72
1.22.18 DONATION (SR) Jan Sponsor +$200.00 $15,707.72
1.22.18 DONATION (MD) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,757.72
1.22.18 DONATION (MH) Jan Sponsor +$150.00 $15,907.72
1.22.18 DONATION (HH) Jan Sponsor +$50.00 $15,957.72
1.22.18 DONATION (TG) Jan Sponsor +$20.00 $15,977.72
1.22.18 Service Charges -$20.19 $15,957.53
1.22.18 Enrichment Week of 1.22.18 -$180.00 $15,777.53
1.22.18 New Site: Insulation -$4,524.10 $11,253.43
1.22.18 New Site: Camper -$1,500.00 $9,753.43
1.22.18 Supplies: Sprayers/scoop -$73.78 $9,679.65
1.22.18 PCPF Reimbursement +$62.24 $9,741.89
1.22.18 Research: Donor Attraction -$31.90 $9,709.99
1.22.18 Marketing: Poly mailers x100 -$16.54 $9,693.45
1.22.18 Auto: Hitch for camper -$59.55 $9,633.90
1.22.18 Reimbursement (Shaw) +$180.00 $9,813.90
1.23.18 DONATION (TJ) Peyton +$20.00 $9,833.90
1.23.18 Enrichment: Snuffle Mat -$39.13 $9,794.77
1.23.18 Kennels: Disinfectant -$25.46 $9,769.31
1.23.18 Utilities: Four County -$218.00 $9,551.31
1.23.18 Service Charge -.74¢ $9,550.57
1.24.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Orders +$137.00 $9,687.57
1.24.18 Service Charges -$4.51 $9,683.06
1.24.18 Tools -$16.03 $9,667.03
1.24.18 Utilities: CSpire -$217.90 $9,449.13
1.24.18 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $9,439.14
1.25.18 Meals: Volunteer Work Day -$26.46 $9,412.68
1.25.18 New Site: Chainsaw, oil, blades -$237.01 $9,175.67
1.25.18 Office: Shopping cart E-Junkie -$5.00 $9,170.67
1.25.18 DONATION (JS) +$195.00 $9,365.67
1.25.18 DONATION (SS) +$195.00 $9,560.67
1.25.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Orders +$50.00 $9,610.67
1.25.18 Service Charge -$1.90 $9,608.77
1.26.18 Postage -$10.00 $9,598.77
1.26.18 Janitorial: Scrub brushes -$13.90 $9,584.87
1.26.18 Medical: Syringes/needles -$88.97 $9,495.90
1.26.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$75.00 $9,570.90
1.26.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,575.90
1.26.18 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$10.00 $9,585.90
1.26.18 DONATION (EC) $5 Friday +$10.00 $9,595.90
1.26.18 Service Charge -$3.40 $9,592.50
1.26.18 DONATION (AM) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,597.50
1.26.18 DONATION (RP) +$250.00 $9,847.50
1.26.18 DONATION (MP) +$200.00 $10,047.50
1.26.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $10,072.50
1.26.18 Service Charges -$1.27 $10,071.23
1.26.18 New Site: Slag x10 +Delivery -$2,230.00 $7,841.23
1.26.18 DONATION (CB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,846.23
1.26.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,851.23
1.26.18 Service Charges -.82¢ $7,850.41
1.26.18 DONATION (SA) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,855.41
1.26.18 DONATION (CY) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,860.41
1.26.18 DONATION (JT) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,865.41
1.26.18 Service Charges -$1.23 $7,864.18
1.26.18 Janitorial: Cleaning Supplies -$15.25 $7,848.93
1.26.18 DONATION (PP) $5 Friday +$25.00 $7,873.93
1.26.18 DONATION (TH) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,883.93
1.26.18 DONATION (CP) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,893.93
1.26.18 DONATION (AL) +$20.00 $7,913.93
1.26.18 Service Charges -$1.89 $7,912.04
1.29.18 DONATION (LB) Feb Sponsor +$150.00 $8,062.04
1.29.18 DONATION (AG) Feb Sponsor +$150.00 $8,212.04
1.29.18 DONATION (LG) +$75.00 $8,287.04
1.29.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $8,312.04
1.29.18 Service Charges -$8.05 $8,303.99
1.29.18 New Site: Vol Word Day Meal -$64.27 $8,239.72
1.29.18 Fuel -$4.38 $8,235.34
1.29.18 New Site: Chairs x4 -$100.00 $8,135.34
1.29.18 DONATION (TJ) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $8,235.34
1.29.18 Service Charge -$2.50 $8,232.84
1.30.18 DONATION (JB) +$30.00 $8,262.84
1.30.18 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $8,287.84
1.30.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $8,286.99
1.31.18 Marketing: Table cover w/logo -$177.01 $8,109.98
1.31.18 DONATION (LS) Monthly +$25.00 $8,134.88
1.31.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $8,134.03
1.31.18 Enrichment: Week of 1.29.18 -$180.00 $7,954.03
2.1.18 DONATION (KB) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $8,054.03
2.1.18 DONATION (AB) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $8,154.03
2.1.18 DONATION (SC) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $8,204.03
2.1.18 Service Charges -$7.55 $8,196.48
2.1.18 Postage -$10.00 $8,186.48
2.1.18 Enrichment, etc -$37.65 $8,148.83
2.1.18 Utilities: Porta-jon -$90.00 $8,058.83
2.1.18 New Site: Dump cart, etc. -$250.55 $7,808.28
2.2.18 DONATION (SA) Jan Sponsor +$100.00 $7,908.28
2.2.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $7,933.28
2.2.18 Service Charges -$3.35 $7,929.93
2.2.18 Utilities: ELWA -$26.91 $7,903.02
2.5.18 New Site: ELWA Utilities -$75.00 $7,828.02
2.5.18 New Site: Four County Utilities -$75.00 $7,753.02
2.5.18 Meals: Spay/Neuter Day -$9.17 $7,743.85
2.5.18 Service Charges -$7.23 $7,736.62
2.5.18 DONATION (TB) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $7,836.62
2.5.18 DONATION (SC) Jan Sponsor +$75.00 $7,911.62
2.5.18 Utilities: CableOne -$66.24 $7,845.38
2.5.18 New Site: Volunteer Meal -$83.41 $7,761.97
2.5.18 Fuel -$34.82 $7,727.15
2.5.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $7,747.15
2.5.18 DONATION (HT) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $7,847.15
2.5.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $7,897.15
2.5.18 DONATION (HH) +$20.00 $7,917.15
2.5.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$27.00 $7,944.15
2.6.18 DONATION (KG) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $8,044.15
2.6.18 DONATION (JB) +$200.00 $8,244.15
2.6.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $8,294.15
2.6.18 Auto: Trailer Tag -$32.11 $8,262.04
2.6.18 Utilities: Waukaway -$5.21 $8,256.83
2.6.18 Utilities: Porta-jon -$90.00 $8,166.83
2.6.18 DONATION (BG) Feb Sponsorx2 +$100.00 $8,266.83
2.6.18 Service Charges -$10.85 $8,255.98
2.6.18 Loan Repayment -$500.00 $7,755.98
2.6.18 Enrichment: Week of 2.5.18 -$200.00 $7,555.98
2.7.18 DONATION (SA) $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $7,565.98
2.7.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $7,590.98
2.7.18 Service Charges -$1.37 $7,589.61
2.7.18 Marketing: Magnets x250 -$277.08 $7,312.53
2.7.18 Medical: TriCox x360 -$109.99 $7,202.54
2.8.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $7,227.54
2.8.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $7,237.54
2.8.18 Service Charges -$1.37 $7,236.17
2.8.18 Office: Cups x1000 -$49.71 $7,186.46
2.9.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $7,211.46
2.9.18 DONATION (ML) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $7,311.46
2.9.18 DONATION (MH) Feb Sponsor +$200.00 $7,511.46
2.9.18 DONAITON (TM) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,561.46
2.9.18 DONATION (PP) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $7,661.46
2.9.18 DONATION (EJ) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,711.46
2.9.18 DONATION (KK) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,761.46
2.9.18 DONATION (AC) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,811.46
2.9.18 Service Charges -$17.30 $7,794.16
2.9.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $7,784.16
2.9.18 New Site: Plumbing -$50.29 $7,733.87
2.12.18 DONATION (D&JC) SNVP +$100.00 $7,833.87
2.12.18 DONATION (SL) Feb Sponsor +$350.00 $8,183.87
2.12.18 DONATION (SP) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $8,233.87
2.12.18 DONATION (TD) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $8,283.87
2.12.18 Service Charges -$13.30 $8,270.57
2.12.18 Fuel -$31.00 $8,239.57
2.12.18 Board: Travel Meal -$19.54 $8,220.03
2.12.18 New Site: Plumbing Supplies -$64.05 $8,155.98
2.12.18 New Site: Trailer amenities -$28.78 $8,127.20
2.13.18 Kennels: Disinfectant -$18.15 $8,109.05
2.13.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $8,134.05
2.13.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $8,121.06
2.13.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $8,146.06
2.13.18 Service Charges -$1.70 $8,144.36
2.13.18 DONATION (KG) $10 Tuesday +$20.00 $8,164.36
2.13.18 DONATION (DB) $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $8,174.36
2.13.18 Service Charges -$1.26 $8,173.10
2.13.18 Stamps -$10.00 $8,163.10
2.13.18 DONATION (JK) +$25.00 $8,188.10
2.13.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $8,187.25
2.14.18 DONATION (RD) $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $8,197.25
2.14.18 Enrichment: Week of 2.12.18 -$180.00 $8,017.25
2.14.18 SALES: ACC Treats/Collars +$73.00 $8,090.25
2.14.18 Service Charge: -.52¢ $8,089.73
2.14.18 Medical: Archie -$5.00 $8,804.73
2.14.18 Medical: Peyton -$80.00 $8,004.73
2.14.18 Medical: Bruce -$60.00 $7,944.73
2.14.18 Medical: Mr. Ed -$91.91 $7,852.82
2.14.18 Medical: Mallory -$26.00 $7,826.82
2.14.18 DONATION (TM) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,876.82
2.14.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $7,875.42
