2020 General Ledger

Date Description Amount Balance
1.2.20 Carryover from 2019 $10,806.29 $10,806.29
1.3.20 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $10,856.29
1.3.20 DONATION (DBS) +$100.00 $10,956.29
1.3.20 DONATION (BM) $5 Friday +$20.00 $10,976.29
1.3.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $10,975.66
1.3.20 Utilities: CSpire -$289.60 $10,686.06
1.3.20 SALES: Calendar +$15.00 $10,701.06
1.6.20 GRANT: T Plein Foundation  +$10,000.00 $20,701.06
1.6.20 DONATION (KC) +$100.00 $20,801.06
1.6.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$120.00 $20,921.06
1.6.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$60.00 $20,981.06
1.6.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $21,016.06
1.6.20 Service Charges -$3.95 $21,012.11
1.6.20 Utilities: ELWA -$27.97 $20,984.14
1.6.20 Utilities: Sparklight (New Site) -$76.24 $20,907.90
1.6.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$28.25 $20,879.65
1.7.20 DONATIONS  +$320.00 $21,199.65
1.7.20 DONATIONS - Ruby Ball +$60.00 $21,259.65
1.7.20 Service  Charges -$2.03 $21,257.62
1.7.20 Postage: Stamps.com -$9.99 $21,247.63
1.7.20 Kennels: Pneumatic barbed staples -$42.79 $21,204.84
1.7.20 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $21,229.84
1.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$60.00 $21,289.84
1.8.20 DONATION (MJ) Jan Sponsorship +$15.00 $21,304.84
1.8.20 Service Charges -$2.22 $21,302.62
1.8.20 Enrichment - Week of 1.13.20 -$275.75 $21,026.87
1.8.20 Supplies: Toy storage bin -$39.13 $20,987.74
1.8.20 Mailing: Labels x1500 -$8.99 $20,978.75
1.8.20 Utilities: Porta-jon -$90.00 $20,888.75
1.9.20 DONATION (LP) Monthly +$50.00 $20,938.75
1.9.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$60.00 $20,998.75
1.9.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $21,003.75
1.9.20 Service Charges -$2.25 $21,001.50
1.9.20 Legal: Annual Report Filing Fee -$27.59 $20,973.91
1.9.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $20,573.91
1.9.20 New Site: Barn/shed payment -$400.00 $20,173.91
1.10.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$30.00 $20,203.91
1.10.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$60.00 $20,263.91
1.10.20 SALES - Treats/Collars +$77.00 $20,340.91
1.10.20 Medical - Pablo -$140.00 $20,200.91
1.10.20 Medical -$82.00 $20,118.91
1.10.20 Service Charges -$1.26 $20,117.65
1.10.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $19,717.65
1.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $19,707.65
1.10.20 Marketing: Vectors -$6.90 $19,700.75
1.10.20 DONATION (SJ) Jan Sponsorships +$100.00 $19,800.75
1.10.20 DONATION (DG) $5 Friday +$20.00 $19,820.75
1.10.20 Service Charges -$3.24 $19,817.51
1.13.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$305.00 $20,122.51
1.13.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$50.00 $20,172.51
1.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$25.00 $20,197.51
1.13.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $20,222.51
1.13.20 Service Charges -.85¢ $20,221.66
1.13.20 Fuel -$43.01 $20,178.65
1.13.20 PCPF - Feed -$81.28 $20,097.37
1.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $20,084.38
1.15.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$650.00 $20,734.38
1.15.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$32.50 $20,766.88
1.15.20 Service Charges -$5.11 $20,761.77
1.15.20 Enrichment: Week of 1.20.20 -$275.75 $20,486.02
1.15.20 Medical: Pablo -$260.00 $20,226.02
1.16.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$270.00 $20,496.02
1.16.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$75.00 $20,571.02
1.16.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $20,494.78
1.16.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $20,484.83
1.17.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$260.00 $20,744.83
1.17.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorship +$635.00 $21,379.83
1.17.20 SALES - Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $21,404.83
1.17.20 Service Charges -$8.57 $21,396.26
1.17.20 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$374.50 $21,021.76
1.17.20 DONATION (AW) Memoriam +$50.00 $21,071.76
1.17.20 Service Charge -$1.40 $21,070.36
1.20.20 DONATION (G/OT) +$1,000.00 $22,070.36
1.20.20 DONATIONS +$70.00 $22,140.36
1.20.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$615.00 $22,755.36
1.20.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$205.00 $22,960.36
1.20.20 DONATIONS - S/N +$190.00 $23,150.36
1.20.20 SALES - Shirt Pre-Orders +$55.00 $23,205.36
1.20.20 Service Charges -$3.21 $23,202.15
1.20.20 PCPF - Feed -$67.96 $23,134.19
1.20.20 New Site: Staples x16,500 $450.33 $22,683.86
1.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$85.00 $22,768.86
1.21.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$10.00 $22,778.86
1.21.20 DONATION - Jan Sponsorship +$25.00 $22,803.86
1.21.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $22,802.49
1.21.20 Equipment: 4 Wheeler Dump Bucket -$674.08 $22,128.41
1.21.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$86.00 $22,042.41
1.21.20 Utilities: Four County -$213.00 $21,829.41
1.22.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$170.00 $21,999.41
1.22.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$200.00 $22,199.41
1.22.20 SALES - Shirt pre-orders +$55.00 $22,254.41
1.22.20 Service Charges -$1.81 $22,252.60
1.22.20 Enrichment (Week of 1.27.20) -$275.75 $21,976.85
1.22.20 Postage -$20.00 $21,956.85
1.22.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $21,556.85
1.22.20 New Site: Barn/shed buildings payment -$400.00 $21,156.85
1.23.20 DONATION (KB) Monthly +$100.00 $21,256.85
1.23.20 DONATION - Jan Sponsorship +$5.17 $21,262.02
1.23.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$25.00 $21,287.02
1.23.20 Equipment: Battery/terminals, etc. -$139.59 $21,147.43
1.23.20 Feed: Chicken food bowl/waterer -$25.82 $21,121.61
1.24.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$150.00 $21,271.61
1.24.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$10.00 $21,281.61
1.24.20 DONATION (AM) Memoriam +$25.00 $21,306.61
1.24.20 Marketing: Banner template -$111.56 $21,195.05
1.24.20 Medical: AKC Microchip x3 -$29.85 $21,165.20
1.27.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$1,737.58 $22,902.78
1.27.20 DONATIONS - Jan Sponsorships +$200.00 $23,102.78
1.27.20 DONATIONS +$65.00 $23,167.78
1.27.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$20.00 $23,187.78
1.27.20 Service Charges -$8.13 $23,179.65
1.27.20 Equipment: Winch -$249.87 $22,929.78
1.27.20 Office: Adobe Creative Cloud -$34.99 $22,894.79
1.27.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $22,874.80
1.27.20 Postage -$30.00 $22,844.80
1.27.20 New Site: Exterior Kennel Panels install -$1,861.84 $20,982.96
1.28.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$250.00 $21,232.96
1.28.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$56.24 $21,176.72
1.28.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $21,160.22
1.29.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$15.00 $21,175.22
1.29.20 SALES - Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $21,200.22
1.29.20 Service Charges -.85¢ $21,199.37
1.29.20 Enrichment: Week of 2.3.20 -$275.75 $20,923.62
1.29.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $20,523.62
1.29.20 New Site: Barn building payment -$400.00 $20,123.62
1.29.20 Taxes: January 941 -$243.31 $19,880.31
1.29.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$2,101.50 $21,981.81
1.29.20 Postage -$20.00 $21,961.81
1.31.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$836.47 $22,798.28
1.31.20 DONATION - FB FR +$10.00 $22,808.28
1.31.20 DONATION (LT) +$100.00 $22,908.28
1.31.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$15.00 $22,923.28
1.31.20 SALES - Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $22,948.28
1.31.20 Service Charges -$1.59 $22,946.69
1.31.20 Utilities: CSpire -$300.30 $22,646.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$216.00 $22,862.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorship +$125.00 $22,987.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS - Refrigerator +$75.00 $23,062.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$250.00 $23,312.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$245.00 $23,557.39
2.4.20 DONATIONS +$24.00 $23,581.39
2.4.20 Service Charges -$5.65 $23,575.74
2.4.20 Utilities: ELWA -$31.57 $23,544.17
2.4.20 Feed -$96.08 $23,448.09
2.4.20 Marketing: Paint Brushes, glue -$26.10 $23,421.99
2.4.20 Auto: Trailer tag -$29.63 $23,392.36
2.4.20 Marketing: Adhesive -$9.90 $23,382.46
2.4.20 New Site: Stain -$26.64 $23,355.82
2.4.20 Equipment: 4 Wheeler ignition -$8.90 $23,346.92
2.4.20 Office: Norton -$64.19 $23,282.73
2.4.20 Insurance - N/S GL -$22.52 $23,260.21
2.4.20 Marketing: FB Ads -$33.75 $23,226.46
2.5.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$10.00 $23,236.46
2.5.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$105.00 $23,341.46
2.5.20 ADOPTION - Ellie +$100.00 $23,441.46
2.5.20 Service Charges -$3.65 $23,437.81
2.5.20 Enrichment: Week of 2.10.20 -$275.75 $23,162.06
2.5.20 New Site: Barn/Shed buildings payment -$400.00 $22,762.06
2.5.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $22,362.06
2.5.20 Postage -$10.00 $22,352.06
2.5.20 Auto: Rain guards (Suburban) -$46.42 $22,305.64
2.5.20 Utilities: Sparklight  -$76.24 $22,229.40
2.7.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$195.00 $22,424.40
2.7.20 DONATIONS - Ruby +$35.00  $22,459.40
2.7.20 SALES - Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $22,484.40
2.7.20 DONATION (SW) Scale +$350.00 $22,834.40
2.7.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$60.00 $22,894.40
2.7.20 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $22,919.40
2.7.20 Service  Charges -$4.20 $22,915.20
2.7.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$28.25 $22,886.95
2.7.20 Office: Porta-john -$90.00 $22,796.95
2.10.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$615.00 $23,411.95
2.10.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$385.00 $23,796.95
2.10.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$136.46 $23,933.41
2.10.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$140.00 $24,073.41
2.10.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$80.00 $24,153.41
2.10.20 Service Charges -$13.23 $24,140.18
2.10.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $23,740.18
2.10.20 New Site: Barn/shed payment -$400.00 $23,340.18
2.10.20 New Site: Marbles for sign -$28.31 $23,311.87
2.10.20 Supplies: Grass seed, sprayer -$95.13 $23,216.74
2.11.20 DONATION (TB) Feb Sponsorship +$25.00 $23,241.74
2.11.20 DONATION (MM) $5 Friday +$5.00 $23,246.74
2.11.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $23.245.89
2.11.20 SALES: Treats/Collars (ACC) +$83.00 $23,328.89
2.11.20 Supplies: Training Collars -$86.89 $23,242.00
2.11.20 Medical: Scale -$353.09 $22,888.91
2.11.20 Marketing: Pit Bull Mom shirts -$299.39 $22,589.52
2.11.20 Medical: Cephalexin x500 -$53.65 $22,535.87
2.11.20 Medical: Rabies x2 -$20.00 $22,515.87
2.11.20 Medical: Spays x2 -$143.72 $22,372.15
2.11.20 Medical: Louie -$309.18 $22,062.97
2.11.20 Medical: Cremations -$49.00 $22,013.97
2.11.20 Supplies: Nozzles, lights -$46.81 $21,967.16
2.12.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$290.00 $22,257.16
2.12.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$45.00 $22,302.16
2.12.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$75.00 $22,377.16
2.12.20 Enrichment: Week of 2.17.20 -$275.75 $22,101.41
2.12.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $22,091.41
2.12.20 Supplies: Hay -$24.96 $22,066.45
2.12.20 Auto: Oil change (Suburban) -$49.21 $22,017.24
2.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$180.00 $22,197.24
2.13.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$40.00 $22,237.24
2.13.20 DONATION - AS Freelance/New2U +$250.00 $22,487.24
2.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $22,474.25
2.14.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$60.00 $22,534.25
2.14.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$35.00 $22,569.25
2.14.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$115.00 $22,684.25
2.14.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $22,709.25
2.14.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $22,708.40
2.14.20 Postage -$20.00 $22,688.40
2.14.20 Gas -$50.43 $22,637.97
2.14.20 Supplies: Pavers x45 -$76.08 $22,561.89
2.14.20 Marketing: Post Planner - Annual -$36.00 $22,525.89
2.17.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$384.00 $22,909.89
2.17.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$145.00 $23,054.89
2.17.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$160.00 $23,214.89
2.17.20 Service Charges -$1.67 $23,213.22
2.17.20 New Site: Interior 2x12x40 x2 -$731.78 $22,481.44
2.17.20 Tools: Phillips head bits x45 -$35.28 $22,446.16
2.17.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $22,436.21
2.19.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$80.00 $22,516.21
2.19.20 Service Charge -$1.84 $22,514.37
2.19.20 DISBURSEMENT: Kroger +$190.75 $22,705.12
2.19.20 Auto: Insurance Van/Sub x6 months -$440.60 $22,264.52
2.19.20 Feed -$93.58 $22,170.94
2.20.20 DONATION (RR) +$25.00 $22,195.94
2.20.20 DONATION (NB) Feb Sponsorship +$50.00 $22,245.94
2.20.20 Service Charges -$1.40 $22,244.54
2.20.20 Enrichment: Week of 2.24.20 -$275.75 $21,968.79
2.20.20 Supplies: Nesting boxes x4 -$119.67 $21,849.12
2.20.20 Utilities: Four County -$177.00 $21,672.12
2.20.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$94.00 $21,578.12
2.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $21,613.12
2.21.20 DONATION (DG) - $5 Friday +$20.00 $21,633.12
2.21.20 Service Charges -$2.11 $21,631.01
2.21.20 New Site: Barn/shed payment -$400.00 $21,231.01
2.21.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $20,831.01
2.24.20 DONATION (WC) +$30.00 $20,861.01
2.24.20 DONATION (Honor of Dana Morris) +$160.00 $21,021.01
2.24.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$305.00 $21,326.01
2.24.20 DONATION (JB) Monthly +$50.00 $21,376.01
2.24.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$735.00 $22,111.01
2.24.20 SALES: Treats +$13.00 $22,124.01
2.24.20 Service Charges -$1.99 $22,122.02
2.24.20 Postage: Stamps.com -$13.39 $22,108.63
2.25.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$145.00 $22,253.63
2.25.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$55.00 $22,308.63
2.25.20 Service Charges -$2.50 $22,306.13
2.25.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$37.44 $22,268.69
2.25.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $21,868.69
2.25.20 New Site: Barn/shed payment -$400.00 $21,468.69
2.26.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$35.00 $21,503.69
2.26.20 DONATION (GL) +$10.00 $21,513.69
2.26.20 DONATION (NB) Monthly +$20.00 $21,533.69
2.26.20 Service Charges -$.74¢ $21,532.95
2.26.20 Enrichment: Week of 3.2.20 -$275.75 $21,257.20
2.26.20 New Site: Gravel delivery x3 -$225.00 $21,032.20
2.26.20 New Site: Gravel x3 loads -$565.92 $20,466.28
2.26.20 Postage -$20.00 $20,446.28
2.26.20 Auto: Super Sonic Express Car Wash -$19.99 $20,426.29
2.27.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorships +$150.00 $20,576.29
2.27.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$65.00 $20,641.29
2.27.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$100.00 $20,741.29
2.27.20 Service Charges -$1.40 $20,739.89
2.28.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$90.00 $20,829.89
2.28.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$70.00 $20,899.89
2.28.20 DONATIONS - Feb Sponsorship +$5.00 $20,904.89
2.28.20 DISBURSEMENT - AmazonSmile +$139.22 $21,044.11
2.28.20 Fuel -$54.43 $20,989.68
3.1.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$552.00 $21,541.68
3.1.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$240.00 $21,781.68
3.1.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$30.00 $21,811.68
3.1.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $21,886.68
3.1.20 SALES: Calendars +$24.00 $21,910.68
3.1.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$125.00 $22,035.68
3.1.20 Service Charges -$7.43 $22,028.25
3.1.20 Postage -$60.00 $21,968.25
3.1.20 New Site: Pneumatic staples -$85.58 $21,882.67
3.1.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $21,866.17
3.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$120.00 $21,986.17
3.3.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $22,011.17
3.3.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $22,010.43
3.3.20 Utilities: ELWA -$32.39 $21,978.04
3.3.20 Postage -$10.00 $21,968.04
3.3.20 Taxes - February 2020 -$188.80 $21,779.24
3.3.20 Auto: Suburban tag -$48.13 $21,731.11
3.3.20 Medical: Ivomec x500 ml -$108.61 $21,622.50
3.3.20 New Site: Horse panels 5' x 25 -$1,471.25 $20,151.25
3.4.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$110.00 $20,261.25
3.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $20,361.25
3.4.20 SALES: Calendar +$12.00 $20,373.25
3.4.20 Service Charges -$5.26 $20,367.99
3.4.20 Enrichment: Week of 3.9.20 -$275.75 $20,092.24
3.4.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $19,692.24
3.4.20 Social Media: shawpbr.org x3 months -$29.97 $19,662.27
3.4.20 Office: Porta-john -$90.00 $19,572.27
3.4.20 Medical: HW tests x25 -$101.64 $19,470.63
3.5.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$195.00 $19,665.63
3.5.20 DONATIONS - Dump Cart +$65.00 $19,730.63
3.5.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $19,755.63
3.5.20 Service Charges -$1.03 $19,754.60
3.5.20 Supplies: Slip leads -$33.87 $19,720.73
3.5.20 Medical: Microchop (Sloane) -$9.95 $19,710.78
3.5.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$19.47 $19,691.31
3.6.20 DONATIONS - Dump Cart +$405.00 $20,096.31
3.6.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $20,131.31
3.6.20 Supplies: Dump cart -$280.31 $19,851.00
3.6.20 New Site: Wire fence clips x1000 -$122.00 $19,729.00
3.6.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$56.24 $19,672.76
3.6.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $19,596.52
3.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$160.00 $19,756.52
3.9.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$485.00 $20,241.52
3.9.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$420.00 $20,661.52
3.9.20 DONATIONS - Date Saturday +$112.45 $20.773.97
3.9.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$330.00 $21,103.97
3.9.20 Service Charges -$8.20 $21,095.77
3.9.20 Feed -$91.07 $21,004.70
3.9.20 Supplies: Ratchet set -$16.04 $20,988.66
3.9.20 Fuel -$23.67 $20,964.99
3.9.20 Vehicles: Suburban Payment -$400.00 $20,564.99
3.9.20 New Site: Barn/Shed Payment -$400.00 $20,164.99
3.9.20 New Site: Kennel tops installation -$671.94 $19,493.05
3.10.20 DONATION (EE) JT BD +$10.00 $19,503.05
3.10.20 DONATION (SW) - Date Saturday +$50.00 $19,553.05
3.10.20 DONATION - Brittany Farina Auction +$60.00 $19,613.05
3.10.20 Service Charges -$1.62 $19,611.43
3.10.20 Marketing: OneStream LIVE -$10.00 $19,601.43
3.10.20 Medical: Scrubs -$33.16 $19,568.27
3.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $19,558.27
3.11.20 DONATION (DB) Monthly +$5.00 $19,563.27
3.11.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$10.00 $19,573.27
3.11.20 Service Charge -.41¢ $19,572.86
3.11.20 Enrichment: Week of 3.16.20 -$275.75 $19,297.11
3.11.20 Postage -$10.00 $19,287.11
3.12.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$225.00 $19,512.11
3.12.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$50.00 $19,562.11
3.12.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$40.00 $19,602.11
3.12.20 DONATION (KB) Monthly +$100.00 $19,702.11
3.12.20 Service Charge -$1.18 $19,700.93
3.12.20 New Site: Bridge lumber -$390.00 $19,310.93
3.13.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$100.00 $19,410.93
3.13.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$330.00 $19,740.93
3.13.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $19,765.93
3.13.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $19,765.08
3.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $19,752.09
3.13.20 Postage -$10.00 $19,742.09
3.16.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$25.00 $19,767.09
3.16.20 DONATIONS - Saturday 1K2 +$90.00 $19,857.09
3.16.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$165.00 $20,022.09
3.16.20 Board Meeting Lunch -$46.27 $19,975.82
3.16.20 DONATION JAR: A1 Buildings +$25.00 $20,000.82
3.16.20 Fuel -$65.50 $19,935.32
3.16.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $19,535.32
3.16.20 New Site: Barn/shed payment -$400.00 $19,135.32
3.17.20 DONATION (JW) CL BD +$10.00 $19,145.32
3.17.20 DONATION (DG) $5 Friday +$15.00 $19,160.32
3.17.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $19,159.69
3.17.20 Marketing: Camera batteries -$16.56 $19,143.13
3.17.20 Utilities: CSpire -$278.66 $18,864.47
3.17.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $18,854.52
3.17.20 Medical: TriCox x360 -$143.99 $18,710.53
3.17.20 Utilities: Four County -$280.00 $18,430.53
3.19.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$20.00 $18,450.53
3.19.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$360.00 $18,810.53
3.19.20 Pest Control -$107.48 $18,703.05
3.19.20 Postage -$10.00 $18,693.05
3.19.20 Marketing: Envelopes -$50.67 $18,642.38
3.20.20 DONATION (DG) $5 Friday +$15.00


