Where are the rescuers? We're here, as usual...

I originally saw this posted on a fellow rescuers Facebook page,
and liked it so much that I hijacked it and formatted it for us.  
Please visit Saving Furry Friends,Inc for the original post,
(Rescue is Not A Spectator Sport)

This post won't earn us any new friends but we felt the need to respond.


Several times a day, we see comments in our news feed saying, "Where are all the rescues?? Why won't they help this dog?!"


Well - us rescues - all of us - are right here, taking care of all the dogs whose pleas we have already answered, that's where we are.


Rescue doesn't end when the animal enters Shaw PBR (or any rescue), even though most of the HRW's (hysterical rescue women) have forgotten about them the second they were rescued... There is vetting, grooming, housing, heart worm preventative, flea preventative, medication, surgeries, transport and food/water needs.  Most rescues are begging daily for help - albeit for funds, food or volunteers - and while there are many who do answer our (and by our, we do not mean just us, we mean rescues in general) pleas for help, more often than not, our pleas fall on deaf ears.

So, when asking where are all the rescues and rescuers, remember they are all asking the same question... Where are all the people who wanted this dog saved? Where will the funds come from to pay for this dogs surgery? How will we afford this animals daily medication? How are the AW's (armchair warriors) helping now?


So, before asking where are all the rescues are .... ask what are you actually doing to help? Everyone can do something... 



Shaw PBR

368 Old New Hope Road

Columbus, MS 39702

662.386.SHAW (7429)





662.386.SHAW (7429)

Columbus, Mississippi

FEIN: 46-0852468

DUNS: 078737353

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide abused, abandoned or homeless pit bull dogs with the medical attention they need; as well as the love and attention they deserve to heal - both emotionally, and physically.


We will work to facilitate the rescue and placement of abused or abandoned pit bulls into responsible homes and participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment; spay/neuter; food and shelter.


We are dedicated to fostering responsible pit bull ownership through education, adoption, and breed advocacy.