2.15.18 DONATION (TM) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $7,925.42
2.15.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $7,924.02
2.15.18 New Site: Plumbing -$48.06 $7,875.96
2.15.18 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$52.00 $7,927.96
2.15.18 DISBURSEMENT: Amazon +$133.44 $8,061.40
2.15.18 Service Charges -$1.74 $8,059.66
2.15.18 Kennels: Cleaning Supplies -$52.13 $8,007.53
2.16.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$10.00 $8,017.53
2.16.18 DONATION (KS) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,022.53
2.16.18 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,027.53
2.16.18 DONATION (BT) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,032.53
2.16.18 DONATION (JR) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,037.53
2.16.18 DONATION (TM) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,042.53
2.16.18 DONATION (AT) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,047.53
2.16.18 DONATION (LR) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,052.53
2.16.18 DONATION (EC) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,057.53
2.16.18 Service Charges -$3.80 $8,053.73
2.16.18 Kennels: Disinfectant -$53.50 $8,000.23
2.16.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $7,990.28
2.16.18 DONATION (AM) Feb Sponsor +$150.00 $8,140.28
2.16.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,145.28
2.16.18 Service Charges -$4.01 $8,141.27
2.17.18 New Site: Vol Trailer items -$25.65 $8,115.62
2.17.18 DONATION (SA) +$25.00 $8,140.62
2.17.18 DONATION (CA) +$10.00 $8,150.62
2.17.18 DONATION (LB) Monthly +$50.00 $8,200.62
2.17.18 DONATION (SB) Monthly +$200.00 $8,400.62
2.17.18 New Site: Office Furn, etc. -$91.00 $8,309.62
2.17.18 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $8,384.62
2.17.18 DONATION (JJ) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $8,434.62
2.17.18 New Site: Office Building 2pmts -$1,151.90 $7,282.72
2.17.18 Utilities: Four County -$266.00 $7,016.72
2.17.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,006.72
2.17.18 Service Charges -$7.97 $6,998.75
2.19.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-orders +$50.00 $7,048.75
2.19.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $7,047.35
2.19.18 New Site: Jack, hitches, straps -$182.93 $6,864.42
2.19.18 Auto: Trailer Connectors -$21.38 $6,843.04
2.19.18 Postage -$50.00 $6,793.04
2.20.18 DONATION (DN) $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $6,803.04
2.20.18 Service Charge -.52¢ $6,802.52
2.20.18 Medical Supplies -$72.76 $6,729.76
2.20.18 Enrichment: Week of 2.19.18 -$180.00 $6,549.76
2.21.18 DONATION (CB) +$10.00 $6,559.76
2.21.18 DONATION (CL) Feb Sponsor +$50.00 $6,609.76
2.21.18 REIMBURSEMENT: PCPF Pstg +$51.00 $6,660.76
2.21.18 Service Charges -$1.94 $6,658.82
2.21.18 DONATION (AS/N2U) +$250.00 $6,908.82
2.21.18 Vehicles: Arctic Cat 4x2 -$1,800.00 $5,108.82
2.21.18 New Site: Furniture, etc. -$1,000.00 $4,108.82
2.22.18 DONATION (JT) $5 Friday +$5.00 $4,113.82
2.22.18 Service Charge -.41¢ $4,113.41
2.22.18 Auto: Golf Cart Battery -$136.51 $3,976.90
2.23.18 DONATION (SCA Social Club) +$150.00 $4,126.90
2.23.18 DONATION JARS +$48.00 $4,174.90
2.23.18 Fuel -$13.00 $4,161.90
2.24.18 Marketing: E-Junkie -$5.00 $4,156.90
2.24.18 Auto: Batteries Chipper/4x2 -$173.32 $3,983.58
2.24.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $3,988.58
2.24.18 New Site: Office Flooring -$636.78 $3,351.80
2.24.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Orders +$50.00 $3,401.80
2.24.18 DONATION (TJ) +$75.00 $3,476.80
2.24.18 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $3,466.81
2.24.18 DONATION (JW) +$25.00 $3,491.81
2.24.18 Service Charges -$4.61 $3,487.20
2.26.18 Medical: Vaccines (x4) -$340.00 $3,147.20
2.26.18 Utilities: CSpire -$100.00 $3,047.20
2.26.18 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$58.00 $3,105.20
2.26.18 Service Charge -$1.58 $3,103.62
2.27.18 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$75.00 $3,178.62
2.27.18 Service Charges -$2.25 $3,176.37
2.27.18 New Site: Blocks for Office -$93.41 $3,082.96
2.28.18 DONATION (JW) SNVP Program +$20.00 $3,102.96
3.1.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-orders +$39.50 $3,142.46
3.1.18 DONATION (AB) Mr. Ed Medical +$100.00 $3,242.46
3.1.18 DONATION (LS) Monthly +$25.00 $3,267.46
3.1.18 DONATION (TJ) Monthly +$25.00 $3,292.46
3.1.18 DONATION (TJ) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $3,342.46
3.1.18 Service Charges -$7.07 $3,335.39
3.1.18 Enrichment: Week of 2.26.18 -$180.00 $3,155.39
3.1.18 DONATION (RW) +$500.00 $3,655.39
3.1.18 DONATION (SA) Feb Sponsor +$100.00 $3,755.39
3.1.18 SALES: Shirts +$43.00 $3,798.39
3.1.18 Service Charges -$15.05 $3,783.34
3.2.18 Marketing: Shirts -$361.72 $3,421.62
3.2.18 Medical: Micro chip registrations -$79.60 $3,342.02
3.2.18 SALES: Decal +$10.00 $3,352.02
3.2.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $3,377.02
3.2.18 DONATION (SW) Ruby Allowance +$25.00 $3,402.02
3.2.18 Service Charges -$2.22 $3,399.80
3.5.18 Utilities: CableOne -$66.24 $3,333.56
3.5.18 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $3,408.56
3.5.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $3,458.56
3.5.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $3,478.56
3.5.18 DONATION (SC) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $3,528.56
3.5.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $3,578.56
3.5.18 Social Media: Website x3 mo -$29.97 $3,548.59
3.5.18 DONATION (CJ) +$25.00 $3,573.59
3.5.18 DONATION (ET) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $3,598.59
3.5.18 Service Charges -$5.24 $3,593.35
3.5.18 DONATION (DS) +$20.00 $3,613.35
3.5.18 Marketing: Shirt (Last Minute) -$7.40 $3,605.95
3.5.18 Utilities: Porta-Jon -$90.00 $3,515.95
3.6.18 Fuel (lost tickets) -$91.82 $3,424.13
3.6.18 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $3,449.13
3.7.18 DONATION (TJ) Griff Medical +$20.00 $3,469.13
3.7.18 DONATION (KG) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $3,519.13
3.7.18 CREDIT Vaccines Price Dif +$67.15 $3,586.28
3.7.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $3,611.28
3.7.18 DONATION (TP) Mar Sponsor +$75.00 $3,686.28
3.7.18 DONATION (AA) +$100.00 $3,786.28
3.7.18 DONATION (DC) +$25.00 $3,811.28
3.7.18 DONATION (HH) AS B'day +$300.00 $4,111.28
3.7.18 Service Charges -$8.94 $4,102.34
3.7.18 DONATION (KP) Mar Sponsor +$900.00 $5,002.34
3.7.18 DONATION (LB) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $5,052.34
3.7.18 DONATION (MJ) Mar Sponsor +$35.00 $4,997.34
3.7.18 DONATION (EF) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $5,137.34
3.7.18 Service Charges -$35.52 $5,101.82
3.8.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $5,111.82
3.8.18 DONATION (DB) +$10.00 $5,121.82
3.8.18 Service Charges -$1.04 $5,120.78
3.8.18 DONATION (AG) +$100.00 $5,220.78
3.8.18 Service Charge -$5.00 $5,215.78
3.8.18 Loan Payment ($1,500 bal) -$500.00 $4,715.78
3.9.18 DONATION (CY) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $4,740.78
3.9.18 DONATION (KY) +$25.00 $4,765.78
3.9.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $4,790.78
3.9.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $4,815.78
3.9.18 Service Charges -$3.40 $4,812.38
3.9.18 Postage -$10.00


3.12.18 DONATION (PC) +$20.00 $4,822.38
3.12.18 DONATION (CL) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $4,922.38
3.12.18 DONATION (DJC) SNVP +$100.00 $5,022.38
3.12.18 DONATION (BN) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $5,122.38
3.12.18 DONATION (RG) Mar Sponsor +$75.00 $5,197.38
3.12.18 DONATION (BG) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $5,297.38
3.12.18 SALES: Shirt +$20.00 $5,317.38
3.12.18 DONATION (BM) AS B'Day +$50.00 $5,367.38
3.12.18 DONATION (LB) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $5,467.38
3.12.18 DONATION (LB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $5,472.38
3.12.18 DONATION (KK) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $5,522.38
3.12.18 Service Charges -$16.80 $5,505.58
3.12.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $5,495.58
3.12.18 DONATION (ML) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $5,595.58
3.12.18 Service Charge -$2.50 $5,593.08
3.12.18 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$350.43 $5,242.65
3.12.18 New Site: Loft Ladders x2 -$361.66 $4,880.99
3.13.18 Enrichment: Week of 3.12.18 -$200.00 $4,680.99
3.13.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $4,668.00
3.13.18 DONATION (LE) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $4,693.00
3.13.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $4,692.15
3.13.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $4,717.15
3.13.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $4,716.30
3.14.18 DONATION (SC) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $4,741.30
3.14.18 DONATION (BT) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $4,841.30
3.14.18 DONATION (TB) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $4,941.30
3.14.18 SALES: Shirt Pre-Order +$25.00 $4,966.30
3.14.18 Service Charges -$4.20 $4,962.10
3.14.18 DONATION (HH) Bessie +$50.00 $5,012.10