3.20.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$25.00 $18,682.38
3.20.20 DONATION (VG) - FB FR's +$20.00 $18,702.38
3.20.20 Service Charges -$1.59 $18,700.79
3.20.20 Feed: Pigs, chickens, geese, fish -$176.68 $18,524.11
3.20.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$30.00 $18,554.11
3.23.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$175.00 $18,729.11
3.23.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$140.00 $18,869.11
3.23.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$20.00 $18,889.11
3.23.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$42.00 $18,931.11
3.23.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $18,966.11
3.23.20 Service Charges -$2.96 $18,963.15
3.23.20 Fuel -$15.00 $18,948.15
3.24.20 DONATION (MC) March Sponsorship +$20.00 $18,968.15
3.24.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$100.00 $19,068.15
3.24.20 Service Charges -$2.80 $19,065.35
3.24.20 SALES: Treats @ ACC +$58.00 $19,123.35
3.24.20 Medical: Rabies vaccinations -$20.00 $19,103.35
3.24.20 Medical: Ruby -$201.00 $18,902.35
3.24.20 Medical: Doxycycline x500 -$45.00 $18,857.35
3.25.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$150.00 $19,007.35
3.25.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$100.00 $19,107.35
3.25.20 PCPF: Nesting boxes x4 -$106.98 $19,000.37
3.25.20 Enrichment: Week of 3.23.20 -$275.75 $18,724.62
3.26.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorship +$30.00 $18,754.62
3.26.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $18,734.63
3.26.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $18,699.64
3.26.20 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$385.75 $18,313.89
3.26.20 DONATION (NB) Monthly +$20.00 $18,333.89
3.26.20 DONATION (BD) +$50.00 $18,383.89
3.26.20 SALES: Shirt Pre-Sales +$55.00