3.14.18 DONATION (BC) Bessie +$25.00 $5,037.10
3.14.18 DONATION (JP) Bessie +$20.00 $5,057.10
3.14.18 DONATION (GM) Bessie +$50.00 $5,107.10
3.14.18 DONATION (BR) Bessie +$50.00 $5,157.10
3.14.18 DONATION (RK) Bessie +$20.00 $5,177.10
3.14.18 DONATION (KR) Bessie +$50.00 $5,227.10
3.14.18 Service Charges -$7.93 $5,219.17
3.14.18 DONATION (CR) Bessie +$50.00 $5,269.17
3.14.18 DONATION (CS) Bessie +$20.00 $5,289.17
3.14.18 DONATION (EC) Bessie +$10.00 $5,299.17
3.14.18 DONATION (ND) Bessie +$100.00 $5,399.17
3.14.18 DONATION (SG) Bessie +$20.00 $5,419.17
3.14.18 DONATION (KV) Bessie +$25.00 $5,444.17
3.14.18 DONATION (CK) Bessie +$100.00 $5,544.17
3.14.18 DONATION (NM) Bessie +$10.00 $5,554.17
3.14.18 DONATION (CF) Bessie +$10.00 $5,564.17
3.14.18 DONATION (AB) Bessie +$1.00 $5,565.17
3.14.18 DONATION (EF) Bessie +$20.00 $5,585.17
3.14.18 DONATION (DG) Bessie +$25.00 $5,610.17
3.14.18 DONATION (MB) Bessie +$25.00 $5,635.17
3.14.18 DONATION (SA) Bessie +$25.00 $5,660.17
3.14.18 DONATION (KY) Bessie +$25.00 $5,685.17
3.14.18 DONATION (AH) Bessie +$30.00 $5,715.17
3.14.18 DONATION (JB) Bessie +$15.00 $5,730.17
3.14.18 DONATION (KF) Bessie +$20.00 $5,750.17
3.14.18 DONATION (SH) Bessie +$25.00 $5,775.17
3.14.18 DONATION (JL) Bessie +$10.00 $5,786.17
3.14.18 DONATION (RW) Bessie +$200.00 $5,985.17
3.14.18 DONATION (HC) Bessie +$5.00 $5,990.17
3.14.18 DONATION (JB) Bessie +$300.00 $6,290.17
3.14.18 DONATION (TY) Bessie +$100.00 $6,390.17
3.14.18 DONATION (TW) Bessie +$100.00 $6,490.17
3.14.18 Service Charges -$37.11 $6,453.06
3.14.18 Postage -$10.00 $6,443.06
3.15.18 DONATION (PG) Bessie +$50.00 $6,493.06
3.15.18 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$52.00 $6,545.06
3.15.18 DONATION (EW) Bessie +$20.00 $6,565.06
3.15.18 DONATION (F/DB) Bessie +$50.00 $6,615.06
3.15.18 DONATION (TM) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $6,665.06
3.15.18 DONATION (AB) Bessie +$50.00 $6,715.06
3.15.18 DONATION (MD) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $6,765.06
3.15.18 DONATION (FL) Bessie ACC +$25.00 $6,790.06
3.15.18 DONATION (CT) Bessie ACC +$50.00 $6,840.06
3.15.18 DONATION (EO) Bessie ACC +$25.00 $6,865.06
3.15.18 DONATION (TH) Bessie ACC +$25.00 $6,890.06
3.15.18 DONATION (JW) Bessie +$25.00 $6,915.06
3.15.18 DONATION (BW) Bessie +$50.00 $6,965.06
3.15.18 DONATION (JJ) Bessie +$50.00 $7,015.06
3.15.18 DONATION (TJ) Bessie +$20.00 $7,035.06
3.15.18 DONATION (EC) Bessie +$20.00 $7,055.06
3.15.18 Service Charges -$12.91 $7,042.15
3.15.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,032.15
3.15.18 DONATION (S/H) Bessie +$200.00 $7,232.15
3.15.18 DONATION (KA) Bessie +$75.00 $7,307.15
3.15.18 DONATION (KG) Bessie +$20.00 $7,327.15
3.15.18 Service Charges -$9.84 $7,317.31
3.16.18 DONATION (NET) Bessie +$50.00 $7,367.31
3.16.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$10.00 $7,377.31
3.16.18 DONATION (LW) Bessie +$50.00 $7,427.31
3.16.18 Service Charges -$3.32 $7,423.99
3.16.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,413.99
3.16.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $7,404.04
3.19.18 DONATION (AL) Bessie +$100.00 $7,504.04
3.19.18 DONATION (AM) Bessie +$100.00 $7,604.04
3.19.18 DONATION (AM) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $7,704.04
3.19.18 DONATION (BA) Bessie ACC +$500.00 $8,204.04
3.19.18 DONATION (DD) Bessie ACC +$20.00 $8,224.04
3.19.18 DONATION (SY) Bessie ACC +$20.00 $8,244.04
3.19.18 DONATION (PJ) Bessie ACC +$50.00 $8,294.04
3.19.18 DONATION (MV) Bessie +$100.00 $8,394.04
3.19.18 DONATION (HT) Mar Sponsor +$100.00 $8,494.04
3.19.18 DONATION (BN) Bessie +$100.00 $8,594.04
3.19.18 DONATION (HL) Bessie +$20.00 $8,614.04
3.19.19 DONATION (SK) Bessie +$20.00 $8,634.04
3.19.18 DONATION (WB) Bessie +$20.00 $8,654.04
3.19.18 DONATION (HH) Bessie +$25.00 $8,679.04
3.19.18 DONATION (AM) Bessie +$20.00 $8,699.04
3.19.18 DONATION (GN) Bessie +$10.00 $8,709.04
3.19.18 DONATION (PW) Bessie +$5.00 $8,714.04
3.19.18 Service Charges -$5.00 $8,709.04
3.19.18 SNVP February -$60.00 $8,649.04
3.19.18 SALES: Shirt +$10.00 $8,659.04
3.19.18 SALES: Treats +$10.00 $8,669.04
3.19.18 Equipment: Push blade supplies -$21.54 $8,647.50
3.19.18 New Site: Steps supplies -$79.90 $8,567.60
3.20.18 DONATION (CL) Bessie +$50.00 $8,617.60
3.20.18 DONATION (RP) Bessie +$15.00 $8,632.60
3.20.18 DONATION (BB) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $8,682.60
3.20.18 DONATION (AK) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $8,732.60
3.20.18 DONATION (JF) Bessie +$20.00 $8,752.60
3.20.18 DONATION (TL) Bessie +$15.00 $8,767.60
3.20.18 Service Charges -$3.30 $8,764.30
3.20.18 Supplies: Mouse, carabiners -$23.43 $8,740.87
3.20.18 Utilities: Four County -$169.00 $8,571.87
3.20.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $7,994.93
3.20.18 Enrichment: Week of 3.19.18 -$180.00 $7,814.93
3.20.18 SALES: Treats +$52.00 $7,866.93
3.20.18 Medical: Mr. Ed -$27.65 $7,839.28
3.20.18 Loan Payment ($1,000 Bal) -$500.00 $7,339.28
3.21.18 DONATION (AB) Bessie +$30.00 $7,369.28
3.22.18 DONATION (CF) Bessie +$100.00 $7,469.28
3.22.18 DONATION (CT) Bessie +$50.00 $7,519.28
3.22.18 DONATION (SF) Bessie +$20.00 $7,539.28
3.22.18 DONATION (CN) Bessie +$100.00 $7,639.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DM) Bessie +$20.00 $7,659.28
3.22.18 DONATION (RY) Bessie +$20.00 $7,679.28
3.22.18 DONATION (JS) Bessie +$25.00 $7,704.28
3.22.18 DONATION (AR) Bessie +$20.00 $7,724.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DB) Bessie +$50.00 $7,774.28
3.22.18 DONATION (GR) Bessie +$10.00 $7,784.28
3.22.18 DONATION (TH) Bessie +$50.00 $7,834.28
3.22.18 DONATION (KM) Bessie +$20.00 $7,854.28
3.22.18 DONATION (HF) Bessie +$20.00 $7,874.28
3.22.18 DONATION (SS) Bessie +$50.00 $7,924.28
3.22.18 DONATION (KS) Bessie +$20.00 $7,944.28
3.22.18 DONATION (RH) Bessie +$40.00 $7,984.28
3.22.18 DONATION (JM) Bessie +$20.00 $8,004.28
3.22.18 DONATION (AB) Bessie +$10.00 $8,014.28
3.22.18 DONATION (TG) Bessie +$25.00 $8,039.28
3.22.18 DONATION (MM) Bessie +$25.00 $8,064.28
3.22.18 DONATION (KW) Bessie +$50.00 $8,114.28
3.22.18 DONATION (MC) Bessie +$50.00 $8,164.28
3.22.18 DONATION (MG) Bessie +$20.00 $8,184.28
3.22.18 DONATION (PC) Bessie +$20.00 $8,204.28
3.22.18 DONATION (KW) Bessie +$10.00 $8,214.28
3.22.18 DONATION (SN) Bessie +$10.00 $8,224.28
3.22.18 DONATION (IR) Bessie +$25.00 $8,249.28
3.22.18 DONATION (MB) Bessie +$20.00 $8,269.28
3.22.18 DONATION (BG) Bessie +$100.00 $8,369.28
3.22.18 DONATION (ST) Bessie +$20.00 $8,389.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LB) Bessie +$20.00 $8,409.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LR) Bessie +$20.00 $8,429.28
3.22.18 DONATION (RL) Bessie +$20.00 $8,449.28
3.22.18 DONATION (SL) Bessie +$250.00 $8,699.28
3.22.18 DONATION (JP) Bessie +$50.00 $8,749.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LL) Bessie +$100.00 $8,849.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DB) Bessie +$10.00 $8,859.28
3.22.18 DONATION (BC) Bessie +$100.00 $8,959.28
3.22.18 DONATION (TB) Bessie +$5.00 $8,964.28
3.22.18 DONATION (RS) Bessie +$50.00 $9,014.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DS) Bessie +$25.00 $9,039.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LT) Bessie +$50.00 $9,089.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DC) Bessie +$20.00 $9,109.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LH) Bessie +$20.00 $9,129.28
3.22.18 DONATION (PR) Bessie +$20.00 $9,149.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LH) Bessie +$50.00 $9,199.28
3.22.18 DONATION (LR) Bessie +$10.00 $9,209.28
3.22.18 DONATION (AS) Bessie +$10.00 $9,219.28
3.22.18 DONATION (SH) Bessie +$100.00 $9,319.28
3.22.18 DONATION (DB) Bessie +$20.00 $9,339.28
3.22.18 DONATION (MJ) Bessie +$50.00 $9,389.28
3.22.18 DONATION (BV) Bessie +$100.00 $9,489.28
3.22.18 Service Charges -$2.50 $9,486.78
3.22.18 New Site: 10' Fence Section -$33.10 $9,453.68
3.22.18 Postage -$10.00 $9,443.68
3.22.18 Postage (Full of Bull shirts) -$90.00 $9,353.68
3.22.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $8,776.74
3.23.18 SALES: Shirts +$101.00 $8,877.74
3.23.18 DONATION (MT) AS B'day +$20.00 $8,897.74
3.23.18 Service Charges -$2.65 $8,895.09
3.23.18 DONATION (JR) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,900.09
3.23.18 DONATION (AA) $5 Friday +$10.00 $8,910.09
3.23.18 Service Charges -.93¢ $8,909.16
3.23.18 DONATION (SA) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,914.16
3.23.18 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$10.00 $8,924.16
3.23.18 Service Charges -.93¢ $8,923.23
3.23.18 DONATION (LB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,928.23
3.23.18 DONATION (CH) $5 Friday +$10.00 $8,938.23
3.23.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,943.23
3.23.18 DONATION (BD) $5 Friday +$10.00 $8,953.23
3.23.18 DONATION (KP) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,958.23
3.23.18 DONATION (JP) $5 Friday +$20.00 $8,978.23
3.23.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,983.23
3.23.18 DONATION (AC) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,988.23
3.26.18 Postage -$10.00 $8,978.23