3.26.20 SALES: Calendar +$12.00 $18,450.89
3.26.20 Service Charges -$10.27 18,440.62
3.26.20 Medical: Conditioning cream -$18.95 $18,421.67
3.26.20 Postage -$10.00 $18,411.67
3.26.20 New Site: 278' Privacy Fencing -$4,531.13 $13,880.54
3.30.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$180.00 $14,060.54
3.30.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$165.00 $14,225.54
3.30.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$193.00 $14,418.54
3.30.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$435.74 $14,854.28
3.30.20 Office: McAfee  -$119.99 $14,734.29
3.30.20 Utilities: Cspire -$279.36 $14,454.93
3.30.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$30.00 $14,484.93
3.30.20 Service Charges -$5.30 $14,479.63
3.30.20 DONATION (DN) +$75.00 $14,554.63
3.30.20 ADOPTION: Jasmine +$100.00 $14,654.63
3.30.20 DONATION (SG) +$75.00 $14,729.63
3.30.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$66.24 $14,663.39
3.30.20 Equipment: Tractor servicing -$319.37 $14,344.02
3.30.20 Equipment: Mower belt, feeders, etc -$80.16 $14,263.86
3.30.20 Fuel: Vehicle/Tractor -$101.54 $14,162.32
3.30.20 New Site: Barn/Shed payment -$400.00 $13,762.32
3.30.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $13,362.32
3.30.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $13,345.82
3.30.20 Medical: TriCox x360 -$122.39 $13,223.43
4.2.20 DONATIONS - 1K Match +$315.00 $13,538.43
4.2.20 DONATIONS - March Sponsorships +$60.00 $13,598.43
4.2.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorships +$125.00 $13,723.43
4.2.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$830.00 $14,553.43
4.2.20 SALES: Shirt Pre-Sales +$100.00 $14,653.43
4.2.20 Service Charges -$6.39 $14,647.04
4.2.20 Marketing: FB Ads -$25.00 $14,622.04
4.2.20 Enrichment: Week of 3.30.20 -$275.75 $14,346.29
4.2.20 Taxes: March 2020 -$188.80 $14,157.49
4.2.20 Utilities: ELWA -$26.59 $14,130.90
4.2.20 Postage -$20.00 $14,110.90
4.3.20 DONATIONS - $1K Match +$690.00 $14,800.90
4.3.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorships +$388.48 $15,189.38
4.3.20 DONATION (YS) Monthly +$20.00 $15,209.38
4.3.20 Service Charges -$2.14 $15,207.24
4.3.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $15,131.00
4.3.20 New Site: Wire, pond sphere -$118.74 $15,012.26
4.3.20 Medical: Diroban -$745.00 $14,267.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$191.00 $14,458.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$830.00 $15,288.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS - 1K Match +$690.00 $15,978.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$275.00 $16,253.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorshops +$200.00 $16,453.26
4.6.20 DONATIONS  +$55.00 $16,508.26
4.6.20 Service Charges -$6.20 $16,502.06
4.6.20 SALES - Shirts Pre-Order +$80.00 $16,582.06
4.6.20 Volunteer Work Day Snacks/Water -$14.89 $16,567.17
4.6.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$19.47 $16,547.70
4.6.20 Equipment: Trailer tag -$33.08 $16,514.62
4.7.20 SALES - Shirt pre-orders +$75.00 $16,589.62
4.7.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorships +$80.00 $16,669.62
4.7.20 DONATION (SW) $1k Match +$1000.00 $17,669.62
4.7.20 Service Charges -$2.55 $17,677.07
4.7.20 New Site: Barn/Shed payment -$400.00 $17,267.07
4.7.20 Auto: Suburban payment -$400.00 $16,867.07
4.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $16,902.07
4.8.20 DONATION (RM) April Sponsorship +$100.00 $17,002.07
4.8.20 DONATION (BD) $5 Friday +$20.00 $17,022.07
4.8.20 Service Charges -$3.87 $17,018.20
4.8.20 Feed (Pigs, Chickens) -$47.47 $16,970.73
4.8.20 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $16,995.73
4.8.20 DONATION (DG) Louie +$50.00 $17,045.73
4.8.20 Service Charges -$2.25 $17,043.48
4.8.20 Enrichment: Week of 4.6.20 -$275.75 $16,767.73
4.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $16,842.73
4.9.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$81.09 $16,923.82
4.9.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$30.00 $16,953.82
4.9.20 Service Charges -$3.21 $16,950.61
4.9.20 Medical: Previcox 227mg x 60 -$141.94 $16,808.67
4.9.20 Supplies: Batteries/Charger - WT's -$55.75 $16,752.92
4.13.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$33.00 $16,785.92
4.13.20 DONATIONS (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $16,810.92
4.13.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$170.00 $16,980.92
4.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$80.00 $17,060.92
4.13.20 DONATIONS - Louie +$80.00 $17,140.92
4.13.20 DONATION (AM) +$20.00 $17,160.92
4.13.20 SALES: Treats  +$33.00 $17,193.92
4.13.20 SALES: Shirt pre-sales +$125.00 $17,318.92
4.13.20 Service Charges -$5.88 $17,313.04
4.13.20 Office: Porta-jon -$90.00 $17,223.04
4.13.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $17,213.04
4.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $17,200.05
4.13.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $17,190.05
4.13.20 Equipment: Mower blades, plumbing -$128.41 $17,061.64
4.13.20 Volunteers: Work day drinks -$17.83 $17,043.81
4.13.20 Medical: Louie -$93.50 $16,950.31
4.13.20 Medical: Rabies -$20.00 $16,930.31
4.13.20 Medical: Herbie -$118.30 $16,812.01
4.13.20 Supplies: Dry erase board/pens, broom -$45.44 $16,766.57
4.13.20 Shirts: Sugar Skull 2020 x51 -$517.07 $16,249.50
4.15.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$25.00 $16,274.50
4.15.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$90.00 $16,364.50
4.15.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorship +$100.00 $16,464.50
4.15.20 DONATION (RP) +$15.00 $16,479.50
4.15.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $16,478.87
4.15.20 Postage -$10.00 $16,468.87
4.15.20 Enrichment (Week of 4.13.20) -$275.75 $16,193.12
4.16.20 DONATION +$140.00 $16,333.12
4.16.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorships +$362.00 $16,695.12
4.16.20 Service Charges -$5.05 $16,690.07
4.16.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $16,680.12
4.17.20 Auto: Suburban payments -$800.00 $15,880.12
4.17.20 New Site: Barn/shed payoff -$839.88 $15,040.24
4.17.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $15,039.39
4.17.20 DONATIONS - April Sponsorships +$195.00 $15,234.39
4.17.20 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $15,259.39
4.18.20 DONATION (WC) +$25.00 $15,284.39
4.18.20 DONATION (SJ) Monthly +$50.00 $15,334.39
4.18.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$360.00 $15,694.39
4.18.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$980.00 $16,674.39
4.18.20 DONATIONS +$35.00 $16,709.39
4.18.20 DONATIONS - Donate the Time +$106.00 $16,815.39
4.18.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $16,850.39
4.18.20 SALES: Shirts +$105.00 $16,995.39
4.18.20 Service Charges -$5.19 $16,950.20
4.18.20 Utilities: Four County New Site -$53.00 $16,897.20
4.18.20 Utilities: Four County  -$86.00 $16,811.20
4.20.20 Tools: Rakes -$25.65 $16,785.55
4.21.20 SBA PPP Loan +$3,200.00 $19,985.55
4.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $20,020.55
4.21.20 DONATIONS +$105.00 $20,125.55
4.21.20 DONATION (SM) April Sponsorships +$105.00 $20,230.55
4.21.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $20,229.18
4.21.20 Enrichment: Ruby balls -$55.44 $20,173.74
4.21.20 Auto: Suburban payoff -$1,075.20 $19,098.54
4.21.20 New Site: PCPF Office building  -$800.00 $18,298.54
4.22.20 Enrichment (Week of 4.20.20) -$275.75 $18,022.79
4.22.20 DONATION +$10.00 $18,032.79
4.22.20 Service Charge -.50¢ $18,032.29
4.22.20 Pest Control - Quickbayt -$39.99 $17,992.30
4.22.20 Pest Control - Cattle tags/insecticide -$82.82 $17,909.48
4.22.20 Supplies: Screen, feed, etc. -$166.84 $17,742.64
4.24.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$5.00 $17,747.64
4.24.20 DONATION (KD) +$50.00 $17,797.64
4.24.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$40.00 $17,837.64
4.24.20 Service Charge -$1.18 $17,836.46
4.24.20 Postage -$20.00 $17,816.46
4.27.20 DONATION (LRL) +$200.00 $18,016.46
4.27.20 DONATION (NB) Monthly +$20.00 $18,036.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +525.00 $18,561.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - Uncertain Times +$160.00 $18,721.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$45.00 $18,766.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - Trimmer +$170.00 $18,936.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$25.00 $18,961.46
4.27.20 DONATIONS - Donate the Time +$20.00 $18,981.46
4.27.20 Service Charges -$1.59 $18,979.87
4.27.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $18,944.88
4.27.20 Utilities: CSpire -$279.36 $18,665.52
4.27.20 Office: McAfee Anti-virus -$128.39 $18,537.13
4.27.20 Auto: Super Sonic Express Wash -$19.99 $18,517.14
4.28.20 DONATION (ST) +$20.00 $18,537.14
4.28.20 New Site: PCPF Office building  -$800.00 $17,737.14
4.28.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $17,720.64
4.29.20 Volunteers: Walkie-talkie set -$43.07 $17,677.57
4.29.20 Enrichment - Week of 4.27.20 -$275.75 $17,401.82
4.29.20 Taxes - April 2020 -$236.00 $17,165.82
4.29.20 Equipment: Walk-behind Trimmer -$385.18 $16,780.64
4.30.20 DONATION (KW) $5 Friday +$5.00 $16,785.64
4.30.20 DONATION (DG) Trimmer +$25.00 $16,810.64
4.30.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $16,809.79
4.30.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $16,743.55
5.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$120.00 $16,863.55
5.4.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$710.00 $17,573.55
5.4.20 DONATIONS - May Sponsorship +$50.00 $17,623.55
5.4.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$50.00 $17,673.55
5.4.20 DONATION (SL) +$100.00 $17,773.55
5.4.20 DONATIONS - Trimmer +$465.00 $18,238.55
5.4.20 Service Charges -$13.81 $18,224.74
5.4.20 Postage (shirts) -$100.00 $18,124.74
5.4.20 Marketing: Facebook adds -$20.00 $18,104.74
5.4.20 Medical: Micro chip registration -$9.95 $18,094.79
5.4.20 New Site: Bricks -$20.54 $18,074.25
5.5.20 DONATION (GS) Monthly +$50.00 $18,124.25
5.5.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$50.00 $18,174.25
5.5.20 DONATIONS +$25.00 $18,199.25
5.5.20 Office: Portajohn -$90.00 $18,109.25
5.5.20 Utilities: Sparklight  -$76.24 $18,033.01
5.5.20 New Site: PCPF Office building -$800.00 $17,233.01
5.6.20 DONATIONS - Giving Tuesday Now +$55.00 $17,288.01
5.6.20 DONATIONS - May Sponsorships +$200.00 $17,488.01
5.6.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$25.00 $17,513.01
5.6.20 Service Charges -$4.31 $17,508.70
5.6.20 Enrichment: Week of 5.4.20 -$269.75 $17,238.95
5.6.20 Supplies: Tools, chicken feed -$133.91 $17,105.04
5.7.20 DONATIONS - Giving Tuesday Now +$652.00 $17,757.04
5.7.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $17,762.04
5.7.20 DONATION - May Sponsorship +$5.00 $17,767.04
5.7.20 DONATION - Monthly +$25.00 $17,792.04
5.7.20 DONATION - Tater +$100.00 $17,892.04
5.7.20 DONATION - WLW +$15.00 $17,907.04
5.7.20 Service Charges -$3.98 $17,903.06
5.7.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$28.25 $17,874.81
5.7.20 Medical: Micro chip registrations -$19.90 $17,854.91
5.8.20 SALES: Decal +$10.00 $17,864.91
5.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$60.00 $17,924.91
5.8.20 DONATION (KC) WLW / Panacur +$150.00 $18,074.91
5.8.20 Service Charges -$6.34 $18,068.57
5.11.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$105.00 $18,173.57
5.11.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$47.00 $18,220.57
5.11.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$305.00 $18,525.57
5.11.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$150.00 $18,675.57
5.11.20 DONATIONS +$60.00 $18,735.57
5.11.20 ADOPTION - Louie +$100.00 $18,835.57
5.11.20 Service Charges -$4.61 $18,830.96
5.11.20 New Site: PCPF Office building -$800.00 $18,030.96
5.11.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $18,020.96
5.11.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $18,010.96
5.11.20 Postage -$10.00 $18,000.96
5.11.20 Supplies: O-ring kit for pressure washer -$6.72 $17,994.24
5.11.20 Fuel -$63.03 $17,931.21
5.12.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$425.00 $18,356.21
5.12.20 DONATION (RM) May Sponsorship +$50.00 $18,406.21