3.26.18 New Site Work Day -$8.35 $8,969.88
3.26.18 DONATION (D/TM) Bessie +$50.00 $9,019.88
3.26.18 DONATION (PG) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $9,044.88
3.26.18 DONATION (ACC) Corp Spon +$250.00 $9,294.88
3.26.18 DONATION (TJ) +$52.00 $9,346.88
3.26.18 DONATION (TH) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $9,371.88
3.26.18 Utilities: CSpire -$207.23 $9,164.65
3.26.18 DONATION (TJ) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $9,189.65
3.26.18 SALES: Shirts +$52.00 $9,241.65
3.26.18 DONATION (SC) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $9,266.65
3.26.18 Office: Stamps.com -$9.99 $9,256.66
3.26.18 Service Charges -$6.65 $9,250.01
3.26.18 DONATION (TJ) Mar Sponsor +$25.00 $9,275.01
3.26.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $8,698.07
3.27.18 DONATION (MV) +$25.00 $8,723.07
3.27.18 DISBURSEMENT: Kroger +$205.71 $8,928.78
3.27.18 DONATION (SH) Bessie +$100.00 $9,028.78
3.27.18 DONATION (AA) Mar Sponsor +$50.00 $9,078.78
3.27.18 Service Charges -.85¢ $9,077.93
3.27.18 Postage -$10.00 $9,067.93
3.27.18 Supplies: Zip ties, coconut oil -$102.55 $8,965.38
3.28.18 Enrichment: Week of 3.26.18 -$180.00 $8,785.38
3.29.18 DONATION (VH) +$5.00 $8,790.38
3.29.18 DONATION (JP) +$5.00 $8,795.38
3.28.18 Fuel -$42.35 $8,753.03
3.29.18 DONATION (LE) Bessie ACC +$30.00 $8,783.03
3.29.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $8,206.09
4.4.18 Utilities: ELWA -$23.69 $8,182.40
4.4.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $8,197.40
4.4.18 SALES: Shirts +$45.00 $8,232.40
4.4.18 DONATION (LS) Monthly +$25.00 $8,257.40
4.4.18 DONATION (TJ) April Sponsor +$25.00 $8,282.40
4.4.18 Marketing: FB Advertising -$82.08 $8,200.32
4.4.18 DONATION (TM) Easter +$25.00 $8,225.32
4.4.18 DONATION (KG) +$50.00 $8,275.32
4.4.18 DONATION (AN) +$20.00 $8,295.32
4.4.18 DONATION (DR) +$15.00 $8,310.32
4.4.18 DONATION (BM) +$20.00 $8,330.32
4.4.18 DONATION (AL) +$20.00 $8,350.32
4.4.18 DONATION (JL) +$5.00 $8,355.32
4.4.18 DONATION (SS) +$50.00 $8,405.32
4.4.18 Utilities: CableOne -$66.24 $8,339.08
4.4.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $8,359.08
4.4.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $8,409.08
4.4.18 DONATION (SA) March Sponsor +$100.00 $8,509.08
4.4.18 DONATION (SA) $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $8,519.08
4.4.18 DONATION (SA) March Change +$22.61 $8,531.69
4.4.18 Service Charges -$28.66 $8,503.03
4.4.18 DONATION (ME) Jesse +$10.00 $8,513.03
4.4.18 DONATION (SM) Jesse +$20.00 $8,533.03
4.4.18 DONATION (PJ) Jesse +$25.00 $8,558.03
4.4.18 DONATION (MJ) Jesse +$10.00 $8,568.03
4.4.18 DONATION (LF) Jesse +$25.00 $8,593.03
4.4.18 DONATION (RM) Jesse +$20.00 $8,613.03
4.4.18 DONATION (EH) Jesse +$25.00 $8,638.03
4.4.18 DONATION (DG) Jesse +$20.00 $8,658.03
4.4.18 DONATION (CB) Jesse +$30.00 $8,688.03
4.4.18 DONATION (TJ) Jesse +$10.00 $8,698.03
4.4.18 DONATION (JS) Jesse +$100.00 $8,798.03
4.4.18 DONATION (AB) Jesse +$50.00 $8,848.03
4.4.18 DONATION (RRSW) Jesse +$30.00 $8,878.03
4.4.18 DONATION (SA) Jesse +$25.00 $8,903.03
4.4.18 DONATION (MM) Jesse +$25.00 $8,928.03
4.4.18 DONATION (MC) Jesse +$20.00 $8,948.03
4.4.18 DONATION (EP) Jesse +$15.00 $8,943.03
4.4.18 DONATION (SW) Jesse +$25.00 $8,968.03
4.4.18 DONATION (TD) Jesse +$50.00 $9,018.03
4.4.18 DONATION (HR) Jesse +$25.00 $9,043.03
4.4.18 DONATION (DC) Jesse +$20.00 $9,063.03
4.4.18 DONATION (SG) Jesse +$25.00 $9,088.03
4.4.18 DONATION (KV) Jesse +$30.00 $9,118.03
4.4.18 DONATION (RP) Jesse +$20.00 $9,138.03
4.4.18 DONATION (KK) Jesse +$25.00 $9,163.03
4.4.18 Service Charges -$3.40 $9,159.63
4.4.18 Postage -$10.00 $9,149.63
4.5.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $9,199.63
4.5.18 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $9,274.63
4.5.18 Utilities: Waukaway -$36.22 $9,238.41
4.5.18 Postage -$10.00 $9,228.41
4.5.18 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$350.43 $8,877.98
4.5.18 DONATION (LG) Jesse +$40.00 $8,917.98
4.5.18 DONATION (JA) Jesse +$100.00 $9,017.98
4.5.18 DONATION (VT) Jesse +$10.00 $9,027.98
4.5.18 DONATION (KF) Jesse +$50.00 $9,077.98
4.5.18 DONATION (EC) Jesse +$10.00 $9,087.98
4.5.18 DONATION (SF) Jesse +$20.00 $9,107.98
4.5.18 DONATION (BN) Jesse +$50.00 $9,157.98
4.5.18 DONATION (BG) Jesse +$100.00 $9,257.98
4.5.18 DONATION (JF) Jesse +$10.00 $9,267.98
4.5.18 DONATION (MH) Jesse +$50.00 $9,317.98
4.5.18 DONATION (PG) Jesse +$10.00 $9,327.98
4.5.18 DONATION (KW) Jesse +$20.00 $9,347.98
4.5.18 DONATION (TD) Jesse +$5.00 $9,352.98
4.5.18 DONATION (AB) Jesse +$20.00 $9,372.98
4.5.18 DONATION (BT) Jesse +$50.00 $9,422.98
4.5.18 DONATION (SW) Jesse +$10.00 $9,432.98
4.5.18 DONATION (MG) Jesse +$5.00 $9,437.98
4.5.18 DONATION (LB) Jesse +$20.00 $9,457.98
4.5.18 DONATION (KW) Jesse +$5.00 $9,462.98
4.5.18 DONATION (FL) Jesse +$20.00 $9,482.98
4.5.18 DONATION (TY) Jesse +$50.00 $9,532.98
4.5.18 DONATION (SD) Jesse +$50.00 $9,582.98
4.5.18 DONATION (BY) Jesse +$20.00 $9,602.98
4.5.18 DONATION (JP) Jesse +$20.00 $9,622.98
4.5.18 DONATION (EC) Jesse +$10.00 $9,632.98
4.5.18 DONATION (TP) Jesse +$30.00 $9,662.98
4.5.18 DONATION (MR) Jesse +$10.00 $9,672.98
4.5.18 DONATION (PW) Jesse +$5.00 $9,677.98
4.5.18 DONATION (KK) Jesse +$40.00 $9,717.98
4.5.18 Service Charges -$6.86 $9,711.12
4.6.18 DONATION (JJ) Jesse +$50.00 $9,761.12
4.6.18 DONATION (LM) Jesse +$100.00 $9,861.12
4.6.18 DONATION (JS) Jesse +$20.00 $9,881.12
4.6.18 DONATION (JS) Jesse +$20.00 $9,901.12
4.6.18 DONATION (ST) Jesse +$30.00 $9,931.12
4.6.18 DONATION (KB) Jesse +$5.00 $9,936.12
4.6.18 Office: Porta-Jon -$90.00 $9,846.12
4.6.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $9,844.72
4.6.18 Loan Repayment ($500 balance) -$500.00 $9,344.72
4.6.18 Auto: Visors, freon, etc. -$77.00 $9,267.72
4.6.18 DONATION (KK) Jesse +$20.00 $9,287.72
4.6.18 DONATION (JR) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,292.72
4.6.18 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$10.00 $9,302.72
4.6.18 DONATION (LC) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,307.72
4.6.18 DONATION (DN) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,312.72
4.6.18 DONATION (SA) $5 Friday +$5.00 $9,317.72
4.6.18 Service Charges -$2.90 $9,314.82
4.6.18 Postage -$20.00 $9,294.82
4.9.18 SALES: Shirts +$70.00 $9,364.82
4.9.18 Fuel -$14.25 $9,350.57
4.9.18 New Site: Office lumber, vanity -$1,049.01 $8,301.56
4.9.18 DONATION (SS) +$10.00 $8,311.56
4.9.18 DONATION (JS) +$10.00 $8,321.56
4.9.18 Spay it Forward March -$220.00 $8,101.56
4.9.18 Medical: Mr. Ed -$100.80 $8,000.76
4.9.18 Medical: Nemo -$123.50 $7,877.26
4.9.18 Medical: Bessie -$590.08 $7,287.18
4.9.18 Medical: Amoxicillin x100 -$76.00 $7,211.18
4.9.18 Medical: Griff -$104.00 $7,107.18
4.9.18 Medical: Jesse -$35.88 $7,071.30
4.9.18 SALES: Treats/Collars @ACC +$90.00 $7,161.30
4.9.18 DONATION (MD) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $7,186.30
4.9.18 DONATION (CZ) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,236.30
4.9.18 DONATION (BG) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,286.30
4.9.18 DONATION (AB) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,336.30
4.9.18 DONATION (TP) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,386.30
4.9.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $7,411.30
4.9.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $7,436.30
4.9.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $7,446.30
4.9.18 DONATION (LT) Apr Sponsor +$75.00 $7,521.30
4.9.18 DONATION (BN) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $7,546.30
4.9.18 DONATION (HT) Apr Sponsor +$100.00 $7,646.30
4.9.18 Service Charges -$13.97 $7,632.33
4.9.18 DONATION (LA) Bday +$20.00 $7,652.33
4.9.18 DONATION (AA) Jesse +$20.00 $7,672.33
4.9.18 DONATION (TP) Bday +$50.00 $7,722.33
4.9.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,727.33
4.9.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,737.33
4.9.18 DONATION (WB) Bday +$20.00 $7,757.33
4.9.18 DONATION (DL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,762.33
4.9.18 DONATION (MD) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,767.33
4.9.18 DONATION (TJ) Jesse +$25.00 $7,792.33
4.9.18 DONATION (JP) Bday +$30.00 $7,822.33
4.10.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $7,847.33
4.10.18 Marketing: Benchmark Emailx6 -$118.75 $7,728.58
4.10.18 SALES: Shirts +$81.00 $7,809.58
4.10.18 DONATION (PS) Jesse +$100.00 $7,909.58
4.10.18 Utilities: ELWA (New Site) -$7.25 $7,902.33
4.10.18 DONATION (CM) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,952.33
4.10.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $7,942.33
4.10.18 DONATION (CN) FB FR +$10.00 $7,952.33
4.10.18 DONATION (CS) FB FR +$5.00 $7,957.33
4.10.18 DONATION (MH) FB FR +$10.00 $7,967.33
4.10.18 DONATION (TS) FB FR +$5.00 $7,972.33
4.10.18 Service Charges -$4.33 $7,968.00
4.11.18 SALES: Shirts +$50.00 $8,018.00
4.11.18 DONATION (TD) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $8,043.00
4.11.18 Marketing: Shutterstock x1 mo -$35.00 $8,008.00
4.11.18 DONATION (JA) FB FR +$50.00 $8,058.00
4.11.18 Service Charges -$2.55 $8,055.45
4.11.18 Equipment: Arctic Cat Repair -$500.00 $7,555.45