5.12.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$70.00 $18,476.21
5.12.20 Service Charges -$6.15 $18,470.06
5.12.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$175.00 $18,645.06
5.12.20 Service Charges -$5.05 $18,640.01
5.13.20 DONATION (CG) Rhett +$10.00 $18,650.01
5.13.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $18,675.01
5.13.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $18,673.64
5.13.20 Enrichment: Week of 5.11.20 -$269.75 $18,403.89
5.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$12.99 $18,390.90
5.14.20 New Site: PCPF Office building -$800.00 $17,590.90
5.14.20 Medical: TriCox x360 -$122.39 $17,468.51
5.14.20 DONATIONS - May Sponsorship +$100.00 $17,568.51
5.14.20 DONATIONS - Reggie/Tater +$110.00 $17,678.51
5.14.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$1,200.00 $18,878.51
5.14.20 Postage -$20.00 $18,858.51
5.14.20 Service Charges -$2.14 $18,856.37
5.20.20 DISBURSEMENT: Kroger +$174.36 $19,030.73
5.20.20 DONATION (CS) +$50.00 $19,080.73
5.20.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$540.00 $19,620.73
5.20.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$365.00 $19,985.73
5.20.20 DONATIONS - May +$220.14 $20,205.87
5.20.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$450.00 $20,655.87
5.20.20 DONATIONS - Saturday Date +$30.00 $20,685.87
5.20.20 DONATIONS - Tater +$110.00 $20,795.87
5.20.20 DONATION (KB) Monthly +$100.00 $10,895.87
5.20.20 Service Charges -$4.56 $20,891.31
5.20.20 Medical: Neuter - Delbert -$190.00 $20,701.31
5.20.20 Marketing: JotForm -$9.95 $20,691.36
5.20.20 DONATIONS - Reggie +$360.00 $21,051.36
5.20.20 New Site: PCPF Office building -$800.00 $20,251.36
5.20.20 Enrichment: Week of 5.18.20 -$269.75 $19,981.61
5.21.20 DISBURSEMENT: AmazonSmile +$125.92 $20,107.53
5.21.20 DONATION (AM) In Memory +$20.00 $20,127.53
5.21.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$155.00 $20,282.53
5.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$135.00 $20,417.53
5.21.20 SALES: Cards +$20.00 $20,437.53
5.21.20 Service Charges -$2.11 $20,435.42
5.21.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$55.00 $20,380.42
5.21.20 Utilities: Four County -$77.00 $20,303.42
5.21.20 Supplies: Weed killer, liniment, etc -$147.41 $20,156.01
5.21.20 Postage -$10.00 $20,146.01
5.21.20 New Site: Bridge and PCPF Stairs -$591.81 $19,554.20
5.22.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$90.00 $19,644.20
5.22.20 Service Charges -$1.70 $19,642.50
5.26.20 DONATIONS - May Sponsorships +$100.00 $19,742.50
5.26.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$620.00 $20,362.50
5.26.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$20.00 $20,382.50
5.26.20 DONATION (NB) Monthly +$20.00 $20,402.50
5.26.20 DONATIONS - Memorial Day  +$525.00 $20,927.50
5.26.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$265.00 $21,192.50
5.26.20 New Site: Seating -$318.86 $20,873.64
5.26.20 Equipment: Subsoiler implement -$213.99 $20,659.65
5.26.20 Service Charges -$9.09 $20,650.56
5.26.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $20,630.57
5.26.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $20,595.58
5.26.20 Supplies: Stain, water seal, sprayer -$73.48 $20,522.10
5.27.20 DONATION (GOT) +$1,000.00 $21,522.10
5.27.20 DONATION (AW) May Sponsorship +$50.00 $21,572.10
5.27.20 DONATIONS - Rhett +$114.00 $21,686.10
5.27.20 Medical: Rabies -$10.00 $21,676.10
5.27.20 Auto: Insurance -$720.00 $20,956.10
5.27.20 Enrichment: Week of 5.25.20 -$269.75 $20,686.35
5.27.20 Utilities: CSpire -$279.36 $20,406.99
5.27.20 Medical: Cremation -$60.00 $20,346.99
5.27.20 Medical: Louie HW Treatment x2 -$48.50 $20,298.49
5.27.20 Medical: Mometamax -$25.70 $20,272.79
5.28.20 DONATION (DG) Neuters +$25.00 $20,297.79
5.28.20 DONATION - Steph's Crafting Bits FR +$8.00 $20,305.79
5.28.20 Service Charges -$1.33 $20,304.46
5.28.20 Feed, tarps -$111.43 $20,193.03
5.28.20 Tools: Hoge pliers kit/rings -$46.29 $20,146.74
5.29.20 DONATIONS - May Sponsorships +$105.00 $20,251.74
5.29.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $20,256.74
5.29.20 DONATIONS  +$30.00 $20,286.74
5.29.20 Taxes - May 2020 -$212.80 $20,073.94
5.29.20 New Site: Granderson Trucking (Gravel) -$375.00 $19,698.94
5.29.20 New Site: Gravel - 3 loads -$620.59 $19,078.35
5.29.20 New Site: Sand - 2 loads -$156.17 $18,922.18
6.1.20 DONATION (KD) +$50.00 $18,972.18
6.1.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$600.00 $19,572.18
6.1.20 DONATIONS - Neuters +$145.00 $19.717.18
6.1.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$170.00 $19,887.18
6.1.20 DONATIONS - Tater +$55.00 $19,942.18
6.1.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $19,941.44
6.1.20 Fuel -$22.75 $19,918.69
6.1.20 Marketing: Facebook advertising -$10.00 $19,908.69
6.1.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $19,892.19
6.2.20 DONATION (TJ) June Sponsorship +$50.00 $19,942.19
6.2.20 Service Charge -$1.40 $19,940.79
6.2.20 Fuel -$46.81 $19,893.98
6.2.20 DONATION (AW) Saturday +$30.00 $19,923.98
6.2.20 DONATION (JJ) 5F +$50.00 $19,973.98
6.2.20 DONATION (GMS) Monthly +$50.00 $20,023.98
6.2.20 Utilities: ELWA -$25.65 $19,998.33
6.2.20 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$8.25 $19,990.08
6.3.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$425.00 $20,415.08
6.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$95.00 $20,510.08
6.3.20 DONATIONS +$45.00 $20,555.08
6.3.20 Service Charges -$4.09 $20,550.99
6.3.20 Enrichment - Week of 6.1.20 -$269.75 $20,281.24
6.3.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $20,205.00
6.3.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $20,138.76
6.3.20 Utilities: Portajon -$90.00 $20,048.76
6.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $20,148.76
6.4.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$155.00 $20,303.76
6.4.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$70.00 $20,373.76
6.4.20 Service Charges  -$2.80 $20,370.96
6.4.20 Utilities: CSpire -$90.58 $20,280.38
6.4.20 Marketing: Vectors -$30.00 $20,250.38
6.4.20 Social Media: Website x3 months -$30.10 $20,220.28
6.4.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$28.25 $20,192.03
6.4.20 Events: Animal Care Expo Registration -$87.00 $20,105.03
6.5.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$130.00 $20,235.03
6.5.20 DONATION (JB) Monthly +$100.00 $20,335.03
6.5.20 Postage -$20.00 $20,135.03
6.8.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$535.67 $20,670.70
6.8.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$25.00 $20,695.70
6.8.20 DONATIONS  +$180.00 $20,875.70
6.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$70.00 $20,945.70
6.8.20 Service Charges -$5.73 $20,939.97
6.8.20 Feed -$59.21 $20,880.76
6.8.20 Medical: Panacur -$141.00 $20,739.76
6.8.20 Medical: Rabies -$10.00 $20,729.76
6.8.20 Medical: Mugsy -$68.38 $20,661.38
6.8.20 Medical: Reggie -$180.20 $20,481.18
6.9.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$210.00 $20,691.18
6.9.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $20,696.18
6.9.20 DONATION  +$2.00 $20,698.18
6.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $20,773.18
6.9.20 Service Charges -$2.59 $20,770.59
6.10.20 DONATIONS - Reggie +$25.00 $20,795.59
6.10.20 DONATIONS - Mugsy +$65.00 $20,860.59
6.10.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $20,859.74
6.10.20 Enrichment: Week of 6.8.20 -$269.75 $20,589.99
6.10.20 DONATION - June Sponsorship +$100.00 $20,689.99
6.10.20 New Site: AC, brackets, wire -$609.30 $20,080.69
6.10.20 New Site: Hog rings x500 -$31.25 $20,049.44
6.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $20,039.44
6.10.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $20,029.44
6.11.20 DONATIONS - Reggie  +$105.00 $20,134.44
6.11.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$210.00 $20,344.44
6.11.20 Service Charges -$7.02 $20,337.42
6.11.20 Fuel -$47.25 $20,290.17
6.12.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$31.00 $20,321.17
6.12.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$25.00 $20,346.17
6.12.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$55.00 $20,041.17
6.12.20 Service Charges -$2.13 $20,399.04
6.12.20 Medical: Bordetella x25 -$90.00 $20,309.04
6.12.20 New Site: Interior material - half -$5,271.61 $15,037.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$480.00 $15,517.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - Peyton post +$65.00 $15,582.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - Reggie medical +$90.00 $15,672.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$246.00 $15,918.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$100.00 $16,018.43
6.15.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$125.00 $16,143.43
6.15.20 Service Charges -$6.33 $16,137.10
6.15.20 Fuel -$54.90 $16,082.20
6.15.20 New Site: Water, bits, plumbing -$40.57 $16,041.63
6.15.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $16,028.58
6.15.20 New Site: Awning and Roof -$4,754.78 $11,273.80
6.16.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$50.00 $11,323.80
6.16.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $11,323.06
6.16.20 Marketing: JotForm -$9.95 $11,313.11
6.17.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$70.00 $11,383.11
6.17.20 SALES: Shirt pre-sales +$25.00 $14,408.11
6.17.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $11,407.26
6.18.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$269.00 $11,676.26
6.18.20 Enrichment: Week of 6.15.20 -$269.75 $11,406.51
6.19.20 DONATION (KM) June +$10.00 $11,416.51
6.19.20 Feed -$97.73 $11,318.78
6.22.20 DONATIONS - June Sponsorships +$150.00 $11,468.78
6.22.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $11,503.78
6.22.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$40.00 $11,543.78
6.22.20 Service Charges -$2.85 $11,540.93
6.22.20 New Site: Quikrete, rebar, water, etc -$105.07 $11,435.86
6.22.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$92.00 $11,343.86
6.22.20 Utilities: Four County -$101.63 $11,242.23
6.23.20 DONATION (JR) In Memory +$40.00 $11,282.23
6.23.20 DONATION - June Sponsorships +$100.00 $11,382.23
6.23.20 Service Charges -$3.68 $11,378.55
6.23.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$250.00 $11,628.55
6.23.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$100.00 $11,728.55
6.23.20 DONATION - Reggie +$50.00 $11,778.55
6.23.20 DONATION - June Sponsorship +$50.00 $11,828.55
6.23.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$10.00 $11,838.55
6.23.20 Fuel -$51.89 $11,786.66
6.24.20 DONATION +$20.00 $11,806.66
6.24.20 DONATION - FB FR +$10.00 $11,816.66
6.24.20 DONATION - June Sponsorship +$50.00 $11,866.66
6.24.20 Enrichment: Week of 6.22.20 -$269.75 $11,596.91
6.24.20 Supplies: Tarps -$48.02 $11,548.89
6.24.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $11,548.15
6.25.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $11,573.15
6.25.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $11,572.30
6.25.20 Volunteers: Appreciation Lunch -$108.43 $11,463.87
6.25.20 New Site: Chicken wire -$213.89 $11,249.98
6.25.20 Tools: Hog ring pliers -$30.29 $11,219.69
6.26.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $11,244.69
6.26.20 DONATION - Monthly +$20.00 $11,264.69
6.26.20 DONATION - June Sponsorships +$62.00 $11,326.69
6.26.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$25.00 $11,351.69
6.26.20 DONATIONS +$50.00 $11,401.69
6.26.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$100.00 $11,501.69
6.26.20 Service Charges -$4.09 $11,497.60
6.26.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $11,462.61
6.26.20 New Site: Sand x 44.45 tons -$190.25 $11,272.36
6.26.20 New Site: Sand delivery x3 loads -$225.00 $11,047.36
6.29.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$290.00 $11,337.36
6.29.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$204.00 $11,541.36
6.29.20 ADOPTION - Rhett +$100.00 $11,641.36
6.29.20 SALES: Shirt pre-sales +$90.00 $11,731.36
6.29.20 Service Charges -$7.41 $11,723.95
6.29.20 Equipment: Solar Panel Battery Charger -$74.89 $1,649.06
6.29.20 Utilities: Sparklight New Site -$66.24 $11,582.82
6.29.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $11,562.83
6.30.20 DONATION - Moose +$20.00 $11,582.83
6.30.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $11,607.83
6.30.20 Service Charges -$1.59 $11,606.24
6.30.20 Medical: Silver sulfadine creame -$34.20 $11,572.04
6.30.20 Medical: Microchip Registrations x2 -$19.90 $11,552.14
6.30.20 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$385.74 $11,166.40
6.30.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$215.00 $11,381.40
6.30.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$81.00 $11,462.40
6.30.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorship +$100.00 $11,562.40
6.30.20 DONATION +$5.00 $11,567.40
6.30.20 Service Charges -$10.69 $11,556.71
6.30.20 Enrichment: Week of 6.29.20 -$269.75 $11,286.96
6.30.20 Research: Books -$195.09 $11,091.87
6.30.20 Feed -$23.97 $11,067.90
6.30.20 Fuel -$53.72 $11,014.18
6.30.20 Postage -$30.00 $10,984.18
7.2.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$2,460.00 $13,444.18
7.2.20 DONATION - July Sponsorship +$25.00 $13,469.18
7.2.20 Service Charges -$6.75 $13,462.43
7.2.20 Taxes - June 2020 -$212.80 $13,249.63
7.2.20 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$8.83 $13,240.80
7.2.20 Utilities: ELWA -$22.74 $13,218.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$445.00 $13,663.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$230.00 $13,893.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS  +$35.00 $13,928.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$1590.00 $15,518.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$265.00 $15,783.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$345.00 $16,128.06
7.6.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$170.00 $16,298.06
7.6.20 SALES - Shirt pre-orders +$100.00 $16,398.06
7.6.20 Service Charges -$15.94 $16,382.12
7.6.20 Office: Porta-jon -$90.00 $16,292.12
7.6.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $16,215.88
7.6.20 Pest Control -$74.86 $16,141.02
7.6.20 Supplies: Water, brackets, etc. -$70.48 $16,070.54
7.6.20 Supplies: Outdoor timers x4 -$62.00 $16,008.54
7.7.20 DONATION - Monthly +$25.00 $16,033.54
7.7.20 DONATION - Moose +$25.00 $16,058.54
7.7.20 DONATION - July Sponsorships +$200.00 $16,258.54
7.7.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$50.00 $16,308.54
7.7.20 Service Charges -$2.25 $16,306.29
7.7.20 Research: Books -$138.38 $16,167.91
7.7.20 Marketing: Shirts July 2020 x 80 -$685.02 $15,482.89
7.7.20 Supplies: GFCI Receptacle -$19.13 $15,463.76
7.7.20 Supplies: Fan switch -$14.45 $15,449.31
7.7.20 New Site: Stain -$18.17 $15,431.14
7.7.20 Postage -$20.00 $15,411.14
7.7.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$37.02 $15,374.12
7.7.20 Medical: Reggie -$129.70 $15,244.42
7.7.20 Medical: Rabies x2 -$20.00 $15,224.42
7.8.20 DONATIONS +$80.00 $15,304.42
7.8.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$25.00 $15,329.42
7.8.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$45.00 $15,374.42
7.8.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $15,379.42
7.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$60.00 $15,439.52
7.8.20 ADOPTION - Sloane +$100.00 $15,539.42
7.8.20 Service Charge -$2.22 $15,537.20
7.9.20 Enrichment: Week of 7.6.20 -$269.75 $15,267.45
7.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $15,342.45
7.9.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$30.00 $15,372.45
7.9.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$120.00 $15,492.45
7.9.20 Service Charges -$2.25 $15,490.20
7.9.20 Supplies: GFCI Receptacles x2 -$38.27 $15,451.93
7.9.20 Supplies: AAA Batteries x48 -$32.00 $15,419.93
7.10.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$315.00 $15,734.93
7.10.20 DONATION  +$75.00 $15,809.93
7.10.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$60.00 $15,869.93
7.10.20 Service Charges -$5.19 $15,864.74
7.10.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $15,854.74
7.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $15,844.74
7.10.20 Equipment: Tractor Shade -$142.70 $15,702.04
7.10.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$20.00 $15,722.04
7.13.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$620.00 $16,342.04
7.13.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$160.00 $16,502.04
7.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$140.00 $16,642.04
7.13.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$41.00 $16,683.04
7.13.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$25.00 $16,708.04
7.13.20 DONATION - July Sponsorship +$100.00 $16,808.04
7.13.20 DONATION  +$10.00 $16,818.04
7.13.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $16,817.19
7.13.20 New Site: Seating -$267.50 $16,549.69
7.13.20 New Site: Thompson's Water Seal 5 gal -$69.53 $16,480.16
7.13.20 Equipment: Mower blades -$69.54 $16,410.62
7.13.20 New Site: Pond dye -$37.44 $16,373.18
7.13.20 Equipment: Backpack Sprayer -$64.19 $16,308.99
7.13.20 Feed -$103.72 $16,205.27
7.13.20 Fuel -$44.42 $16,160.85
7.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $16,147.80
7.14.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$225.00 $16,372.80
7.14.20 DONATION (AM) +$50.00 $16,422.80
7.14.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$85.00 $16,507.80
7.14.20 Fuel -$55.13 $16,452.67
7.15.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$275.07 $16,727.74
7.15.20 DONATION (DG) +$20.00 $16,747.74
7.15.20 DONATION - Moose +$25.00 $16,772.74
7.15.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $16,772.00
7.15.20 Research: Books -$99.93 $16,672.07
7.15.20 Enrichment: Week of 7.13.20 -$269.75 $16,402.32
7.16.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$75.00 $16,477.32
7.16.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$30.00 $16,507.32
7.16.20 DONATIONS - Moose +$15.00 $16,522.32
7.16.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $16,521.47
7.17.20 DONATION +$200.00 $16,721.47
7.17.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$65.00 $16,786.47
7.17.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$30.00 $16,816.47
7.17.20 Service Charges -$4.70 $16,811.77
7.17.20 Postage -$151.80 $16,659.97
7.17.20 Mailing: Poly mailers x100 -$22.30 $16,637.67
7.20.20 DONATIONS - July Sponsorships +$655.00 $17,292.67
7.20.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$215.00 $17,507.67
7.20.20 Service Charges -$6.04 $17,501.63
7.20.20 Supplies: Plugs, filing bin -$62.00 $17,439.63
7.20.20 Postage -$36.30 $17,403.33
7.20.20 Food, diatomaceous earth -$59.90 $17,343.43
7.20.20 Equipment: Mower blades x2 sets -$95.52 $17,247.91
7.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $17,282.91
7.21.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$5.00 $17,287.91
7.21.20 DONATION (DN) +$5.00 $17,292.91
7.21.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$40.00 $17,332.91
7.21.20 Service Charges -$1.78 $17,331.13
7.21.20 Enrichment: Week of 7.20.20 -$269.75 $17,061.38
7.21.20 Medical: Zoetis order -$145.00 $16,916.38
7.21.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$131.00 $16,785.38
7.21.20 Utilities: Four County -$266.00 $16,519.38
7.22.20 DONATION (SH) +$200.00 $16,719.38
7.22.20 DONATION - FB FR +$40.00 $16,759.38
7.24.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$105.00 $16,864.38
7.24.20 DONATION - Food +$20.00 $16,884.38
7.24.20 DONATION - Moose +$5.00 $16,889.38
7.24.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$100.00 $16,989.38
7.24.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $16,988.64
7.24.20 Pest Control - Salt -$10.71 $16,977.93
7.24.20 Medical: Meloxicam -$12.59 $16,965.34
7.24.20 New Site: Hog rings -$20.92 $16,944.42
7.27.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$380.00 $17,324.42
7.27.20 DONATIONS - Food +$345.00 $17,669.42
7.27.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$10.00 $17,679.42
7.27.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$180.00 $17,859.42
7.27.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$85.00 $17,944.42
7.27.20 Service Charges -$5.36 $17,939.06
7.27.20 Fuel -$53.15 $17,885.91
7.27.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $17,865.92
7.27.20 Utilities: CSpire -$269.36 $17,596.56
7.27.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $17,561.57
7.27.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $17,545.07
7.27.20 Feed -$110.46 $17,434.61
7.28.20 DONATION (DD) Food +$25.00 $17,459.61
7.28.20 SALES: Shirt pre-orders +$60.00 $17,519.61
7.28.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$25.00 $17,544.61
7.28.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$30.00 $17,574.61
7.28.20 Service Charges -$1.92 $17,572.69
7.28.20 Fuel -$33.66 $17,539.03
7.28.20 New Site: Plumbing -$120.89 $17,418.14
7.28.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $17,351.90
7.29.20 DONATIONS - Garden Sprayers +$80.00 $17,431.90
7.29.20 DONATIONS - Food +$300.00 $17,731.90
7.29.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$40.00 $17,771.90
7.29.20 Enrichment (Week of 7.27.20) -$269.75 $17,502.15
7.29.20 Medical: Miconazole -$56.12 $17,446.03
7.29.20 Postage -$10.00 $17,436.03
7.29.20 SALES: Shirt pre-order +$25.00 $17,461.03
7.29.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $17,460.18
7.30.20 DONATION (KB) Monthly +$100.00 $17,560.18
7.30.20 ADOPTION (Delbert) +$100.00 $17,660.18
7.30.20 Service Charge -$3.65 $17,656.53
7.30.20 Postage -$90.00 $17,566.53
7.30.20 Equipment: Chainsaw carburetor -$38.34 $17,528.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$470.00 $17,998.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - Food +$145.00 $18,143.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$1,175.00 $19,318.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$225.00 $19,543.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - Sprayers +$30.00 $19,573.19
8.3.20 DONATION - Volunteer +$5.00 $19,578.19
8.3.20 DONATIONS - August Sponsorships +$125.00 $19,703.19
8.3.20 DONATION - Monthly +$20.00 $19,723.19
8.3.20 DONATION +$20.00 $19,743.19
8.3.20 Service Charges -$14.90 $19,728.29
8.3.20 Social Media: Ionos .net/.org -$40.34 $19,687.95
8.3.20 Postage -$10.00 $19,677.95
8.3.20 SALES: Shirt pre-sales +$130.00 $19,807.95
8.3.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $19,731.71
8.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$175.00 $19,906.71
8.3.20 SALES: Shirt pre-sales +$55.00 $19,961.71
8.3.20 Utilities: ELWA -$29.47 $19,932.24
8.3.20 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$8.83 $19,923.41
8.3.20 Volunteers: Enrichment 08.01.20 -$26.03 $19,897.38
8.3.20 New Site: Storage barn payments -$550.00 $19,347.38
8.4.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$10.00 $19,357.38
8.4.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$5.00 $19,362.38
8.4.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$690.00 $20,052.38
8.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$150.00 $20,202.38
8.4.20 DONATIONS - PC FR +$400.00 $20,602.38
8.4.20 Service Charges -$2.80 $20,599.58
8.5.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$715.00 $21,314.58
8.5.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$100.00 $21,414.58
8.5.20 DONATIONS - PC FR +$100.00 $21,514.58
8.5.20 DONATION (MV) Memory +$100.00 $21,614.58
8.5.20 SALES: Shirts +$150.00 $21,764.58
8.5.20 Service Charge -$3.65 $21,760.93
8.5.20 Supplies: Tarps, staples -$82.56 $21,678.37
8.5.20 Postage -$30.00 $21,648.37
8.5.20 Porta-jon -$90.00 $21,558.37
8.5.20 Enrichment: Week of 8.3.20 -$269.75 $21,288.62
8.5.20 Taxes: July 2020 -$266.00 $21,022.62
8.6.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$675.00 $21,697.62
8.6.20 DONATION (WC) +$10.00 $21,707.62
8.6.20 SALES: Shirts +$100.00 $21,807.62
8.6.20 ADOPTION: Herbie +$100.00 $21,907.62
8.6.20 Service Charges -$4.04 $21,903.58
8.6.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$37.02 $21,866.56
8.6.20 New Site: Kennel Interior 1/2 (Labor) -$4,555.80 $17,310.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$210.00 $17,520.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$5.00 $17,525.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$30.00 $17,555.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - PC FR +$75.00 $17,630.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$25.00 $17,655.76