4.11.18 Medical: Micro chip registrations -$49.75 $7,505.70
4.11.18 Medical: Micro chips x25 ct -$10.00 $7,495.70
4.11.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $6,918.76
4.12.18 DONATION (MH) +$4.00 $6,922.76
4.12.18 DONATION (LH) Apr Sponsorx4 +$100.00 $7,022.76
4.12.18 DONATION (DJC) SNVP +$100.00 $7,122.76
4.12.18 Service Charges -$5.90 $7,116.86
4.12.18 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $7,141.86
4.12.18 DONATION (WC) +$15.00 $7,156.86
4.12.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,146.86
4.12.18 DONATION (JB) Apr Sponsorx3 +$150.00 $7,296.86
4.12.18 Service Charge -$3.60 $7,293.26
4.13.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $7,318.26
4.13.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $7,317.41
4.13.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $7,304.42
4.13.18 Vehicles: Lock replacemt -$33.16 $7,271.26
4.13.18 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,281.26
4.13.18 New Site: Pub Table w/4 Chairs -$100.00 $7,181.26
4.13.18 DONATION (LE) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,231.26
4.13.18 Supplies: Canopy, lights, etc -$108.58 $7,122.68
4.13.18 Service Charges -$2.42 $7,120.26
4.17.18 DONATION (JJ) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $7,170.26
4.17.18 DONATION (BT) Apr Sponsor +$75.00 $7,245.26
4.17.18 New Site: Screws, etc. -$32.72 $7,212.54
4.17.18 DONATION (KG) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $7,237.54
4.17.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$10.00 $7,247.54
4.17.18 Service Charges -$3.32 $7,244.22
4.17.18 DONATION (BT) $10 Tuesday +$20.00 $7,264.22
4.17.18 DONATION (ZM) FB +$5.00 $7,269.22
4.17.18 DONATION (BN) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7.274.22
4.17.18 DONATION (LB) $5 Friday +$20.00 $7,294.22
4.17.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,299.22
4.17.18 DONATION (MD) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,304.22
4.17.18 DONATION (WD) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,314.22
4.17.18 DONATION (MH) Bday +$25.00 $7,339.22
4.17.18 DONATION (EC) Bday +$20.00 $7,359.22
4.17.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,364.22
4.17.18 DONATION (TS) Bday +$20.00 $7,384.22
4.17.18 DONATION (TB) Bday +$20.04 $7,404.26
4.17.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,409.26
4.17.18 DONATION (VR) Bday +$20.00 $7,429.26
4.17.18 New Site: Door knobs, etc. -$55.59 $7.373.67
4.17.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $7,363.72
4.17.18 DONATION (TH) Toady +$25.00 $7,388.72
4.17.18 DONATION (LS) Apr Sponsor +$40.00 $7,428.72
4.17.18 Service Charges -$2.03 $7,426.69
4.18.18 DONATION (AL) Quinn +$20.00 $7,446.69
4.18.18 DONATION (SA) Quinn +$50.00 $7,496.69
4.18.18 DONATION (MM) +$100.00 $7,596.69
4.18.18 DONATION (LT) Quinn +$10.00 $7,606.69
4.18.18 DONATION (BG) Quinn +$50.00 $7,656.69
4.18.18 Service Charges -$3.32 $7,653.37
4.18.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,643.37
4.18.18 Utilities: Four County -$155.00 $7,488.37
4.18.18 DONATION (BR) Quinn +$10.00 $7,498.37
4.18.18 Service Charge -.52¢ $7,497.85
4.19.18 Enrichment: Week of 3.5.18 -$180.00 $7,317.85
4.19.18 Enrichment: Week of 4.2.18 -$180.00 $7,137.85
4.19.18 Enrichment: Week of 4.9.18 -$180.00 $6,957.85
4.19.18 Enrichment: Week of 4.16.18 -$180.00 $6,777.85
4.19.18 DONATION (KG) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $6,827.85
4.19.18 DONATION (ST) FB FR +$5.00 $6,832.85
4.19.18 Loan Repayment ($0 balance) -$500.00 $6,332.85
4.20.18 DONATION (TJ) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $6,382.85
4.20.18 DONATION (BN) Quinn +$100.00 $6,482.85
4.20.18 DONATION (CA) FB FR +$20.00 $6,502.85
4.20.18 DONATION (AA) Quinn +$50.00 $6,552.85
4.20.18 DONATION (MD) Quinn +$20.00 $6,572.85
4.20.18 DONATION (DB) Dawn +$5.00 $6,577.85
4.20.18 Service Charges -$3.90 $6,573.95
4.23.18 DONATION (KA) Quinn +$25.00 $6,598.95
4.23.18 DONATION (ST) $5 Friday +$20.00 $6,618.95
4.23.18 DONATION (SE) WBday +$20.00 $6,638.95
4.23.18 DONATION (AH) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,643.95
4.23.18 DONATION (SA) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,648.95
4.23.18 DONATION (LP) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,653.95
4.23.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,658.95
4.23.18 Fuel -$43.24 $6,615.71
4.23.18 Supplies: Pest Control, etc. -$34.66 $6,581.05
4.23.18 DONATION (JJ) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $6,631.05
4.23.18 DONATION (SR) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,656.05
4.23.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $6,654.65
4.23.18 Office: Animal Sheltering Mag. -$20.00 $6,634.65
4.24.18 DONATION (CL) Apr Sponsor +$75.00 $6,709.65
4.24.18 DONATION (KK) W Bday +$20.00 $6,729.65
4.24.18 DONATION (MW) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $6,779.65
4.24.18 DONATION (TM) Apr Sponsor +$50.00 $6,829.65
4.24.18 Service Charges -$2.80 $6,826.85
4.24.18 New Site: Wastewater Inspect. -$412.50 $6,414.35
4.24.18 Utilities: CSpire -$150.00 $6,264.35
4.24.18 DONATION (SS) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,289.35
4.24.18 DONATION (JR) $10 Thursday +$10.00 $6,299.35
4.24.18 Service Charges -$1.37 $6,297.98
4.24.18 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $6,287.99
4.24.18 Research -$5.99 $6,282.00
4.25.18 DONATION (PS) Apr Sponsor +$20.00 $6,302.00
4.25.18 DONATION (BC) Apr Sponsor +$20.00 $6,322.00
4.25.18 DONATION (KH) Apr Sponsor +$5.00 $6,327.00
4.25.18 DONATION (SR) Apr Sponsor +$20.00 $6,347.00
4.25.18 DONATION (CM) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,372.00
4.25.18 SALES: Treats +$25.00 $6,397.00
4.25.18 Service Charges -$1.70 $6,395.30
4.25.18 Research -$4.50 $6,390.80
4.25.18 Enrichment: Week of 4.23.18 -$180.00 $6,210.80
4.25.18 DONATION (KSP) Apr Sponsor +$200.00 $6,410.80
4.25.18 Service Charge -$5.00 $6,405.80
4.25.18 Office: E-Junkie Software -$5.00 $6,400.80
4.25.18 DONATION (AW) Apr Sponsor +$75.00 $6,475.80
4.25.18 DONATION (TD) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,500.80
4.25.18 Service Charges -$2.80 $6,498.00
4.26.18 DONATION (GM) Apr Sponsor +$20.00 $6,518.00
4.26.18 DONATION (PG) Medical +$5.00 $6,523.00
4.26.18 DONATION (CS) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,548.00
4.26.18 DONATION (FL) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,573.00
4.26.18 DONATION (KE) +$20.00 $6,593.00
4.26.18 SALES: Shirt +$30.00 $6,623.00
4.26.18 Service Charges -$1.60 $6,621.40
4.26.18 New Site: Wastewater Inspec. + -$12.14 $6,609.26
4.26.18 New Site: Building Permits -$40.00 $6,569.26
4.26.18 New Site: Electrical Permit -$20.00 $6,549.26
4.27.18 DONATION (JF) +$10.00 $6,559.26
4.27.18 DONATION (AK) Apr Sponsor +$20.00 $6,579.26
4.27.18 Utilities: GTWS (Trash pick up) -$16.50 $6,562.76
4.30.18 DONATION (BT) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,567.76
4.30.18 DONATION (TC) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,572.76
4.30.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$10.00 $6,582.76
4.30.18 DONATION (BN) $5 Friday +$20.00 $6,602.76
4.30.18 DONATION (BD) $5 Friday +$10.00 $6,612.76
4.30.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,617.76
4.30.18 DONATION (SS) +$15.00 $6,632.76
4.30.18 DONATION (JS) +$15.00 $6,647.76
4.30.18 DONATION (LS) Monthly +$25.00 $6,672.76
4.30.18 SALES: Shirts +$102.00 $6,774.76
4.30.18 ADOPTION: Minnie +$100.00 $6,874.76
4.30.18 Service Charges -$6.70 $6,868.06
4.30.18 Marketing: Facebook Ads -$90.88 $6,777.18
4.30.18 Auto: Charger set (Van) -$14.96 $6,762.22
4.30.18 Fuel -$49.64 $6,712.58
4.30.18 Pest Control -$21.39 $6,691.19
4.30.18 New Site: Security -$91.91 $6,599.28
4.30.18 Equipment: Tractor maintenance -$31.21 $6,568.07
4.30.18 New Site: Building anchors, etc -$97.78 $6,470.29
4.30.18 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $6,495.29
4.30.18 DONATION (KM) Apr Sponsor +$25.00 $6,520.29
4.30.18 Service Charges -$1.70 $6,518.59
4.30.18 New Site: Security -$42.77 $6,475.82
4.30.18 DONATION (RP) May Sponsorx2 +$70.00 $6,545.82
4.30.18 DONATION (CA) April Sponsor +$50.00 $6,595.82
4.30.18 Service Charges -$3.54 $6,592.28
4.30.18 New Site: Keys -$11.03 $6,581.25
5.1.18 DONATION (D/T) May Sponsor +$100.00 $6,681.25
5.1.18 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $6,756.25
5.1.18 DONATION (MC/SL) +$200.00 $6,956.25
5.1.18 DONATION (SS) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,991.25
5.1.18 Service Charge -$1.07 $6,990.18
5.1.18 Utilities: ELWA -$36.11 $6,954.07
5.1.18 Equipment: Chipper repair -$69.55 $6,884.52
5.1.18 Enrichment: Week of 4.30.18 -$180.00 $6,704.52
5.1.18 DONATION (DP) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,739.52
5.1.18 DONATION (TD) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,774.52
5.1.18 Service Charges -$2.14 $6,772.38
5.1.18 DONATION (BS) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,807.38
5.1.18 DONATION (MBM) Bessie Spay +$80.00 $6,887.38
5.1.18 DONATION (D/T) Quinn ACC +$100.00 $6,987.38
5.1.18 DONATION (TP) May Sponsor +$35.00 $7,022.38
5.1.18 Service Charges -$2.14 $7,020.24