8.7.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$70.00 $17,725.76
8.7.20 Service Charges -$6.28 $17,719.48
8.7.20 Marketing: PicMonkey -$7.99 $17,711.49
8.7.20 Medical: Trazodone x100 -$13.98 $17,697.51
8.7.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorship +$100.00 $17,797.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - PC FR +$250.00 $18,047.51
8.10.20 SALES - Shirt +$25.00 $18,072.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$135.00 $18,207.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - Luca +$250.00 $18,457.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$605.00 $19,062.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$150.00 $19,212.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$278.00 $19,490.51
8.10.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$180.00 $19,670.51
8.10.20 Service Charges -$12.46 $19,658.05
8.10.20 Supplies: Tarps -$233.91 $19,424.14
8.10.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $19,414.14
8.10.20 New Site: Hog ring staples -$41.00 $19,373.14
8.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $19,363.14
8.10.20 New Site: Kennel Interior Material 1/2 -$3,529.95 $15,833.19
8.10.20 New Site: Kennel Interior Labor -$1,470.05 $14,363.14
8.11.20 DONATION (MC) Aug Sponsorship +$10.00 $14,373.14
8.11.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$55.00 $14,428.14
8.11.20 DONATION (MR) FB FR +$25.00 $14,453.14
8.11.20 Postage -$10.00 $14,443.14
8.12.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$195.00 $14,638.14
8.12.20 SALES: Shirts +$60.00 $14,698.14
8.12.20 Service Charges -$2.36 $14,695.78
8.12.20 Feed -$44.85 $14,650.93
8.12.20 Medical: Microchip Registrations -$19.90 $14,631.03
8.12.20 Enrichment: Week of 8.10.20 -$269.75 $14,361.28
8.12.20 Medical: Bravecto x20 -$385.74 $13,975.54
8.13.20 DONATIONS +$390.00 $14,365.54
8.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$50.00 $14,415.54
8.13.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$145.00 $14,560.54
8.13.20 DISBURSEMENT - Amazon Smile +$140.05 $14,700.59
8.13.20 DONATION (BK) Luca +$50.00 $14,750.59
8.13.20 Service Charges -$3.65 $14,746.94
8.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $14,733.89
8.13.20 DONATION (BT) - Monthly +$25.00 $14,758.89
8.14.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$440.00 $15,198.89
8.14.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$21.50 $15,220.39
8.14.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$65.00 $15,285.39
8.14.20 DONATIONS  +$135.00 $15,420.39
8.14.20 Service Charges -$5.55 $15,414.84
8.14.20 DISBURSEMENT: Kroger +$273.83 $15,688.67
8.14.20 New Site: Storage barn payments -$550.00 $15,138.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$880.00 $16,018.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS - August Sponsorships +$380.00 $16,398.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$195.00 $16,593.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS  +$55.00 $16,648.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$215.00 $16,863.67
8.17.20 DONATIONS - Tyson +$205.00 $17,068.67
8.17.20 SALES: Shirts +$55.00 $17,123.67
8.17.20 Service Charges -$7.55 $17,116.12
8.17.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $17,106.17
8.18.20 Postage -$10.00 $17,096.17
8.18.20 DONATIONS - August Sponsorships +$180.00 $17,276.17
8.18.20 SALES - Shirts +$183.00 $17,459.17
8.18.20 Service Charges -$5.23 $17,453.94
8.18.20 Feed -$41.10 $17,412.84
8.18.20 Marketing: Dog Fighters/Bitches shirts -$454.72 $16,958.12
8.18.20 Utilities: Four County -$368.00 $16,590.12
8.18.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$182.00 $16,408.12
8.18.20 New Site: Kennel Interior final payment -$2,357.14 $14,050.98
8.19.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$20.00 $14,070.98
8.19.20 DONATION +$20.00 $14,090.98
8.19.20 DONATION - Monthly +$200.00 $14,290.98
8.19.20 DONATION - Juggz Tumblers +$250.00 $14,540.98
8.19.20 Service Charges -$6.54 $14,534.44
8.19.20 Fuel -$34.83 $14,499.61
8.19.20 Enrichment: Week of 8.17.20 -$269.75 $14,229.86
8.19.20 Medical: Previcox x180 -$494.95 $13,734.91
8.20.20 DONATIONS - Aug Sponsorships +$140.00 $13,874.91
8.20.20 SALES: Shirt +$30.00 $13,904.91
8.20.20 Service Charge -.96¢ $13,903.95
8.20.20 Postage -$10.00 $13,893.95
8.20.20 Pest Control -$159.47 $13,734.48
8.21.20 Equipment: Golf Cart -$3,745.00 $9,989.48
8.24.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$865.00 $10,854.48
8.24.20 DONATIONS  +$130.00 $10,984.48
8.24.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$156.00 $11,140.48
8.24.20 RAFFLE - Paintings +$100.00 $11,240.48
8.24.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $11,275.48
8.24.20 SALES: Shirts +$200.00 $11,475.48
8.24.20 Service Charges -$10.07 $11,465.41
8.24.20 Kennels: KOE Deodorizer -$106.89 $11,358.52
8.24.20 New Site: Chicken wire, etc -$89.54 $11,268.98
8.25.20 RAFFLE - Paintings +$30.00 $11,298.98
8.25.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$10.00 $11,308.98
8.25.20 DONATION (BM) +$250.00 $11,558.98
8.26.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$35.00 $11,593.98
8.26.20 DONATION (NB) - Monthly +$20.00 $11,613.98
8.26.20 DONATION (DG) +$20.00 $11,633.98
8.26.20 Service Charges -$1.48 $11,632.50
8.26.20 Postage -$10.00 $11,622.50
8.26.20 Auto: Super Sonic Express Car Wash -$19.99 $11,602.51
8.26.20 Hay -$6.76 $11,595.75
8.26.20 Enrichment: Week of 8.24.20 -$269.75 $11,326.00
8.27.20 DONATION (RR) +$20.00 $11,346.00
8.27.20 DONATIONS +$210.00 $11,556.00
8.27.20 SALES: Shirts +$95.00 $11,651.00
8.27.20 Service Charges -$2.99 $11,648.01
8.27.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $11,631.51
8.27.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $11,596.52
8.27.20 Utilities: CSpire -$250.43 $11,346.09
8.27.20 Postage -$10.00 $11,336.09
8.27.20 Disinfectant -$25.47 $11,310.62
8.27.20 Pest Control -$5.13 $11,305.49
8.27.20 Feed -$54.54 $11,250.95
8.27.20 New Site: Water hose -$37.44 $11,213.51
8.27.20 Nail clippers -$19.00 $11,194.51
8.27.20 Medical: TriCox x360 -$122.39 $11,072.12
8.27.20 New Site: Storage barn payments -$550.00 $10,522.12
8.27.20 New Site: Gate wheels -$32.08 $10,490.04
8.28.20 DONATION (BI) +$25.00 $10,515.04
8.28.20 SALES: Thank You Cards +$50.00 $10,565.04
8.28.20 Service Charges -$2.55 $10,562.49
8.31.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$620.00 $11,182.49
8.31.20 DONATIONS +$538.00 $11,720.49
8.31.20 PAINTING RAFFLE +$55.00 $11,775.49
8.31.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$10.00 $11,785.49
8.31.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$188.00 $11,973.49
8.31.20 DONATION (KW) Monthly +$5.00 $11,978.49
8.31.20 SALES: Shirts +$40.00 $12,018.49
8.31.20 DONATIONS - Sept Sponsorships +$100.00 $12,118.49
8.31.20 Service Charges -$4.28 $12,114.21
8.31.20 Marketing: Facebook Ads -$39.99 $12,074.22
8.31.20 Fuel -$53.86 $12,020.36
8.31.20 Kennels: Lock pin -$3.73 $12,016.63
8.31.20 Postage -$10.00 $12,006.63
8.31.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/W -$66.24 $11,940.39
9.2.20 Security: Lithium batteries -$28.69 $11,911.70
9.2.20 Postage -$10.00 $11,901.70
9.2.20 Insurance -$750.75 $11,150.95
9.2.20 DONATIONS +$60.00 $11,210.95
9.2.20 DONATION (LG) Monthly +$75.00 $11,285.95
9.2.20 DONATION (CF) $5 Friday +$20.00 $11,305.95
9.2.20 Service Charges -$4.28 $11,301.67
9.2.20 SALES: Shirts +$120.00 $11,421.67
9.2.20 Software: Microsoft Office -$106.99 $11,314.68
9.2.20 Enrichment: Week of 8.31.20 -$269.75 $11,044.93
9.3.20 DONATIONS - Sept Sponsorships +$40.00 $11,084.93
9.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$70.00 $11,154.93
9.3.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$40.00 $11,194.93
9.3.20 DONATION (LJT) +$100.00 $11,294.93
9.3.20 SALES: Shirts +$35.00 $11,329.93
9.3.20 Service Charges -$2.62 $11,327.31
9.3.20 Cleaning Supplies -$16.32 $11,310.99
9.3.20 Porta-jon -$90.0 $11,220.99
9.3.20 Equipment/Tools: Voltage Tester -$21.39 $11,199.60
9.3.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $11,123.66
9.3.20 Postage -$10.00 $11,113.36
9.4.20 DONATIONS - Sept Sponsorships +$30.00 $11,143.36
9.4.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday Insurance +$25.00 $11,168.36
9.4.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$255.00 $11,423.36
9.4.20 DONATION (AM) Volunteers +$35.00 $11,458.36
9.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $11,558.36
9.4.20 SALES: Shirts +$145.00 $11,703.36
9.4.20 Service Charges -$9.81 $11,693.55
9.8.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$595.00 $12,288.55
9.8.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $12,323.55
9.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$160.00 $12,483.55
9.8.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$60.00 $12,543.55
9.8.20 DONATIONS - Sept Sponsorships +$390.00 $12,933.55
9.8.20 SALES: Shirts +$240.00 $13,173.55
9.8.20 DONATION (DJ) +$150.00 $13,323.55
9.8.20 Service Charges -$10.45 $13,313.10
9.8.20 Toy bins -$552.12 $12,760.98
9.8.20 Social Media: shawpbr.net/org/com -$59.86 $12,701.12
9.8.20 Marketing: PiZap -$35.88 $12,665.24
9.8.20 Equipment: Golf cart coil, belts -$114.42 $12,550.82
9.8.20 Marketing: PicMonkey -$7.99 $12,542.83
9.8.20 New Site: Storage barn payments -$550.00 $11,992.83
9.8.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$10.70 $11,982.13
9.9.20 DONATIONS +$40.00 $12,022.13
9.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $12,122.13
9.9.20 DONATION (KE) Sept Sponsorships +$25.00 $12,147.13
9.9.20 DONATION (SM) $5 Friday +$5.00 $12,152.13
9.9.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $12,177.13
9.9.20 Service Charges -$3.84 $12,173.29
9.9.20 Enrichment: Week of 9.8.20 -$269.75 $11,903.54
9.9.20 Feed -$18.81 $11,884.73
9.9.20 Disinfectant - Stall Refresher -$23.52 $11,861.21
9.9.20 Marketing: MAGA Shirts -$497.94 $11,363.27
9.10.20 DONATION (AB) Sept Sponsorship +$65.00 $11,428.27
9.10.20 SALES: Shirt +$20.00 $11,448.27
9.10.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $11,438.27
9.10.20 Medical: Neuters -$20.00 $11,418.27
9.11.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$45.00 $11,463.27
9.11.20 DONATION +$20.00 $11,483.27
9.11.20 DONATION - Sept Sponsorships +$150.00 $11,633.27
9.11.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $11,623.27
9.11.20 Equipment: Spark plugs -$5.33 $11,617.94
9.11.20 Marketing: Movavi Video Editor -$42.75 $11,575.19
9.15.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$270.00 $11,845.19
9.15.20 DONATIONS +$795.00 $12,640.19
9.15.20 DONATIONS - Benebones +$20.00 $12,660.19
9.15.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$60.00 $12,720.19
9.15.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$87.00 $12,807.19
9.15.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $12,832.19
9.15.20 Service Charges -$1.59 $12,830.60
9.15.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $12,817.55
9.15.20 Tools: Drill bits, washers -$25.08 $12,792.47
9.15.20 Fuel -$22.21 $12,770.26
9.15.20 New Site: Storage Barn Payments -$550.00 $12,220.26
9.15.20 Postage -$10.00 $12,210.26
9.16.20 Enrichment (Week of 9.14.20) -$269.75 $11,940.51
9.16.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $11,930.56
9.16.20 Medical: Luca -$638.82 $11,291.74
9.16.20 Medical: Nico -$28.50 $11,263.24
9.16.20 Medical: Carprofen 100mg x180 -$194.40 $11,068.84
9.17.20 DONATIONS  +$87.00 $11,155.84
9.17.20 DONATION (ST) $5 Friday +$20.00 $11,175.84
9.17.20 DONATION (DG) WLW +$15.00 $11,190.84
9.17.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $11,189.47
9.17.20 Utilities: Four County N/S -$186.00 $11,003.47
9.18.20 DONATIONS +$55.00 $11,058.47
9.18.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$40.00 $11,098.47
9.18.20 DONATION (DC) Insurance +$1,000.00 $12,098.47
9.18.20 DONATION (HJ) Sept Sponsorship +$100.00 $12,198.47
9.18.20 Feed and Grass Seed -$177.61 $12,020.86
9.21.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$835.00 $12,855.86
9.21.20 DONATIONS - Medical +$25.00 $12,880.86
9.21.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$74.00 $12,954.86
9.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $12,989.86
9.21.20 DONATIONS +$35.00


9.21.20 SALES - Shirt +$25.00 $13,049.86
9.21.20 Service Charges -$2.63 $13,047.23
9.21.20 Marketing: Gimbal -$128.52 $12,918.71
9.21.20 Kennels: Latches -$197.44 $12,721.27
9.21.20 Postage -$10.00 $12,711.27
9.22.20 DONATION - FB FR's +$20.00 $12,731.27
9.22.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$50.00 $12,781.27
9.22.20 Utilities: Four County -$350.00 $12,431.27
9.23.20 DONATION (SJ) +$150.00 $12,581.27
9.23.20 Service Charge -$3.60 $12,577.67
9.23.20 Enrichment: Week of 9.21.20 -$269.75 $12,307.92
9.23.20 New Site: Storage Barn Payments -$550.00 $11,757.92
9.24.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$50.00 $11,807.92
9.28.20 DONATIONS +$280.00 $12,087.92
9.28.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$535.00 $12,622.92
9.28.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$30.00 $12,652.92
9.28.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$50.00 $12,702.92
9.28.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$120.00 $12,822.92
9.28.20 Service Charges -$2.33 $12,820.59
9.28.20 Auto: Super Sonic Express Car Wash -$19.99 $12,800.60
9.28.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $12,734.36
9.28.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $12,699.37
9.28.20 Utilities: CSpire -$250.43 $12,448.94
9.28.20 New Site: Storage Brackets -$27.80 $12,421.14
9.28.20 Postage -$10.00 $12,411.14
9.29.20 DONATIONS +$385.00 $12,796.14
9.29.20 Equipment: Voltage Regulator -$55.01 $12,741.13
9.29.20 Utilities: GTWS -$16.50 $12,724.63
9.30.20 DONATIONS +$130.00 $12,854.63
9.30.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$55.39 $12,910.02
9.30.20 DONATION (KC) Oct Sponsorship +$100.00 $13,010.02
9.30.20 Enrichment: Week of 9.28.20 -$269.75 $12,740.27
9.30.20 Taxes: September 2020 -$266.00 $12,474.27
9.30.20 Service Charge -$2.50 $12,471.77
9.30.20 Postage -$110.00 $12,361.77
9.30.20 Marketing: Facebooks ads -$106.82 $12,254.95
10.5.20 DONATION (SB) +$45.00 $12,299.95
10.5.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$295.00 $12,594.95
10.5.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$245.00 $12,839.95
10.5.20 DONATION (TJ) Oct Sponsorship +$25.00 $12,864.95
10.5.20 Office: Porta-jon -$90.00 $12,774.95
10.5.20 Service Charges -$4.39 $12,770.56
10.5.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $12,694.32
10.5.20 Feed -$26.73 $12,667.59
10.5.20 New Site: Gate Screws -$32.06 $12,635.53
10.5.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$45.80 $12,589.73
10.5.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$185.00 $12,774.73
10.5.20 New Site: Storage Barn Payment -$550.00 $12,224.73
10.5.20 New Site: Latch installations -$160.00 $12,064.73
10.6.20 Equipment Lease 2020 -$1,600.00 $10,464.73
10.6.20 FUNDRAISER: Pearls for Pups +$360.78 $10,825.51
10.6.20 DONATION (DD) Oct Sponsorship +$125.00 $10,950.51
10.6.20 DONATION (JB) Monthly +$100.00 $11,050.51
10.6.20 DONATION (APC) +$5.00 $11,055.51
10.6.20 SALES: Shirts +$27.00 $11,082.51
10.6.20 Service Charges -$.89¢ $11,081.62
10.6.20 Medical: Cici -$65.00 $11,016.62
10.6.20 Medical: Rabies x5 -$50.00 $10,966.62
10.7.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$30.00 $10,996.62
10.7.20 SALES: Shirts +$360.00 $11,356.62
10.7.20 DONATION (MH) Monthly +$25.00 $11,381.62
10.7.20 DONATION (DG) +$20.00 $11,401.62
10.7.20 DONATION (SJ) Oct Sponsorship +$100.00 $11,501.62
10.7.20 Service Charges -$13.97 $11,487.65
10.7.20 Enrichment: Week of 10.5.20 -$269.75 $11,217.90
10.7.20 Marketing: PicMonkey -$7.99 $11,209.91
10.7.20 Fuel -$52.77 $11,157.14
10.8.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$135.00 $11,292.14
10.8.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$45.00 $11,337.14
10.8.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$60.00 $11,397.14
10.8.20 Service Charges -$2.44 $11,394.70
10.8.20 Disinfectant -$85.97 $11,308.73
10.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $11,383.73
10.9.20 DONATION (DD) Shavings +$25.00 $11,408.73
10.9.20 Service Charges -$2.25 $11,406.48
10.9.20 Amazon Prime -$127.33 $11,279.15
10.12.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$165.00 $11,444.15
10.12.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $11,443.41
10.12.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $11,433.41
10.12.20 Equipment: Field Fencing Implement -$591.48 $10,841.93
10.12.20 Auto: Maintenance -$389.90 $10,452.03
10.12.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $10,442.03
10.12.20 Fuel -$18.96 $10,423.07
10.13.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$340.00 $10,763.07
10.13.20 DONATION (BT) Monthly +$25.00 $10,788.07
10.13.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $10,787.22
10.13.20 PCPF: Sorter boards -$123.27 $10,663.95
10.13.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $10,650.90
10.14.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$75.00 $10.725.90
10.14.20 DONATION (BK) Saturday +$10.00 $10,735.90
10.14.20 Postage -$10.00 $10.725.90
10.14.20 Feed -$22.37 $10.703.53
10.14.20 Supplies: Batteries -$9.62 $10,693.91
10.14.20 Fuel -$20.00 $10,673.91
10.14.20 New Site: Storage Barn Payments -$550.00 $10,123.91
10.14.20 Enrichment: Week of 10.12.20 -$269.75 $9,854.16
10.15.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$35.00 $9,889.16
10.15.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$30.00 $9,919.16
10.15.20 DONATION (SW) WLW +$100.00 $10,019.16
10.15.20 DONATION (DG) $5 Friday +$20.00 $10,039.16
10.15.120 SALES: Shirt +$35.00 $10,074.16
10.15.20 Service Charges -$1.81 $10,072.35
10.15.20 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$13.18 $10,059.17
10.15.20 Marketing: JotForm -$9.95 $10,049.22
10.15.20 Medical: Joint Wrap -$19.25 $10,029.97
10.15.20 New Site: Gate Remotes/Auto Lock -$200.63 $9,829.34
10.20.20 DONATIONS - $5F +$925.00 $10,754.34
10.20.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$245.00 $10,999.34
10.20.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$102.00 $11,101.34
10.20.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$320.00 $11,421.34
10.20.20 SALES: Shirts +$125.00 $11,546.34
10.20.20 Service Charges -$13.45 $11,532.89
10.20.20 Equipment: Cargo Carrier/4 Wheeler -$57.76 $11,475.13
10.20.20 PCPF: Treats, Hay, Pruning Shears -$51.25 $11,423.88
10.20.20 Fuel -$49.16 $11,374.72
10.21.20 New Site: Barn Shed Payments -$550.00 $10,824.72
10.21.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$35.00 $10,859.72
10.21.20 DONATION (RS) Oct Sponsorship +$5.00 $10,864.72
10.21.20 Marketing: Shirts -$337.61 $10,527.11
10.21.20 Feed -$62.83 $10,464.28
10.21.20 Medical: Apoquel -$560.00 $9,904.28
10.21.20 Utilities: Four County -$229.00 $9,675.28
10.21.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $9,673.91
10.22.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$55.00 $9,728.91
10.22.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$10.00 $9,738.91
10.22.20 DONATIONS +$30.00 $9,768.91
10.22.20 Enrichment: Week of 10.19.20 -$269.75 $9,499.16
10.22.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $9,432.92
10.22.20 Fuel -$40.80 $9,392.12
10.23.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$235.00 $9,627.12
10.23.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $9,652.12
10.23.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $9,651.27
10.23.20 Postage -$67.25 $9,584.02
10.26.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$705.00 $10,289.02
10.26.20 DONATIONS  +$320.00 $10,609.02
10.26.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$20.00 $10,629.02
10.26.20 DONATIONS - Shavings +$25.00 $10,654.02
10.26.20 DONATION (DN) +$66.00 $10,720.02
10.26.20 DONATION (NB) Monthly +$20.00 $10,740.02
10.26.20 Service Charges -$4.99 $10,735.03
10.26.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $10,715.04
10.26.20 Feed -$20.07 $10,694.97
10.26.20 Auto: Van tag -$44.59 $10,650.38
10.26.20 Equipment: 4 Wheeler carburetor -$43.83 $10,606.55
10.27.20 DONATION (DD) 5F +$25.00 $10,631.55
10.27.20 DONATION (KB) Monthly +$100.00 $10,731.55
10.27.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$218.00 $10,949.55
10.27.20 DONATIONS +$25.00 $10,974.55
10.27.20 DONATIONS - Oct Sponsorships +$45.00 $11,019.55
10.27.20 SALES: Shirt -$25.00 $11,044.55
10.27.20 Service Charge -.85¢ $11,043.70
10.27.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $11,008.71
10.27.20 Utilities: CSpire -$250.43 $10,758.28
10.28.20 DONATIONS  +110.00 $10,868.28
10.28.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$65.00 $10,933.28
10.28.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$35.00 $10,968.28
10.28.20 Service Charge -$1.40 $10,966.88
10.28.20 Medical: Bravecto -$385.74 $10,581.14
10.28.20 New Site: Storage Barn Payments -$550.00 $10,031.14
10.28.20 Enrichment: Week of 10.26.20 -$269.75 $9,761.39
10.29.20 DONATIONS +$115.00 $9,876.39
10.29.20 Service Charges -$3.13 $9,873.26
10.29.20 Utilities: GTWS -$17.10 $9,856.16
10.29.20 New Site: Sand/Gravel + Deliveryx3 -$450.00 $9,406.16
10.29.20 New Site: Gravel Delivery x3 -$225.00 $9,181.16
10.30.20 DONATION (SJ) Nov Sponsorship +$100.00 $9,281.16
10.30.20 Service Charge -$2.50 $9,278.66
10.30.20 Taxes: October 2020 -$212.80 $9,065.86
10.30.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$55.00 $9,120.86
10.30.20 Service Charges -$1.81 $9,119.05
10.30.20 Food/Hay -$50.80 $9,068.25
10.30.20 New Site: Wood for Kennel Entrances -$549.26 $8,518.99
10.31.20 DONATIONS  +$880.00 $9,398.99
10.31.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$74.00 $9,472.99
10.31.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$70.00 $9,542.99
10.31.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$410.00 $9,952.99
10.31.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$310.00 $10,262.99
10.31.20 Service Charges -$5.60 $10,257.39
10.31.20 Auto: Carburetor cleaner, etc. -$22.00 $10,235.39
10.31.20 Utilities: GTWS -$13.32 $10,222.07
10.31.20 Auto - Insurance x6 months -$440.60 $9,781.47
10.31.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $9,806.47
10.31.20 Marketing: FB Ads $24.11 $9,782.36
11.3.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$155.00 $9,937.36
11.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$225.00 $10,162.36
11.3.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$131.00 $10,293.36
11.3.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$35.00 $10,328.36
11.3.20 DONATION (SL) +$200.00 $10,528.36
11.3.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $10,526.99
11.3.20 Utilities: ELWA -$27.16 $10,499.83
11.3.20 New Site: Exterior latches -$205.28 $10,294.55
11.3.20 Office: Porta-Jon -$90.00 $10,204.55
11.3.20 Postage -$10.00 $10,194.55
11.4.20 Enrichment: Week of 11.2.20 -$269.75 $9,924.80
11.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $10,024.80
11.4.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$31.00 $10,055.80
11.4.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$5.00 $10,060.80
11.4.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$270.00 $10,330.80
11.4.20 Service Charges -$5.93 $10,324.87
11.4.20 New Site: Barn/shed payments -$550.00 $9,774.87
11.4.20 Fuel -$49.94 $9,724.93
11.4.20 Feed -$64.29 $9,660.64
11.4.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$76.24 $9,584.40
11.6.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$30.00 $9,614.40
11.6.20 ADOPTION - Charlotte +$100.00 $9,714.40
11.6.20 DONATION (DG) $5 Friday +$15.00 $9,729.40
11.6.20 DONATIONS +$200.00 $9,929.40
11.6.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $9,928.77
11.6.20 New Site: Gravel -$699.26 $9,229.51
11.6.20 Utilities: Waukaway -$19.47 $9,210.04
11.9.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$85.00 $9,295.04
11.9.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $9,395.04
11.9.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$80.00 $9,475.04
11.9.20 DONATIONS +$145.00 $9,620.04
11.9.20 DONATION (SW) WLW +$100.00