5.1.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,010.24
5.1.18 Marketing: Hug a Bull Shirts -$341.87 $6,668.37
5.2.18 DONATION (TJ) May Sponsor +$25.00 $6,693.37
5.2.18 DONATION (BG) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,728.37
5.2.18 Service Charges -$1.92 $6,726.45
5.2.18 New Site: Trailer lock -$40.71 $6,685.74
5.2.18 DONATION (EJ) ACC Pearl +$25.00 $6,710.74
5.2.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $6,709.89
5.2.18 Supplies: Stamp ink pad -$2.14 $6,707.75
5.3.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $6,727.75
5.3.18 DONATION (HH) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,762.75
5.3.18 DONATION (KA)  Pearl +$30.00 $6,792.75
5.3.18 DONATION (SA) Apr Sponsor +$100.00 $6,892.75
5.3.18 DONATION (AA) +$50.00 $6,942.75
5.3.18 DONATION (DB) Trailer +$5.00 $6,947.75
5.3.18 DONATION (TJ) Trailer +$10.00 $6,957.75
5.3.18 Service Charges -$2.77 $6,954.98
5.4.18 DONATION (HT) May Sponsor +$100.00 $7,054.98
5.4.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $7,104.98
5.4.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $7,154.98
5.4.18 DONATION (MM) +$5.00 $7,159.98
5.4.18 Service Charges -$3.90 $7,156.08
5.4.18 Fuel -$14.52 $7,141.56
5.4.18 Medical: Elevated Feeder -$26.87 $7,114.69
5.4.18 Utilities: CableOne -$66.24 $7,048.45
5.4.18 Utilities: Waukaway -$27.71 $7,020.74
5.4.18 New Site: Canopies -$171.89 $6,848.85
5.4.18 DONATION (KS) $5 Friday +$35.00 $6,883.85
5.4.18 DONATION (LE) May Sponsor +$25.00 $6,908.85
5.4.18 Service Charges -$2.10 $6,906.75
5.4.18 Utilities: Porta-jon -$90.00 $6,816.75
5.7.18 DONATION (TC) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,821.75
5.7.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $6,846.75
5.7.18 DONATION (KG) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,881.75
5.7.18 DONATION (SS) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,916.75
5.7.18 DONATION (BG) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,951.75
5.7.18 SALES: Treats/Collars @ ACC +$95.00 $7,046.75
5.7.18 DONATION (TM) FB FR +$50.00 $7,096.75
5.7.18 DONATION (JM) Pearl +$20.00 $7,116.75
5.7.18 DONATION (AG) Pearl +$100.00 $7,216.75
5.7.18 DONATION (SW) +$20.00 $7,236.75
5.7.18 DONATION (BT) FB FR +$15.00 $7,251.75
5.7.18 DONATION (MG) Pearl +$5.00 $7,256.75
5.7.18 DONATION (TL) Pearl +$5.00 $7,261.75
5.7.18 DONATION (AA) $5 Friday +$10.00 $7,271.75
5.7.18 DONATION (DL) Pearl +$10.00 $7,281.75
5.7.18 DONATION (LP) +$5.00 $7,286.75
5.7.18 New Site: Batteries (Sec Cams) -$38.04 $7,248.71
5.7.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,238.71
5.7.18 Medical: Pyrantel -$30.77 $7,207.94
5.7.18 Medical: Jesse -$484.92 $6,723.02
5.7.18 Medical: Griff -$168.50 $6,554.52
5.7.18 Service Charges -$4.47 $6,550.05
5.7.18 DONATION (SG) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,585.05
5.7.18 Service Charge -$1.07 $6,583.98
5.9.18 DONATION (JB) +$61.20 $6,645.18
5.9.18 DONATION (MG) $5 Friday +$5.00 $6,650.18
5.9.18 DONATION (LM) May Sponsor +$100.00 $6,750.18
5.9.18 DONATION (SM) FB B'day +$5.00 $6,755.18
5.9.18 DONATION (MD) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,790.18
5.9.18 DONATION (SC) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,825.18
5.9.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $6,835.18
5.9.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $6,860.18
5.9.18 DONATION (KV) +$25.00 $6,885.18
5.9.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $6,910.18
5.9.18 Service Charges -$4.14 $6,906.04
5.9.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $6,896.04
5.9.18 Marketing: Shutterstock x1mo -$14.00 $6,882.04
5.10.18 DONATION (SA) Trailer +$50.00 $6,932.04
5.10.18 DONATION (TJ) Trailer +$20.00 $6,952.04
5.10.18 DONATION (CK) Trailer +$30.00 $6,982.04
5.10.18 DONATION (JC) Trailer +$45.00 $7,027.04
5.10.18 DONATION (TM) Trailer +$50.00 $7,077.04
5.10.18 DONATION (HP) Trailer +$30.00 $7,107.04
5.10.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,097.04
5.10.18 Service Charges -$6.75 $7,090.29
5.10.18 DONATION (H/S) Mother's Day +$60.00 $7,150.29
5.10.18 Service Charge -$1.62 $7,148.67
5.11.18 DONATION (JC) Trailer +$100.00 $7,248.67
5.11.18 SALES: Shirts +$40.00 $7,288.67
5.11.18 Auto: Big Red A/C -$115.02 $7,173.65
5.11.18 Medical: Meclizine x300 -$13.84 $7,159.81
5.11.18 Utilities: ELWA (New Site) -$7.25 $7,152.56
5.11.18 Equipment: 6x10 Trailer & Lock -$822.83 $6,329.73
5.11.18 Service Charges -$4.16 $6,325.57
5.11.18 Postage -$10.00 $6,315.57
5.11.18 DONATION (GM) MP BD +$5.00 $6,320.57
5.11.18 DONATION (CR) JJ BD +$10.00 $6,330.57
5.11.18 DONATION (AT) JJ BD +$20.00 $6,350.57
5.11.18 DONATION (GN) JJ BD +$20.00 $6,370.57
5.11.18 DONATION (PB) JJ BD +$20.00 $6,390.57
5.11.18 DONATION (BB) JJ BD +$30.00 $6,420.57
5.11.18 DONATION (BG) Trailer +$50.00 $6,470.57
5.11.18 DONATION (JP) Trailer +$50.00 $6,520.57
5.11.18 DONATION (KB) Trailer +$20.00 $6,540.57
5.11.18 DONATION (BN) Trailer +$100.00 $6,640.57
5.11.18 DONATION (EC) Trailer +$20.00 $6,660.57
5.11.18 DONATION (SR) Trailer +$10.00 $6,670.57
5.11.18 DONATION (VR) Trailer +$50.00 $6,720.57
5.11.18 DONATION (JH) Trailer +$50.00 $6,770.57
5.11.18 DONATION (TP) Trailer +$25.00 $6,795.57
5.11.18 DONATION (SW) May Sponsor +$35.00 $6,830.57
5.11.18 DONATION (WB) +$50.00 $6,880.57
5.11.18 Service Charges -$2.47 $6,878.10
5.11.18 DONATION (JW) May Sponsor +$70.00 $6,948.10
5.11.18 Postage -$10.00 $6,938.10
5.11.18 Service Charge -$1.84 $6,936.26
5.11.18 DONATION (LJ) JJ BD +$20.00 $6,956.26
5.11.18 DONATION (BT) Trailer +$100.00 $7,056.26
5.11.18 DONATION (SW) CK BD +$100.00 $7,156.26
5.11.18 DONATION (DR) JJ BD +$5.00 $7,161.26
5.11.18 DONATION (KB) Trailer +$20.00 $7,181.26
5.11.18 DONATION (VH) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,186.26
5.11.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,191.26
5.11.18 DONATION (KL) JJ BD +$20.00 $7,211.26
5.11.18 DONATION (SA) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,216.26
5.13.18 DONATION (DC) SNVP +$100.00 $7,316.26
5.13.18 DONATION (TJ) Septic +$50.00 $7,366.26
5.13.18 DONATION (JB) Septic +$150.00 $7,516.26
5.13.18 Sales: Shirts +$56.00 $7,572.26
5.13.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $7,597.26
5.13.18 Service Charges -$9.88 $7,587.38
5.13.18 Medical: Elevated Feeder -$13.16 $7,574.22
5.13.18 Fuel -$67.57 $7,506.65
5.13.18 New Site: Lumber -$89.79 $7,416.86
5.13.18 Supplies: Hoses -$29.94 $7,386.92
5.13.18 Volunteer Work Day Meal -$67.96 $7,318.96
5.13.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $7,305.97
5.15.18 DONATION (RWN) Septic +$500.00 $7,805.97
5.15.18 DONATION (RW) Septic +$10.00 $7,815.97
5.15.18 Postage -$50.00 $7,765.97
5.15.18 Service Charges -$11.82 $7,754.15
5.15.18 Enrichment: Week of 5.14.18 -$180.00 $7,394.15
5.15.18 Enrichment: Week of 5.7.18 -$180.00 $7,214.15
5.16.18 DONATION (CK) Septic +$500.00 $7,714.15
5.16.18 DONATION (DN) Septic +$10.00 $7,724.15
5.16.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$10.00 $7,734.15
5.16.18 DONATION (JB) JJ BD +$25.00 $7,759.15
5.16.18 DONATION (MM) JJ BD +$100.00 $7,859.15
5.16.18 Service Charges -$12.34 $7,846.81
5.17.18 DONATION (PS) May Sponsor +$75.00 $7,921.81
5.17.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $7,911.86
5.17.18 Equipment: Property Plates x20 -$65.80 $7,846.06
5.18.18 DONATION (TJ) +$10.00 $7,856.06
5.21.18 DONATION (ST) Septic +$5.00 $7,861.06
5.21.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$5.00 $7,866.06
5.21.18 DONATION (BH) SF BD +$10.00 $7,876.06
5.21.18 Enrichment: Week of 5.21.18 -$180.00 $7,696.06
5.22.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $7,119.12
5.22.18 DONATION (TJ) Septic +$50.00 $7,169.12
5.22.18 Utilities: Four County -$147.00 $7,022.12
5.22.18 Service Charge -$1.40 $7,020.72
5.22.18 Equipment: Tires for Mower -$75.54 $6,945.18
5.23.18 DISBURSEMENT: Amazon +$102.73 $7,047.91
5.23.18 DONATION (KH) +$5.00 $7,052.91
5.23.18 DONATION (KS) EC BD +$20.00 $7,072.91
5.23.18 DONATION (DT) Septic +$5.00 $7,077.91
5.23.18 DONATION (DB) Septic +$5.00 $7,082.91
5.23.18 DONATION (AW) Septic +$100.00 $7,182.91
5.23.18 DONATION (TP) Septic +$50.00 $7,232.91
5.23.18 DONATION (YS) Septic +$25.00 $7,257.91
5.23.18 DONATION (JW) Septic +$50.00 $7,307.91
5.23.18 Service Charges -$3.65 $7,304.26
5.23.18 New Site: Water Line, etc. -$260.61 $7,043.65
5.23.18 DONATION (FL) Septic +$25.00 $7,068.65
5.23.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $7,067.80
5.23.18 Volunteers: Snacks -$23.28 $7,044.52
5.24.18 DONATION (MJ) Septic +$75.00 $7,119.52
5.24.18 DONATION (KK) Septic +$20.00 $7,139.52
5.24.18 DONATION (BN) Septic +$100.00 $7,239.52
5.24.18 Fuel -$58.77 $7,180.75
5.24.18 Utilities: CSpire -$207.17 $6,973.58
5.24.18 Janitorial -$32.74 $6,940.84
5.25.18 DONATION (CS) EC BD +$20.00 $6,960.84
5.25.18 DONATION (KM) EC BD +$20.00 $6,980.84
5.25.18 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $6,970.85
5.25.18 DONATION (RB) Septic +$20.00 $6,990.85
5.25.18 DONATION (CT) Septic +$40.00 $7,030.85
5.25.18 DONATION (SW) Septic +$50.00 $7,080.85
5.25.18 DONATION (MJ) Septic +$100.00 $7,180.85
5.25.18 DONATION (AW) EC BD +$20.00 $7,200.85
5.25.18 DONATION (BN) Septic +$50.00 $7,250.85
5.25.18 DONATION (BG) Septic +$20.00 $7,270.85
5.25.18 DONATION (TJ) Septic +$5.00 $7,275.85
5.25.18 DONATION (SA) Septic +$20.00 $7,295.85
5.25.18 DONATION (AG) Septic +$20.00 $7,315.85
5.27.18 DONATION (DB) Septic +$5.00 $7,320.85
5.27.18 DONATION (KP) Septic +$5.00 $7,325.85
5.27.18 DONATION (JH) Septic +$20.00 $7,345.85
5.27.18 DONATION (KW) Septic +$5.00 $7,350.85
5.27.18 DONATION (JM) Septic +$5.00 $7,355.85
5.27.18 DISBURSEMENT: Hale Pet/JW +$49.50 $7,405.35
5.27.18 SALES: Shirts +$56.00 $7,461.35
5.27.18 Service Charge -$1.53 $7,459.82
5.27.18 Supplies: Hose, Pest Cntrl, EZR -$89.24 $7,370.58
5.27.18 Fuel -$16.30 $7,354.28
5.28.18 Supplies: Food, Pest Control -$74.86 $7,279.42
5.28.18 Social Media: E-Junkie -$5.00 $7,274.42
5.29.18 DONATION (LE) Septic +$25.00 $7,299.42
5.29.18 Service Charge -$1.03 $7,298.39
5.30.18 DONATION (KP) Septic +$300.00 $7,598.39
5.30.18 DONATION (CT) SF BD +$40.00 $7,638.39
5.30.18 DONATION (SK) Septic +$20.00 $7,658.39
5.30.18 Service Charges -$7.64 $7,650.75
5.30.18 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $7,634.25
5.30.18 Enrichment: Week of 5.28.18 -$180.00 $7,454.25
5.30.18 DONATION (LS) Monthly +$25.00 $7,479.25
5.31.18 SALES: Treats +$25.00 $7,504.25
5.31.18 Service Charges -$1.70 $7,502.55
5.31.18 Marketing: Facebook Ads -$48.17 $7,454.38
6.1.18 DONATION (MD) Septic +$5.00 $7,459.38
6.1.18 DONATION (MH) Septic +$25.00 $7,484.38
6.1.18 DONATION (MW) Septic +$50.00 $7,534.38
6.1.18 DONATION (CZL) Septic +$5.34 $7,539.72
6.1.18 DONATION (PG) Septic +$20.00 $7,559.72
6.1.18 SALES: Shirt +$27.00 $7,586.72
6.1.18 DONATION (TJ) June Septic +$25.00 $7,611.72
6.1.18 Service Charges -$1.59 $7,610.13
6.1.18 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$350.43 $7,259.70
6.1.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,249.70
6.1.18 DONATION (HT) June Septic +$100.00 $7,349.70
6.1.18 Service Charge -$2.50 $7,347.20
6.1.18 Supplies: Coconut oil, cond. -$37.43 $7,309.77
6.1.18 Supplies: Timers -$30.98 $7,278.79
6.2.18 DONATION (TP) June Septic +$50.00 $7,328.79
6.2.18 Fuel -$15.23 $7,313.56
6.2.18 Fuel -$58.49 $7,255.07
6.2.18 Equipment: Starter fluid, etc -$18.16 $7,236.91
6.3.18 Equipment: Oil, sprayer tips -$10.98 $7,225.93
6.3.18 Volunteer/Board Meal -$67.44 $7,158.49
6.3.18 DONATION (CH) Tilling +$50.00 $7,208.49
6.3.18 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $7,283.49
6.3.18 DONATION (SS) +$10.00 $7,293.49
6.3.18 DONATION (JS) +$10.00 $7,303.49
6.3.18 Social Media: Website (3 mo) -$29.97 $7,273.52
6.3.18 Utilities: CableOne -$66.24 $7,207.28
6.3.18 Supplies: Envelopes, Carabiners -$59.97 $7,147.31
6.3.18 Postage -$10.00 $7,137.31
6.3.18 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $7,157.31
6.3.18 DONATION (LR) Leland +$25.00 $7,182.31
6.3.18 DONATION (AB) Monthly +$50.00 $7,232.31
6.3.18 DONATION (Anon) Septic +$2000.00 $9,232.31
6.3.18 DONATION (TJ) Leland -$25.00 $9,257.31
6.3.18 DONATION (SF) Leland +$50.00 $9,307.31
6.3.18 DONATION (AH) Leland +$25.00 $9,332.31
6.3.18 DONATION (BY) Leland +$25.00 $9,357.31
6.3.18 DONATION (EF) Leland +$20.00 $9,377.31
6.3.18 DONATION (BG) Leland +$50.00 $9,427.31
6.3.18 DONATION (KC) Leland +$10.00 $9,437.31
6.3.18 DONATION (BJ) Leland +$25.00 $9,462.31
6.3.18 DONATION (AC) Leland +$10.00 $9,472.31
6.3.18 DONATION (SW) Leland +$50.00 $9,522.31
6.3.18 DONATION (KK) Leland +$20.00 $9,542.31
6.3.18 DONATION (BT) Leland +$20.00 $9,562.31
6.3.18 DONATION (RA) Leland +$25.00 $9,587.31
6.3.18 DONATION (KS) Leland +$25.00 $9,612.31
6.3.18 DONATION (TD) Leland +$50.00 $9,662.31
6.3.18 DONATION (EC) Leland +$20.00 $9,682.31
6.3.18 DONATION (MJ) Leland +$50.00 $9,732.31
6.3.18 DONATION (MB) Leland +$25.00 $9,757.31
6.3.18 DONATION (SL) Leland +$100.00 $9,857.31
6.3.18 DONATION (TJ) Leland +$50.00 $9,907.31
6.3.18 DONATION (L/EH) Leland +$50.00 $9,957.31
6.3.18 DONATION (NB) Leland +$10.00 $9,967.31
6.3.18 DONATION (EH) Leland +$25.00 $9,992.31
6.3.18 DONATION (AB) Leland +$100.00 $10,092.31
6.3.18 DONATION (D/S) Leland +$100.00 $10,192.31
6.3.18 DONATION (LW) Leland +$10.00 $10,202.31
6.3.18 DONATION (TP) Leland +$25.00 $10,227.31
6.4.18 DONATION (SW) Leland +$25.00 $10,252.31
6.4.18 Medical: Panacur -$130.99 $10,121.32
6.4.18 Service Charges -$35.23 $10,086.09
6.4.18 Utilities: ELWA -$37.10 $10,048.99
6.4.18 DONATION (JJ) Leland +$100.00 $10,148.99
6.4.18 Office: Portajon -$90.00 $10,058.99
6.4.18 DONATION (BR) Leland +$10.00 $10,068.99
6.4.18 DONATION (KG) Leland +$25.00 $10,093.99
6.4.18 DONATION (VP) Leland +$25.00 $10,118.99
6.4.18 DONATION (TC) Leland +$50.00 $10,168.99
6.4.18 Postage -$10.00 $10,158.99
6.4.18 Service Charges -$6.12 $10,152.87
6.5.18 DONATION (SL) Leland +$250.00 $10,402.87
6.5.18 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $10,452.87
6.5.18 Utilities: Waukaway -$27.71 $10,425.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AP) Leland +$260.00 $10,685.16
6.5.18 DONATION (F/DB) Leland +$75.00 $10,760.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AL) Leland +$40.00 $10,800.16
6.5.18 DONATION (BW) +$50.00 $10,850.16
6.5.18 DONATION (LS) +$20.00 $10,870.16
6.5.18 DONATION (SS) +$5.00 $10,875.16
6.5.18 DONATION (DL) +$10.00 $10,885.16
6.5.18 DONATION (KG) +$20.00 $10,905.16
6.5.18 DONATION (MB) Leland +$10.00 $10,915.16
6.5.18 DONATION (RP) Leland +$20.00 $10,935.16
6.5.18 DONATION (JS) Leland +$25.00 $10,960.16
6.5.18 DONATION (ES) Leland +$5.00 $10,965.16
6.5.18 DONATION (LB) Leland +$8.00 $10,973.16
6.5.18 DONATION (LW) Leland +$50.00 $11,023.16
6.5.18 DONATION (PC) Leland +$20.00 $11,043.16
6.5.18 DONATION (SL) Leland +$25.00 $11,068.16
6.5.18 DONATION (LL) Leland +$10.00 $11,078.16
6.5.18 DONATION (MD) Leland +$10.00 $11,088.16
6.5.18 DONATION (TH) Leland +$20.00 $11,108.16
6.5.18 DONATION (JL) Leland +$10.00 $11,118.16
6.5.18 DONATION (CS) Leland +$50.00 $11,168.16
6.5.18 DONATION (ZM) Leland +$20.00 $11,188.16
6.5.18 DONATION (BR) Leland +$50.00 $11,238.16
6.5.18 DONATION (SS) Leland +$50.00 $11,288.16
6.5.18 DONATION (MV) Leland +$100.00 $11,388.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AC) Leland +$20.00 $11,408.16
6.5.18 DONATION (KW) Leland +$20.00 $11,428.16
6.5.18 DONATION (HH) Leland +$10.00 $11,438.16
6.5.18 DONATION (SW) Leland +$20.00 $11,458.16
6.5.18 DONATION (SL) Leland +$250.00 $11,708.16
6.5.18 DONATION (DB) Leland +$10.00 $11,718.16
6.5.18 DONATION (LR) Leland +$20.00 $11,738.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AL) Leland +$20.00 $11,758.16
6.5.18 DONATION (JG) Leland +$20.00 $11,778.16
6.5.18 DONATION (MS) Leland +$30.00 $11,808.16
6.5.18 DONATION (BW) Leland +$50.00 $11,858.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AB) Leland +$10.00 $11,868.16
6.5.18 DONATION (MS) Leland +$20.00 $11,888.16
6.5.18 DONATION (DS) Leland +$50.00 $11,938.16
6.5.18 DONATION (AW) Leland +$50.00 $11,988.16
6.5.18 DONATION (KA) Leland +$50.08 $12,038.24
6.5.18 Service Charges -$14.95 $12,023.29
6.6.18 DONATION (JB) Leland +$200.00 $12,223.29
6.6.18 DONATION (EA) Leland +$500.00 $12,723.29
6.6.18 DONATION (SF) Leland +$20.00 $12,743.29
6.6.18 DONATION (SA) Leland +$100.00 $12,843.29
6.6.18 Service Charges -$7.94 $12,835.35
6.6.18 DONATION (MS) Leland +$50.00 $12,885.35
6.6.18 DONATION (CM) Leland +$20.00 $12,905.35
6.6.18 DONATION (MH) Leland +$100.00 $13,005.35
6.6.18 DONATION (NL) Leland +$25.00 $13,030.35
6.6.18 DONATION (MB) Leland +$20.00 $13,050.35
6.6.18 DONATION (RP) Leland +$50.00 $13,100.35
6.6.18 DONATION (RB) Leland +$100.00 $13,200.35
6.6.18 DONATION (TH) Leland +$10.00 $13,210.35
6.6.18 DONATION (PJ) Leland +$50.00 $13,260.35
6.6.18 DONATION (LM) Leland +$100.00 $13,360.35
6.6.18 DONATION (TG) Leland +$10.00 $13,370.35
6.6.18 DONATION (MG) Leland +$10.00 $13,380.35
6.6.18 DONATION (SR) Leland +$50.00 $13,430.35
6.6.18 DONATION (JM) Leland +$10.00 $13,440.35
6.6.18 DONATION (BJ) Leland +$50.00 $13,490.35
6.6.18 DONATION (PT) Leland +$100.00 $13,590.35
6.6.18 DONATION (AA) Leland +$50.00 $13,640.35
6.6.18 DONATION (MC) Leland +$50.00 $13,690.35
6.6.18 Enrichment: Week of 6.4.18 -$180.00 $13,510.35
6.6.18 Postage -$10.00 $13,500.35
6.6.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $12,923.41
6.7.18 DONATION (T/D) Leland +$337.50 $13,260.91
6.7.18 DONATION (BK) Leland +$50.00 $13,310.91
6.7.18 DONATION (JL) Leland +$10.00 $13,320.91
6.7.18 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $13,345.91
6.7.18 DONATION (MK) Leland +$10.00 $13,355.91
6.7.18 Service Charges -$1.37 $13,354.54
6.7.18 Supplies: Oil, Quickbayt, Wraps -$38.55 $13,315.99
6.7.18 Marketing: Bookmarks x2500 -$101.84 $13,214.15
6.8.18 DONATION (AM) Leland +$50.00 $13,264.15
6.8.18 DONATION (BM) Leland +$50.00 $13,314.15
6.8.18 DONATION (SM) June Sponsor +$50.00 $13,364.15
6.8.18 DONATION (DB) Leland +$5.00 $13,369.15
6.8.18 DONATION (JJ) Monthly +$10.00 $13,379.15
6.8.18 Service Charges -$1.92 $13,377.23
6.8.18 SALES: Treats @ ACC +$107.00 $13,484.23
6.8.18 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $13,509.23
6.8.18 DONATION (R/L) LELAND +$10.00 $13,519.23
6.8.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $13,518.38
6.8.18 Medical: SNVP May 2018 -$160.00 $13,358.38