11.9.20 SALES: Shirt +$30.00 $9,750.04
11.9.20 Service Charges -$4.91 $9,745.13
11.9.20 New Site: Fencing tools, supplies -$150.69 $9,594.44
11.11.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$570.00 $10,164.44
11.11.20 DONATION (DD) Nov Sponsorship +$100.00 $10,264.44
11.11.20 DONATION (DG) +$15.00 $10,279.44
11.11.20 DONATION (RG) WLW +$50.00 $10,329.44
11.11.20 Service Charges -$1.48 $10,327.96
11.11.20 Postage -$10.00 $10,317.96
11.11.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $10,307.96
11.11.20 Tools -$21.38 $10,286.58
11.11.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $10,276.58
11.11.20 Utilities: ELWA New Site -$26.63 $10,249.95
11.11.20 Medical: Nico -$403.52 $9,846.43
11.11.20 Medical: Panacur -$141.00 $9,705.43
11.11.20 Enrichment: Week of 11.9.20 -$269.75 $9,435.68
11.11.20 DONATION (BC) Monthly +$25.00 $9,460.68
11.12.20 New Site: Barn/Shed payments -$550.00 $8,910.68
11.12.20 New Site: Exterior kennel doors -$4,719.48 $4,191.20
11.13.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$275.00 $4,466.20
11.13.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$10.00 $4,476.20
11.13.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $4,511.20
11.13.20 DONATIONS +$265.00 $4,776.20
11.13.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$125.00 $4,901.20
11.13.20 Service Charges -.85¢ $4,900.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$200.00 $5,100.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$114.00 $5,214.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS - Nico +$525.00 $5,739.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS  +$265.00 $6,004.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$486.00 $6,490.35
11.16.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$100.00 $6,590.35
11.16.20 Service Charges -$3.52 $6,586.83
11.16.20 Gas/Fuel -$87.10 $6,499.73
11.16.20 Postage -$20.00 $6,479.73
11.16.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $6,466.68
11.16.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $6,456.73
11.17.20 DONATIONS - Nico +$25.00 $6,481.73
11.17.20 DONATION +$40.00 $6,521.73
11.17.20 Postage -$60.00 $6,461.73
11.17.20 Tools: Fence tool -$21.39 $6,440.34
11.17.20 DISBURSEMENT: Kroger +$329.10 $6,769.44
11.17.20 DISBURSEMENT: AmazonSmile +$196.61 $6,966.05
11.17.20 New Site: Storage/barn payoff -$264.85 $6,701.20
11.17.20 Feed -$64.78 $6,636.42
11.18.20 DONATIONS +$35.00 $6,671.42
11.18.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $6,670.79
11.18.20 Enrichment: Week of 11.16.20 -$269.75 $6,401.04
11.18.20 Medical: HW test x25 -$77.03 $6,324.01
11.18.20 Medical: Erlichia test x25 -$82.33 $6,241.68
11.18.20 Medical: DHLPPv -$150.63 $6,091.05
11.18.20 Utilities: Four County -$222.00 $5,869.05
11.30.20 DONATIONS - #Giving Tuesday +$250.00 $6,119.05
11.30.20 DONATIONS - $10 Tuesday +$90.00 $6,209.05
11.30.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$1,970.00 $8,179.05
11.30.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$142.52 $8,321.57
11.30.20 DONATIONS +$205.61 $8,527.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS - Nov Sponsorships +$1,090.00 $9,617.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS +$180.00 $9,797.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS - Saturdays +$77.00 $9,874.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$260.00 $10,134.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$55.00 $10,189.18
11.30.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$100.00 $10,289.18
11.30.20 Service Charges -$13.34 $10,275.84
11.30.20 Utilities: Sparklight -$70.61 $10,205.23
11.30.20 Social Media: PCPF x12 month -$180.35 $10,024.88
11.30.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $9,989.89
11.30.20 Utilities: CSpire -$250.25 $9,739.64
11.30.20 Medical: Peyton ACL  -$125.00 $9,614.64
11.30.20 Auto: Super Sonic Express Car Wash -$19.99 $9,594.65
11.30.20 Enrichment: Week of 11.23.20 -$269.75 $9,324.90
11.30.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $9,258.66
11.30.20 Utilities: GTWS -$17.10 $9,241.56
11.30.20 Feed -$126.98 $9,114.58
11.30.20 Supplies: Water, hoses, etc. -$161.63 $8,952.95
11.30.20 Fuel -$46.50 $8,906.45
11.30.20 Equipment: Trailer hoist chains -$21.38 $8,885.07
12.2.20 DONATIONS - #Giving Tuesday +$230.00 $9,115.07
12.2.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$275.00 $9,390.07
12.2.20 DONATIONS - Secret Santa +$100.00 $9,490.07
12.2.20 Service Charges -$8.81 $9,481.26
12.2.20 Utilities: Four County -$122.00 $9,359.26
12.2.20 New Site: Gravel delivery x3 -$225.00 $9,134.26
12.2.20 New Site: Pea Gravel x3 loads -$684.51 $8,449.75
12.2.20 Postage -$10.00 $8,439.75
12.2.20 Marketing: Facebook advertising -$12.00 $8,427.75
12.2.20 Enrichment: Week of 11.30.20 -$269.75 $8,158.00
12.2.20 Taxes: November 2020 -$212.80 $7,945.20
12.2.20 Utilities: Porta-jon -$90.00 $7,855.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$300.00 $8,155.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$20.00 $8,175.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS  +$25.00 $8,200.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS - #Giving Tuesday +$1,685.00 $9,885.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS - $10 Tuesday +$30.00 $9,915.20
12.3.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$5.00 $9,920.20
12.3.20 Service Charge -.74¢ $9,919.46
12.4.20 DONATIONS - #Giving Tuesday +$68.28 $9,987.74
12.4.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$225.00 $10,212.74
12.4.20 DONATIONS +$50.00 $10,262.74
12.4.20 Service Charges -$3.76 $10,258.98
12.4.20 DONATIONS - Secret Santa +$70.00 $10,328.98
12.4.20 SALES: Treats +$30.00 $10,358.98
12.4.20 Social Media: shawpbr.org -$45.19 $10,313.79
12.4.20 Utilties: Waukway -$28.25 $10,285.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday 1K Match +$2,050.00 $12,335.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - #Giving Tuesday +$55.00 $12,390.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$35.00 $12,425.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS  $1,055.00 $12,480.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$210.00 $13,690.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$200.00 $13,890.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - Secret Santa +$75.00 $13,965.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffer +$50.00 $14,015.54
12.7.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$25.00 $14,040.54
12.7.20 Utilities: ELWA -$28.75 14,011.79
12.7.20 Service Charges -$5.24 $14,006.55
12.7.20 Property Taxes -$728.94 $13,277.61
12.7.20 Tools: Drill bits, fasteners, clamps, etc -$91.44 $13,186.17
12.7.20 Fuel -$69.79 $13,116.38
12.7.20 Feed -$68.46 $13,047.92
12.8.20 DONATIONS  +$75.00 $13,122.92
12.8.20 DOANTIONS - Monthly +$60.00 $13,182.92
12.8.20 DONATION - $5 Friday 1K Match +$5.00 $13,187.92
12.8.20 DONATION - Saturday +$20.00 $13,207.92
12.8.20 DONATION - #Giving Tuesday +$25.00 $13,232.92
12.8.20 Service Charges -$3.62 $13,229.30
12.8.20 Feed -$76.23 $13,153.07
12.8.20 Postage -$10.00 $13,143.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - Food +$15.00 $13,158.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$75.00 $13,233.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffer +$25.00 $13,258.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - $10 Tuesday +$40.00 $13,298.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$100.00 $13,398.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$70.00 $13,468.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$20.00 $13,488.07
12.10.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$5.00 $13,493.07
12.10.20 Service Charges -$2.88 $13,490.19
12.10.20 Enrichment: Week of 12.7.20 -$269.75 $13,220.44
12.10.20 Postage -$294.00 $12,926.44
12.10.20 Auto: Suburban tires -$662.04 $12,264.40
12.10.20 Marketing: OneStream Live -$10.00 $12,254.40
12.10.20 Office: MyFax -$10.00 $12,244.40
12.11.20 DONATIONS - WLW $ Tree +$380.00 $12,624.40
12.11.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$200.00 $12,824.40
12.11.20 DONATION - $5 Friday +$20.00 $12,844.40
12.11.20 Service Charges -$3.24 $12,841.16
12.14.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$805.92 $13,647.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - Christmas Wish List +$75.00 $13,722.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - Dec Sponsorships +$400.00 $14,122.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$221.00 $14,343.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - WLW $ Tree +$130.00 $14,473.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffers +$50.00 $14,253.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - PCPF Christmas +$25.00 $14,548.08
12.14.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$25.00 $14,573.08
12.14.20 Service Charges -$7.66 $14,565.42
12.14.20 Medical: Nico -$95.28 $14,470.14
12.14.20 Medical: Cephalexin x500 -$54.46 $14,415.68
12.14.20 Social Media: wiabd.org -$13.05 $14,402.63
12.14.20 Equipment: 4 Wheeler battery/box -$131.59 $14,271.04
12.14.20 Tools: Drill bit set -$21.32 $14,249.72
12.14.20 Medical: Gloves -$20.25 $14,229.47
12.14.20 Supplies: Duct tape -$4.91 $14,224.56
12.14.20 New Site: Security Motion Lights -$96.23 $14,128.33
12.14.20 Office: Chalkboard -$20.98 $14,107.35
12.14.20 Supplies: Batteries (C,D) -$30.92 $14,076.43
12.14.20 New Site: Feeders -$24.50 $14,051.93
12.14.20 Supplies: Fence Staples -$5.79 $14,046.14
12.14.20 Supplies: Screws -$14.80 $14,031.34
12.14.20 Supplies: Rope -$8.88 $14,022.46
12.15.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$40.00 $14,062.46
12.15.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffers +$195.00 $14,257.46
12.15.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$100.00 $14,357.46
12.15.20 DONATIONS +$150.00 $14,507.46
12.15.20 SALES: Treats +$10.00 $14,517.46
12.15.20 Service Charge -$1.40 $14,516.06
12.16.20 DONATION (KJ) +$100.00 $14,616.06
12.16.20 SALES: Mousepad +$10.00 $14,626.06
12.16.20 SALES: Key Chain +$17.00 $14,643.06
12.16.20 Service Charges -$1.19 $14,641.87
12.16.20 Medical: TriCox x180 -$122.39 $14,519.48
12.16.20 Enrichment: Week of 12.14.20 -$269.75 $14,249.73
12.16.20 Office: JotForm -$9.95 $14,239.78
12.16.20 Tools: Cutting pliers x6 -$61.73 $14,178.05
12.16.20 New Site: Reflective #'s and poles -$10.89 $14,167.16
12.17.20 DONATION (SW) +$1,000.00 $15,167.16
12.17.20 DONATIONS +$150.00 $15,317.16
12.17.20 SALES: Keychain +$15.00 $15,332.16
12.17.20 DONATION - $10 Tuesday +$15.00 $15,347.16
12.17.20 Service Charges -$3.13 $15,344.03
12.17.20 Feed -$23.90 $15,320.13
12.18.20 DONATIONS +$20.00 $15,340.13
12.18.20 SALES: Keychain +$15.00 $15,355.13
12.18.20 Service Charge -.63¢ $15,354.50
12.18.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$25.00 $15,379.50
12.18.20 Service Charges -$1.15 $15,378.35
12.18.20 Utilities: Four County -$216.00 $15,162.35
12.18.20 Legal: MS Secretary of State Addy Chg -$63.36 $15,098.99
12.18.20 Postage -$10.00 $15,088.99
12.21.20 DONATIONS - Montly +$35.00 $15,123.99
12.21.20 DONATION JARS +$15.50 $15,139.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - $10 Tuesday +$10.00 $15,149.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$895.00 $16,044.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$55.00 $16,099.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffers +$275.00 $16,374.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$82.00 $16,456.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS  +$10.00 $16,466.49
12.21.20 DONATIONS - WLW +$60.00 $16,526.49
12.21.20 Service Charges -$1.37 $16,525.12
12.21.20 Supplies: Brooms, labels, case -$83.50 $16,441.62
12.22.20 DONATION +$15.00 $16,456.62
12.22.20 New Site: Disinfectant -$91.31 $16,365.31
12.22.20 Office: Calendars -$51.26 $16,314.05
12.22.20 Utilities: Sparklight N/S -$66.24 $16,247.81
12.28.20 DONATIONS - $5 Friday +$135.00 $16,382.81
12.28.20 DONATION (NB) - Monthly +$20.00 $16,402.81
12.28.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$55.00 $16,457.81
12.28.20 DONATIONS +$440.00 $16,897.81
12.28.20 DONATIONS - Saturday +$187.00 $17,084.81
12.28.20 DONATIONS - Stocking Stuffer +$75.00 $17,159.81
12.28.20 Service Charges -$3.24 $17,156.57
12.28.20 Marketing: Adobe Creative Suite -$34.99 $17,121.58
12.28.20 Auto: Super Sonic Car Wash -$19.99 $17,101.59
12.28.20 Utilities: GTWS (Old Site) -$17.10 $17,084.49
12.28.20 Utilities: GTWS (New Site - Annual) -$144.00 $16,940.49
12.28.20 Utilities: CSpire -$250.25 $16,690.24
12.28.20 Postage -$10.00 $16,680.24
12.28.20 Enrichment: Week of 12.21.20 -$269.75 $16,410.49
12.28.20 DONATION +$50.00 $16,460.49
12.28.20 Service Charges -$1.40 $16,459.09
12.28.20 Tools: Bolt fasteners, etc -$16.49 $16,442.60
12.28.20 Tools: Pliers, wrenches -$28.18 $16,414.42
12.29.20 DONATIONS +$350.00 $16,764.42
12.29.20 DONATION (LW) PCPF +$25.00 $16,789.42
12.29.20 SALES: Painting +$25.00 $16,814.42
12.29.20 Service Charges -$9.15 $16,805.27
12.29.20 New Site: Clay Gravel x4 loads -$600.00 $16,205.27
12.29.20 Feed -$23.90 $16,181.37
12.30.20 DONATIONS +$200.00 $16,381.37
12.30.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$50.00 $16,431.37
12.30.20 Enrichment: Week of 12.28.20 -$269.75 $16,161.62
12.30.20 Taxes: December 2020 -$266.00 $15,895.62
12.30.20 New Site: SD cards for cameras -$24.28 $15,871.34
12.31.20 DONATIONS  +$1,855.00 $17,726.34
12.31.20 DONATIONS - Monthly +$175.00 $17,901.34
12.31.20 DONATIONS - Paula Jean +$1,895.00 $19,796.34
12.31.20 DONATIONS - FB FR's +$75.00 $19,871.34
12.31.20 Service Charges -$29.71 $19,841.63
12.31.20 SALES: Shirt +$25.00 $19,866.63
12.31.20 Marketing: FB Ads -$30.00 $19,836.63
12.31.20 Feed -$123.05 $19,713.58




Shaw PBR

368 Old New Hope Road

Columbus, MS 39702

662.386.SHAW (7429)





662.386.SHAW (7429)

Columbus, Mississippi

FEIN: 46-0852468

DUNS: 078737353

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide abused, abandoned or homeless pit bull dogs with the medical attention they need; as well as the love and attention they deserve to heal - both emotionally, and physically.


We will work to facilitate the rescue and placement of abused or abandoned pit bulls into responsible homes and participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment; spay/neuter; food and shelter.


We are dedicated to fostering responsible pit bull ownership through education, adoption, and breed advocacy.