6.8.18 Medical: Bessie -$80.00 $13,278.38
6.8.18 Medical: Cici -$5.00 $13,273.38
6.8.18 Medical: Tre -$5.00 $13,268.38
6.8.18 Medical: Maggie -$5.00 $13,263.38
6.8.18 Medical: Quinn -$254.20 $13,009.18
6.8.18 Medical: Pearl -$315.92 $12,693.26
6.8.18 Medical: Mr Ed -$62.04 $12,631.22
6.8.18 DONATION (RA) June Sponsor +$50.00 $12,681.22
6.8.18 DONATION (EC) $5 Fridays +$5.00 $12,686.22
6.8.18 Service Charges -$2.11 $12,684.11
6.9.18 ADOPTION - Bessie +$100.00 $12,784.11
6.9.18 DONATION (EA) Monthly +$25.00 $12,809.11
6.9.18 DONATION (JW) June Sponsor +$175.00 $12,984.11
6.9.18 DONATION (BG) June Sponsor +$25.00 $13,009.11
6.9.18 DONATION (R/L) Leland +$5.00 $13,014.11
6.9.18 DONATION (JS) +$75.00 $13,089.11
6.9.18 DONATION (BN) Leland +$20.00 $13,109.11
6.9.18 DONATION (GC) June Sponsor +$5.00 $13,114.11
6.9.18 DONATION (SM) June Sponsor +$10.00 $13,124.11
6.9.18 DONATION (TJ) June Sponsor +$35.00 $13,159.11
6.9.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$10.00 $13,169.11
6.9.18 DONATION (JJ) Leland +$100.00 $13,269.11
6.9.18 DONATION (LJ) Leland +$20.00 $13,289.11
6.9.18 DONATION (PW) June Sponsor +$10.00 $13,299.11
6.9.18 DONATION (LB) Leland +$20.00 $13,319.11
6.9.18 DONATION (KK) June Sponsor +$20.00 $13,339.11
6.9.18 DONATION (MJ) June Sponsor +$90.00 $13,429.11
6.9.18 DONATION (BB) June Sponsor +$50.00 $13,479.11
6.9.18 Service Charges -$6.15 $13,472.96
6.10.18 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $13,462.96
6.11.18 Postage -$10.00 $13,452.96
6.11.18 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$7.25 $13,445.71
6.11.18 DONATION (SG) June Sponsor +$50.00 $13,495.71
6.11.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $13,494.86
6.12.18 DONATION (DJC) SNVP +$100.00 $13,594.86
6.12.18 DONATION (CC) AW BD +$50.00 $13,644.86
6.12.18 DONATION (JT) AW BD +$50.00 $13,694.86
6.12.18 DONATION (MJ) June Sponsor +$40.00 $13,734.86
6.12.18 DONATION (MG) June Sponsor +$10.00 $13,744.86
6.12.18 Service Charge -$2.50 $13,742.36
6.12.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $13,165.42
6.13.18 DONATION (MH) Leland +$50.00 $13,215.42
6.13.18 DONATION (CS) June Sponsor +$25.00 $13,240.42
6.13.18 DONATION (MJ) Leland +$250.00 $13,490.42
6.13.18 DONATION (TJ) Leland +$20.00 $13,510.42
6.13.18 DONATION (KD) Leland +$20.00 $13,530.42
6.13.18 DONATION (SA) Leland +$50.00 $13,580.42
6.13.18 DONATION (BG) AW BD +$100.00 $13,680.42
6.13.18 DONATION (JS) Leland +$20.00 $13,700.42
6.13.18 DONATION (HL) June Sponsor +$50.00 $13,750.42
6.13.18 DONATION (AG) Leland +$50.00 $13,800.42
6.13.18 DONATION (MW) June Sponsor +$100.00 $13,900.42
6.13.18 DONATION (SN) Leland +$20.00 $13,920.42
6.13.18 DONATION (FL) Leland +$20.00 $13,940.42
6.13.18 DONATION (LJ) Leland +$20.00 $13,960.42
6.13.18 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $13,985.42
6.13.18 Service Charge -.85¢ $13,984.57
6.13.18 Enrichment: Week of 6.11.18 -$180.00 $13,804.57
6.13.18 Marketing: Vol Appreciation -$38.45 $13,766.12
6.13.18 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $13,753.13
6.13.18 Medical: Anti itch spray -$33.98 $13,719.15
6.15.18 DONATION (KM) Leland +$10.00 $13,729.15
6.15.18 DONATION (CGK) Leland +$10.00 $13,739.15
6.15.18 DONATION (NA) AW BD +$100.00 $13,839.15
6.15.18 DONATION (BN) June Sponsor +$5.00 $13,844.15
6.15.18 DONATION (SP) AB BD +$20.00 $13,864.15
6.15.18 DONATION (BG) Mr. Ed +$50.00 $13,914.15
6.15.18 DONATION (JP) Mr. Ed +$20.00 $13,934.15
6.15.18 DONATION (H/S) Mr. Ed +$100.00 $14,034.15
6.15.18 SALES: Shirts +$105.00 $14,139.15
6.15.18 Service Charges -$6.86 $14,132.29
6.15.18 Postage -$20.00 $14,112.29
6.16.18 DONATION (KW) $5 Friday +$5.00 $14,117,29
6.16.18 DONATION (DB) $5 Friday +$5.00 $14,122.29
6.16.18 DONATION (AH) AW BD +$5.00 $14,127.29
6.16.18 DONATION (DC) June Sponsor +$25.00 $14,152.29
6.16.18 DONATION (SC) June Sponsor +$50.00 $14,202.29
6.16.18 DONATION (TW) Monthly +$10.00 $14,212.29
6.16.18 SALES: Shirts +$98.00 $14,310.29
6.16.18 Medical: Tinactin -$10.48 $14,299.81
6.16.18 Supplies: Pest Control, Food -$140.91 $14,158.90
6.16.18 Marketing: Headbands -$3.85 $14,155.05
6.18.18 Postage -$10.00 $14,145.05
6.18.18 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $14,135.10
6.18.18 Service Charges -$4.97 $14,130.13
6.19.18 DONATION (LC) Leland +$5.00 $14,135.13
6.19.18 Marketing: Pit Life Shirts (56) -$412.58 $13,722.55
6.19.18 Auto: Windshield Wipers (Van) -$32.08 $13,690.47
6.19.18 Utilities: Four County -$344.00 $13,346.47
6.19.18 Auto: Tires for Van x2 -$151.92 $13,194.55
6.19.18 Auto: 2 Tires Mounted -$48.00 $13,146.55
6.19.18 Medical: Capstar x12 -$11.46 $13,135.09
6.19.18 Medical: Vials, Pads, etc. -$35.82 $13,099.27
6.19.18 DONATION (KB) +$5.00 $13,104.27
6.20.18 DONATION (AM) June Sponsor +$20.00 $13,124.27
6.20.18 DONATION (DB) June Sponsor +$5.00 $13,129.27
6.20.18 SALES: Shirts +$42.50 $13,171.77
6.20.18 Fuel -$20.00 $13,151.77
6.20.18 Enrichment: Week of 6.18.18 -$180.00 $12,971.77
6.21.18 SALES: Shirts +$40.00 $13,011.77
6.21.18 DONATION (JM) SP BD +$10.00 $13,021.77
6.21.18 DONATION (SS) SP BD +$10.00 $13,031.77
6.21.18 DONATION (ML) SP BD +$20.00 $13,051.77
6.21.18 DONATION (JW) SP BD +$30.00 $13,081.77
6.21.18 DONATION (LD) SP BD +$20.00 $13,101.77
6.21.18 DONATION (MJ) June Sponsor +$50.00 $13,151.77
6.21.18 DONATION (GB) +$10.00 $13,161.77
6.21.18 DONATION (KV) +$25.00 $13,186.77
6.21.18 SALES: Shirt +$15.00 $13,201.77
6.21.18 Service Charges -$2.00 $13,199.77
6.21.18 Postage -$10.00 $13,189.77
6.21.18 Supplies: Cattle Tags x40 -$91.49 $13,098.28
6.22.18 SALES: Shirts +$35.00 $13,133.28
6.22.18 Marketing: Pet Care Color Books -$195.00 $12,938.28
6.22.18 Marketing: Pens x500 -$162.00 $12,776.28
6.22.18 DONATION (LR) $5 Friday +$5.00 $12,781.28
6.22.18 Service Charges -$1.86 $12,779.42
6.23.18 Fuel -$51.18 $12,728.24
6.25.18 Postage -$10.00 $12,718.24
6.25.18 DONATION (DN) +$10.00 $12,728.24
6.25.18 DONATION (TJ) +$50.00 $12,778.24
6.25.18 DONATION (SS) +$10.00 $12,788.24
6.25.18 DONATION (JS) +$10.00 $12,798.24
6.25.18 DONATION (BP) +$100.00 $12,898.24
6.25.18 DONATION (JB) +$25.00 $12,923.24
6.25.18 Service Charges -$1.92 $12,921.32
6.25.18 Utilities: CSpire -$207.17 $12,714.15
6.25.18 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $12,704.16
6.25.18 Volunteer App. Lunch: Butt -$30.00 $12,674.16
6.25.18 SALES: Shirt +$15.00 $12,689.16
6.25.18 DONATION (LE) June Sponsor +$25.00 $12,714.16
6.25.18 Service Charge -$1.55 $12,712.61
6.26.18 Medical: Vials -$22.71 $12,689.90
6.27.18 DONATION (TC) Jesse B'Day +$50.00 $12,739.90
6.27.18 DONATION (TM) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,744.90
6.27.18 DONATION (KV) Jesse B'Day +$25.00 $12,769.90
6.27.18 DONATION (CL) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,774.90
6.27.18 DONATION (BG) Jesse B'Day +$25.00 $12,799.90
6.27.18 DONATION (MJ) Jesse B'Day +$50.00 $12,849.90
6.27.18 DONATION (DS) Jesse B'Day +$25.00 $12,874.90
6.27.18 DONATION (DG) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,879.90
6.27.18 DONATION (TJ) $5 Friday +$5.00 $12,884.90
6.27.18 DONATION (JL) $5 Friday +$10.00 $12,894.90
6.27.18 DONATION (BN) +$100.00 $12,994.90
6.27.18 DONATION (DB) June Sponsor +$5.00 $12,999.90
6.27.18 DONATION (BD) June Sponsor +$10.00 $13,009.90
6.27.18 DONATION (AW) AW BD +$100.00 $13,109.90
6.27.18 DONATION (JF) AW BD +$5.00 $13,114.90
6.27.18 DONATION (BG) AW BD +$90.00 $13,204.90
6.27.18 Service Charges -$3.92 $13,200.98
6.27.18 Enrichment: Week of 6.25.18 -$180.00 $13,020.98
6.28.18 DONATION (CA) +$250.00 $13,270.98
6.28.18 Service Charge -$5.80 $13,265.18
6.28.18 DONATION (EF) +$100.00 $13,365.18
6.28.18 Service Charge -$2.50 $13,362.68
6.28.18 REFUND:  Marketing/Pens (50) +$16.20 $13,378.88
6.28.18 New Site: Office Bldg. Payment -$576.94 $12,801.94
6.29.18 DONATION (CR) Jesse B'Day +$100.00 $12,901.94
6.29.18 DONATION (AK) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,906.94
6.29.18 DONATION (DB) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,911.94
6.29.18 DOANTION (CT) Jesse B'Day +$50.00 $12,961.94
6.29.18 DONATION (FL) Jesse B'Day +$5.00 $12,966.94
6.29.18 DONATION (JJ) Jesse B'Day +$75.00 $13,041.94
6.29.18 DONATION (GN) Jesse B'Day +$10.00 $13,051.94
6.29.18 DONATION (HL) Jesse B'Day +$20.00 $13,071.94
6.29.18 DONATION (NR) Jesse B'Day +$20.00 $13,091.94
6.29.18 DONATION (HH) Jesse B'Day +$10.00 $13,101.94


Our new address is:


Shaw PBR

368 Old New Hope Road

Columbus, MS 39702

662.386.SHAW (7429)





662.386.SHAW (7429)

Columbus, Mississippi

FEIN: 46-0852468

DUNS: 078737353


Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide abused, abandoned or homeless pit bull dogs with the medical attention they need; as well as the love and attention they deserve to heal - both emotionally, and physically.


We will work to facilitate the rescue and placement of abused or abandoned pit bulls into responsible homes and participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment; spay/neuter; food and shelter.


We are dedicated to fostering responsible pit bull ownership through education, adoption, and breed advocacy.

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